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5th national robot contest

Presentation on general aspects

of electronics
Presented by
Deepak Parajuli
Giresh kunwar
What is ROBOT
“ an automatically controlled,
reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulator
programmable in three or more axes, fixed or

widely used in manufacturing, assembly and packing,

transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry,
laboratory research, and mass production of consumer and
industrial goods.
ROBOT Dissection
Mechanical body

Electronic automation

Automatic movement or manual control

Major Electronics
 Sensors
 Main controller (robot brain)
 Motor drivers and actuators
 Language and Tools(assembly ,c , keil, mplab)
 Simulators(proteus, EWB)
General Block Diagram of Robotic
Sensor conditioning

Output interfaces

sensor Microcontroller

Touch sensor
Photo diode
Photo transistor
Ultra Sound
Image sensor
Gyro sensor
Use of sensors
White strip(line) detection
Proximity detection
Obstacle detection
Obstacle avoidance
Inter robot communication
Main controller(robot brain)
Different families of microcontroller
 ATMEL, Motorola, Texas Instuments, Zilog
 Microchip PIC
 AVR etc.
Selection Criteria of microcontroller
 Computing needs of the task efficiently(speed, memory, I/O ports, Power
consumption, cost/unit)
 Availability of software development tools(compiler, simulator,
assembler, debugger, technical support)
 Market availability
 Availability of reliable source of information
Motor Driver circuits and Motors
Electromechanical Relay switching
Relay driver(ULN 2003)
MOSFET H- bridge
 Wiper motor (high torque low speed)
 Dc motor (moderate torque/ moderate speed)
 Stepper motor (precise control/low torque)
 Blocking the noise from motor controller and motors to pass to the
main controller circuit.
Motors (cont...)

Gear headed DC motor

Wiper motor

Stepper motor
H- bridge
Relay switching

DPDP relay with “ice

cube” packaging
Solid state relay

Different relay
PCB designing
 Mechanical etching(etching machine takes more than 1 hr)
 Chemical etching(Conc HCl and H2O2 takes 30 minutes)
 Single layer PCB
 Double Layer PCB
 Multi layer PCB
Circuit design considerations
 Avoid large looping of wires (cause noise coupling)
 Avoid large component leg length(acts as antenna in high frequency)
 Greater conductor spacing (to reduce noise coupling)
 Avoid ground looping(to eliminate unwanted current to flow)
 Place decoupling capacitor across each IC (to eliminate noise to pass to the
Software aspects of microcontroller
It deals with inputs that comes from real world and give
output to the real world.

Popular microcontrollers:
8051 family : AT89s51, AT89s52, AT89C51, AT89C52
PIC family : PIC16F877A
AVR controllers
PIC and AVR controllers available in markets have extra
features like PWM,ADC than 8051.
On-Chip Facilities Overview
Parallel Input/Output Ports
System Clock Generator
Serial Port

PIC 16F877A
Parallel Input/Output Ports
Four 8-bit I/O ports.
Each bit is individually usable for up to 32 1-bit ports.
All ports are bidirectional and direction can be set in
SFRs in software.
Some of the pins have alternate functions.
System Clock Generator
circuit System Clock

8051 uses 12 system clock cycles per machine cycle.

PIC 16F877A uses 4 system clock cycles per machine
Timer / Counters
8051 has two 16-bit programmable timers.
Timers increment on each system clock.
Each timer is associated with corresponding SFRs
(TLx, THx, TMOD) and can be read or written to.
Generate delay.
Measure time interval between events.
Generate time out signals.
8051 has five sources of interrupts:
Two External Hardware Interrupts
Two Timer interrupts
Serial port events (buffer full, buffer empty)

Interrupt enabled or disabled using SFRs(IE, TCON).

Serial Port (UART)
8051 has one serial port.
TX (transmit)

Port RX (receive)

Data can be sent and received serially.

Baud rate must agree between sender and receiver.
Transmission modes are selected using SFRs(SCON).
Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)
Used for generating variable speed.
PWM uses single bit output to generate an analog
value proportional to the desired speed of the motor.
Software tools and languages
Languages we have been using to make brain of Robot:
• Assembly language
• C language
Software tools and languages
Software tools used to simulate brain of Robot:
• SDCC(small device c compiler, free and open source)
• Keil (free version is limited .... Like it can debug only 2k out
of 8k code in at82s52,produce hex file of max size up to 16k)
• MPLAB IDE(free IDE provided by MPLAB for PIC
controllers bundled with assembler s and C compilers and
debuggers from various vendors but these compilers are
limited in free version
• Proteus VSM
• Software tools for AVR are generally free and open source
Best of luck for 5th national robot contest

Thank you

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