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Codes and conventions of a DPS

Column width is close
together, paragraphs
are almost
indistinguishable as to
where they begin. The
text is mostly aligned
to the left and is
positioned around the
main image of the
people – there is less
focus on the text.
The size of the title is very
large and bold so it stands
out, as well as the bright
yellow colour. The subtitle size
is significantly smaller than the
title, and only features ”being
human” as being bold - as
this is the title of the show. The
text below that is much
smaller so it has less
importance. There is text
explaining who the
characters are, with larger
text for their names and
smaller text for the description
There is a lot of use of
space, there is hardly
any blank space. This is
good because
everything is compact
and looks tidy.
The colours on this page
are quite dark and
brown, which contrasts
with the bright yellow of
some of the text, the
yellow is brightest
feature of the dps
There is a main image
which takes up majority
of the dps, it is focused
upon as it is in the centre.
It features four characters
of the tv show looking
dramatically into the
camera, perhaps to build
excitement for the show.
There are two secondary
images which are
significantly smaller and
are used for context as
they are next to a piece
of text, and have a small
subtitle to explain the
The page numbers
are quite small
compared to other
text on the page,
and are on the far
corners of both
pages. They are
accompanied with
text ”TV Satellite
Week” for context.
The branding is of the tv show as the dps
is being used to advertise it. There is also
branding of “BBC3 & BBC HD” as we
understand the drama will feature on this
channel, so it is promoted.
There is use of captions
on the images, to tell us
who the characters are
of the show and some
information about
them. This tells us the
audience isn’t towards
fans, but to everyone.
The text is
integrated with the
image as lots of
the text is
coloured white
against the dark
background, there
is lots of use of
white or yellow
boxes behind the
text. This makes
the text easier to
read. Text is used
to give context so
it is linked
The main image is an image
which continues along both
pages, it shows the four main
characters of the show in full,
long shots. All characters give
eye contact to the camera and
are positioned intentionally to
show relationship between each
other. There is lots of props used
as mise en scene such as the first
aid kit, the binoculars and the
old looking room, perhaps to
encourage interest and mystery
from the viewer.
There are references to mode of
address. There is use of the first person
plural pronoun “we” used in the
subtitle of the page, this already
includes us as an audience. This is
repeated in a quote at the bottom
right of the page which uses this
pronoun again. The possessive
pronoun ”your” further includes us as
an audience as it is refers to the
The design of this
dps is quite simple,
it features a large
title which
continues slightly
over the page,
with a subtitle
below followed by
two paragraphs of
texts. As the
intention of this dps
is to promote the
new drama, there
are mostly
references and text
related. The main
image and
secondary images
also link to the
purpose of
My overall
impression of this
article is that it
looks quite
professional, there
is good use of
colours as the light
colours contrast
with the dark. It
looks like it is aimed
for a teenage or
adult audience
because of the
darker colours. The
main image is quite
significant and
gives backstory of
the drama, as well
as the secondary
There is no use of a drop cap,
although the significantly larger title
than the rest of the text has the same
effect. Some of the text is in bold to
highlight and catch attention. We
understand that ”being human” is the
name of the drama, and perhaps “in
a gloomy” is bold to show the reader
where the start of the paragraph is.
The denotation of
The connotation of the
noun fiends is hatred,
enemies or evil.
The target audience of this dps
are teenagers to adults. This is
because the dps uses a
relatively dark colour scheme
(except for the yellow) which
shows maturity and is not what
you would expect in a children’s
tv show advertisement. The
drama also includes werewolf,
which the character kneeling
down might be – telling us that
the drama has fantasy, which
may interest teenagers. The
show is also going to be
available on bbc3 which has an
audience of teenagers to young
adults – further emphasizing the
audience of the dps. There is
also lots of specialized words
such as the nouns “fiends” or
“limbo” which can be like slang,
and more understandable by
the audience.
Representations of
The target audience of

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