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Sequence types: Tuples,

Lists, and Strings

Sequence Types
1. Tuple: (‘john’, 32, [CMSC])
 A simple immutable ordered sequence of
 Items can be of mixed types, including
collection types
2. Strings: “John Smith”
– Immutable
– Conceptually very much like a tuple
3. List: [1, 2, ‘john’, (‘up’, ‘down’)]
 Mutable ordered sequence of items of mixed
Similar Syntax
• All three sequence types (tuples, strings, and
lists) share much of the same syntax and
• Key difference:
– Tuples and strings are immutable
– Lists are mutable
• The operations shown in this section can be
applied to all sequence types
– most examples will just show the operation
performed on one
Sequence Types 1
• Define tuples using parentheses and commas
>>> tu = (23, ‘abc’, 4.56, (2,3),
• Define lists are using square brackets and commas
>>> li = [“abc”, 34, 4.34, 23]
• Define strings using quotes (“, ‘, or “““).
>>> st = “Hello World”
>>> st = ‘Hello World’
>>> st = “““This is a multi-line
string that uses triple quotes.”””
Sequence Types 2
• Access individual members of a tuple, list, or
string using square bracket “array” notation
• Note that all are 0 based…
>>> tu = (23, ‘abc’, 4.56, (2,3), ‘def’)
>>> tu[1] # Second item in the tuple.
>>> li = [“abc”, 34, 4.34, 23]
>>> li[1] # Second item in the list.
>>> st = “Hello World”
>>> st[1] # Second character in string.
Positive and negative indices

>>> t = (23, ‘abc’, 4.56, (2,3),

Positive index: count from the left, starting with 0
>>> t[1]
Negative index: count from right, starting with –1
>>> t[-3]
 The next major build-in type is the Python STRING ---
an ordered collection of characters to store and
represent text-based information

 Python strings are categorized as immutable

sequences --- meaning they have a left-to-right order
(sequence) and cannot be changed in place
Types and Operators: Strings and Operations Thereon
Strings are ordered blocks of text
Strings are enclosed in single or double quotation marks
Double quotation marks allow the user to extend strings over multiple
lines without backslashes, which usually signal the continuation of an
Examples: 'abc', “ABC”
Concatenation and repetition
Strings are concatenated with the + sign:
>>> 'abc'+'def'
Strings are repeated with the * sign:
>>> 'abc'*3
Single- and Double-Quoted
Single- and Double-Quoted strings are the
>>> ‘Hello World’ , “Hello World”

The reason for including both is that it allows

you to embed a quote character of the other
inside a string
>>> “knight’s” , ‘knight”s’
The len build-in function returns the length of

>>> len(‘abc’)

>>> a=‘abc’
>>> len(a)
 Adding two string objects creates a new string object

>>> ‘abc’ + ‘def’

>>> a=‘Hello’
>>> b=‘World’
>>> a + b
>>> a+ ‘ ’ +b
Repetition may seem a bit obscure at first, but
it comes in handy in a surprising number of
For example, to print a line of 80 dashes
>>> print ‘-’ * 80
Strings and Secret Codes
In the early days of computers, each
manufacturer used their own encoding of
numbers for characters.
ASCII system (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange) uses 127 bit codes
Python supports Unicode (100,000+

Strings and Secret Codes
 The ord function returns the numeric (ordinal) code
of a single character.
 The chr function converts a numeric code to the
corresponding character.
>>> ord("A")
>>> ord("a")
>>> chr(97)
>>> chr(65)

Strings share many features with lists
>>> smiles = "C(=N)(N)N.C(=O)(O)O"
>>> smiles[0]
>>> smiles[1]
>>> smiles[-1]
'O' Use “slice” notation to
>>> smiles[1:5] get a substring
>>> smiles[10:-4]
String Methods: find, split
smiles = "C(=N)(N)N.C(=O)(O)O"
>>> smiles.find("(O)")
Use “find” to find the
>>> smiles.find(".") start of a substring.
Start looking at position 10.
>>> smiles.find(".", 10)
-1 Find returns -1 if it couldn’t
find a match.
>>> smiles.split(".")
['C(=N)(N)N', 'C(=O)(O)O'] Split the string into parts
with “.” as the delimiter
String operators: in, not in
if "Br" in “Brother”:
print "contains brother“

email_address = “clin”
if "@" not in email_address:
email_address += "“
String Method: “strip”, “rstrip”, “lstrip” are ways to
remove whitespace or selected characters
>>> line = " # This is a comment line \n"
>>> line.strip()
'# This is a comment line'
>>> line.rstrip()
' # This is a comment line'
>>> line.rstrip("\n")
' # This is a comment line '
More String methods
email.startswith(“c") endswith(“u”)

