RE Report

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The relationship of indigenous peoples to their
lands and resources deserves particular attention,
since it is fundamental expression of their identity.
Due to powerful agro-industrial interests or the
powerful processes of assimilation and
urbanization, many of these peoples have already
lost or risk losing the lands on which they live,
lands tied to the very meaning of their existence.
The rights of indigenous peoples must be
appropriately protected. These peoples offer
an example of a life lived in harmony with the
environment that they have come to know
well and to preserve. Their extraordinary
experience, which is an irreplaceable resource
for all humanity, runs the risk of being lost
together with the environment from which
they originate.
The environment and the sharing of
goods The principle of the universal
destination of goods also applies
naturally to water, considered in
Sacred Scriptures as a symbol of
purification (cf. ps 51:4; Jn 13:8) and
of life (cf. Jn 3:5; Gal 3:27).
"As a gift from God,
water is a vital element
essential to survival; thus,
everyone has right to it."
Satisfying the needs if all, especially of
those who live in poverty, must guide the
use of water and the services connected
to it. Inadequate access to safe drink
water affects the well being of a huge
number of people and is often the cause
of disease, suffering, conflicts, poverty,
and even death.
For a suitable solution to this problem, it
"must ne set in context in order to establish
moral criteria based precisely on the value
of life and the respect for the rights and
dignity of all human beings." By its very
nature water cannot be treated as just
another commodity among many, and it
must be used rationally and in solidarity
with others.
The distribution of water is traditionally
among responsibilities that fall to public
agencies, since water is considered a
public good. If water distribution is
entrusted to the private sector, it should
still be considered a public good.
The right to water, as all human rights,
find its basis in human dignity and not
in any kind of merely quantitative
assessment that considers water as a
merely economic good. Without water,
life is threatened. Therefore, the right
to safe-drinking water is universal and
inalienable right.
New Lifestyle Serious ecological problems call
for an effective change of mentality leading to
the adoption of new lifestyles, "in which the
quest for truth, beauty, goodness, and
communion with others for the sake of the
common good are the factors that determine
consumer choices, savings and investments."
These lifestyles should be inspired by
sobriety, temperance and self-discipline at
both the individual and social levels. There
is need to break with the logic of mere
consumption and promote forms of an
agricultural and industrial production that
respect the order of creation and satisfy
the basic human needs of all.
These attitudes, sustained by a renewed
awareness of the interdependence of all
the inhabitants of the earth, will
contribute to eliminating the numerous
causes of ecological disasters as well as
guaranteeing the ability to respond
quickly when such disasters strike
peoples and territories.
The ecological question must not be
faced solely because of the frightening
prospects that environmental
destruction represents; rather, it must
above all become a strong motivation
for an authentic solidarity of worldwide
dimensions. Worship Creation is always
an object of praise in Israel's prayer.
In the book Psalms, the chosen people
continually express their gratitude to
God through the song of praise and
worship. A song of praise Psalm 33:1-9
All you that are righteous, shout for joy
for what the Lord has done; praise him,
all you that obey him.
Give thanks to the Lord with harps, sing
to him with stringed instruments. Sing a
new song to him, play the harp with skill
and shout for joy. The words of the Lord
are true, and all his works are
dependable. The lords loves what is
righteous and just; his constant love fills
the earth.
The Lord created the heavens by his
command, the sun, moon and stars
by his spoken word. He gathered all
the seas into one place; he shut up
the ocean depths in storerooms.
Worship the Lord, all the earth! Honor
him, all peoples of the world! When he
spoke, the world was created; at his
command everything appeared. Prayer
Service I. Introduction We all know that
out if God's love, he created a beautiful
perfect to provide human beings a place
to live and enjoy our lives.
Let us once again recall how God created the
world as we meditatively sing the entrance
song. II. Entrance song Pag-ibig mo ama III.
Church Teaching The duty to cultivate and care
for the earth The old testament presents God
as the omnipotent Creator who fashions man
in his image and invites him to work the soil,
and cultivate and care for the garden of Eden in
which he has placed him.
To the first human couples God entrusts
the task of subduing the earth and
exercising dominion over every living
creature. The dominion exercised by man
over other living creatures, however is not
to be despotic or reckless; on the contrary,
he is to "cultivate and care for" the goods
created by God.
These goods were not created by man, but
have been received by him as a precious
gift that the Creator has placed under his
responsibility. Cultivating the earth means
not abandoning it to itself; exercising
dominion over it means taking care of it, as
a wise king cares for his people and
shepherd his sheep.
IV. Reflection 1 God entrusted human
beings the important responsibility to be
the steward of his creations, to cultivate,
transform and subdue the earth. Let us
reflect how man responded to God's
invitation in taking dominion over living
creature as described in the song Masdan
Mo ang kapaligiran.
Ryan cayabyab
Return to a land called paraiso
A place where a dying river ends.
No birds there fly over paraiso,
No space allows them to endure.
The smoke that screens the air,
The grass that’s never there.
And if I could see a single bird, what a joy .
I try to write some words and create
A simple song to be heard
By the rest of the world.
I live in this land called paraiso,
In a house made of cardboard floors and walls,
I learned to be free in paraiso,
Free to claimanything I see.
Matching rags for my clothes, plastic bags for the
And if empty cans were all I haver, what a joy .
I never fight to take someone
Elese’s coins and live with fear
Like the rest of the boys.
Paraiso, help me make a stand.
Paraiso, take me by the hand
Paraiso, make the world understand
That If I could see a single bird, what a joy.
This tired and hungry land could expect
Some truth and hope and respect
From the rest of the world.
VI. Closing prayer
With humble heart, let us pray to the lord.
A prayer for social action
Jack reamer(adapted)
We cannot merely pray to God to end war;
For the world was made in such a way
That we must find our own path of peace
Within our selves and with our neighbor.
We cannot merely pray to God to end disease:
For we already have great minds
For we already have eyes
With which to see the good in all people
If we would only use them rightly.
We cannot merely pray to God to end starvation;
For we already have the resources
With which to feed the entire world
If we could only use them wisely
We cannot merely pray to God to end
With which to search out cures and heal8ings
If we could only use them constructively.
Therefore we pray instead
For strength, determination, and will power,
To do instead of merely to pray
To become instead of merely may be safe,
And that our lives may be blessed.
Our lifestyle greatly affects human lives
and our environment. We are
encouraged to make a constant
evaluation on how we live our lives
and how we contribute in the
preservation or destruction of mother
-make an honest self evaluation of your
-analyze if you are supporting or contradicting
the earth-saving movement.
-use the chart provided below
-write your lifestyle on the first column.
-on the second or third column, explain briefly if
it is a support or against the earth saving
A. My personal lifestyle
Support Against
I. Food selection and -majority are junk foods and are