>>> "" % "clin"


>>> names = [“Ben", “Chen", “Yaqin"]

>>> ", ".join(names)
‘Ben, Chen, Yaqin‘

>>> “chen".upper()
More String methods
email.startswith(“c") endswith(“u”)

>>> "" % "clin"


>>> names = [“Ben", “Chen", “Yaqin"]

>>> ", ".join(names)
‘Ben, Chen, Yaqin‘

>>> “chen".upper()
Unexpected things about strings
>>> s = "andrew" Strings are read only
>>> s[0] = "A"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item
>>> s = "A" + s[1:]
>>> s
“\” is for special characters
\n -> newline
\t -> tab
\\ -> backslash
But Windows uses backslash for directories!
filename = "M:\nickel_project\reactive.smi" # DANGER!
filename = "M:\\nickel_project\\reactive.smi" # Better!
filename = "M:/nickel_project/reactive.smi" # Usually works
Types and Operators: Indexing and Slicing (1)
Indexing and slicing
Python starts indexing at 0. A string s will have indexes running from 0 to
len(s)-1 (where len(s) is the length of s) in integer quantities.
s[i] fetches the ith element in s
>>> s = 'string'
>>> s[1] # note that Python considers 't' the first element
't' # of our string s
s[i:j] fetches elements i (inclusive) through j (not inclusive)
>>> s[1:4]
s[:j] fetches all elements up to, but not including j
>>> s[:3]
s[i:] fetches all elements from i onward (inclusive)
>>> s[2:]
Types and Operators: Indexing and Slicing (2)
Indexing and slicing, contd.
s[i:j:k] extracts every kth element starting with index i (inlcusive)
and ending with index j (not inclusive)
>>> s[0:5:2]
Python also supports negative indexes. For example, s[-1] means
extract the first element of s from the end (same as s[len(s)-1])
>>> s[-1]
>>> s[-2]
Python's indexing system is different from those of Fortan, MatLab, and
Mathematica. The latter three programs start indexing at 1, and have
inclusive slicing, i.e. the last index in a slice command is included in the
Types and Operators: Arrays (1)
Note: arrays are not a built-in python type; they are included in third-party
packages such as Numeric and NumPy. However, they are very useful to
computational math and physics, so I will include a discussion of them

Basic useage:
Loading in array capabilities: # from here on, all operations involving
arrays assume you have already made this step
>>> from numpy import *
Creating an array:
>>> vec = array([1,2,3])
Creating a 3x3 matrix:
>>> mat = array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])
If you need to initialize a dummy array whose terms will be altered later,
the zeros and ones commands are useful;
zeros((m,n),'typecode') will create an m-by-n array of zeros, which
can be integers, floats, double precision floats etc. depending on the type
code used
Types and Operators: Arrays (2)
Arrays and lists have many similarities, but there are also some important
Similarities between arrays and lists:
Both are mutable: both can have elements reassigned in place
Arrays and lists are indexed and sliced identically
The len command works just as well on arrays as anything else
Arrays and lists both have sort and reverse attributes
Differences between arrays and lists:
With arrays, the + and * signs do not refer to concatenation or repetition
>>> ar1 = array([2,4,6])
>>> ar1+2 # Adding a constant to an array adds the constant to each
[4,6,8,] # in the array
>>> ar1*2 # Multiplying an array by a constant multiplies each term in
[4,8,12,] # the array by that constant
Types and Operators: Arrays (3)
More differences between arrays and lists:
Adding two arrays is just like adding two vectors
>>> ar1 = array([2,4,6]); ar2 = array([1,2,3])
>>> ar1+ar2
Multiplying two arrays multiplies them term by term:
>>> ar1*ar2
Same for division:
>>> ar1/ar2
Assuming the function can take vector arguments, a function acting on an
array acts on each term in the array
>>> ar2**2
>>> ar3 = (pi/4)*arange(3) # like range, but an array
>>> sin(ar3)
[ 0. , 0.70710678, 1. ,]
Types and Operators: Arrays (4)
More differences between arrays and lists:
The biggest difference between arrays and lists is speed; it's much faster
to carry out operations on arrays (and all the terms therein) than on each
term in a given list.
Example: take the following script:
tt1 = time.clock()
sarr = 1.*arange(0,10001)/10000;
sinarr = sin(sarr)
tt2 = time.clock()
slist = []; sinlist = []
for i in range(10001):
tt3 = time.clock()
Running this script on my system shows that tt2-tt1 (i.e., the time it
takes to set up the array and take the sin of each term therein) is 0.0
seconds, while tt3-tt2 (the time to set up the list and take the sin of
each term therein) is 0.26 seconds.
Types and Operators: Mutable vs. Immutable Types (1)
Mutable types (dictionaries, lists, arrays) can have individual items
reassigned in place, while immutable types (numbers, strings, tuples)
>>> L = [0,2,3]
>>> L[0] = 1
>>> L
>>> s = 'string'
>>> s[3] = 'o'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object does not support item assignment
However, there is another important difference between mutable and
immutable types; they handle name assignments differently. If you assign
a name to an immutable item, then set a second name equal to the first,
changing the value of the first name will not change that of the second.
However, for mutable items, changing the value of the first name will
change that of the second.
An example to illustrate this difference follows on the next slide.
Types and Operators: Mutable vs. Immutable Types (2)
Immutable and mutable types handle name assignments differently
>>> a = 2
>>> b = a # a and b are both numbers, and are thus immutable
>>> a = 3
>>> b
Even though we set b equal to a, changing the value of a does not change
the value of b. However, for mutable types, this property does not hold.
>>> La = [0,1,2]
>>> Lb = La # La and Lb are both lists, and are thus mutable
>>> La = [1,2,3]
>>> Lb
Setting Lb equal to La means that changing the value of La changes that
of Lb. To circumvent this property, we would make use of the function
>>> La = [0,1,2]
>>> Lb = copy.copy(La)
Now, changing the value of La will not change the value of Lb.
• Same as lists but
– Immutable
– Enclosed in parentheses
– A tuple with a single element must have a comma
inside the parentheses:
• a = (11,)
• >>> mytuple = (11, 22, 33)
• >>> mytuple[0]
• >>> mytuple[-1]
• >>> mytuple[0:1]
• The comma is required!
• No confusion possible between [11] and 11

• (11) is a perfectly acceptable expression

– (11) without the comma is the integer 11
– (11, ) with the comma is a list containing the
integer 11
• Sole dirty trick played on us by tuples!
Tuples are immutable
• >>> mytuple = (11, 22, 33)
• >>> saved = mytuple
• >>> mytuple += (44,)
• >>> mytuple
(11, 22, 33, 44)
• >>> saved
(11, 22, 33)
Things that do not work

• mytuple += 55
Traceback (most recent call last):Z

can only concatenate tuple (not "int") to
– Can understand that!
Sorting tuples
• >>> atuple = (33, 22, 11)
• >>> atuple.sort()
Traceback (most recent call last):

'tuple' object has no attribute are immutable!
• >>> atuple = sorted(atuple)
• >>> atuple
[11, 22, 33]
sorted( ) returns a list!
Most other things work!
• >>> atuple = (11, 22, 33)
• >>> len(atuple)
• >>> 44 in atuple
• >>> [ i for [i for i in atuple]
[11, 22, 33]
The reverse does not work
• >>> alist = [11, 22, 33]
• >>> (i for i in alist)
<generator object <genexpr> at
– Does not work!
Converting sequences into tuples
• >>> alist = [11, 22, 33]
• >>> atuple = tuple(alist)
• >>> atuple
(11, 22, 33)
• >>> newtuple = tuple('Hello World!')
• >>> newtuple
('H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!')

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