Eating habit not healthy

- the use of styropom and plastic

Ex. Eating instant

I. Fashion style( clothing,
accessories, cosmetics)

I. Hobbies, recreation/

I. The use of appliances

and gadgets
B. write an easy of your personal
resolution on how you will improve or
change your lifestyle in response to
gods call in taking care of his creation
My personal
For the second time, let us
STOP, PAUSE , and LOOK at the
ongoing crisis happening all
throughout the world. LISTEN
attentively to God’s call to
protect and preserve the world
How will you respond to this call?
Form three groups and make a concrete plan of
action on how you will support the advocacy on
environment protection and preservation.
Group 1
Make leaflet disseminating
information about the” 3r’s
camping”- Reuse, reduce, Recycle
or the proper waste management.
You can use the given sample as your guide.
Important things to remember
Kinds of garbage and what to do
Yard waste -dry leaves -separate the biodegradable and non-
Kitchen waste -fruits& vegetable seeds biodegradable
-leftover and spoiled foods
-pork and chicken bones
-fish bones and gills
recyclable -bottle/glass, paper and boxes, iron, -bring the recyclable material to
tin can, plastic materials recovery facility or junkshop
Residual -sanitary napkin and diapers, rags, - place in one container and separate
old shoes, used tissue paper, candy from the biodegradable
wrappers, shampoo, coffee, ketchup
sachets, cigarette butts

Tree branches, old tire, old sofa -coordinate with the barangay to
-ink cartridge, refrigerator, air inform the environmental protection
conditioner, washing machine, TV and waste management department
set (EPWMD)
Group 2
Write articles in support of the ongoing
campaign, “no to Mining” and “ non-
concersion of Agricultural land to
Group 3
Compose song encouraging people to
preserve the mother earth.
• 1. What is the title of the report
• 2. Water is considered in Sacred Scriptures as a
symbol of _______.
• 3. This right must be appropriately protected.
• 4-9. Inadequate access to safe drink will result to…
10. What is the date of the landfall of typhoon Yolanda?
11.-15. A wise king cares for his people and shepherd his
sheep (explain the sentence)
16. In this book, the chosen people continually express
their gratitude to God through the song of praise and
17.-18. what are the two powerful agro-industrial
19. In Maslow hierarchy of needs, water belongs to?
20. It is a gift from God and a vital element essential to
• 1. Care for Creation
• 2. Purification of life.
• 3. The rights of indigenous people.
• 4. Inadequate access to safe drink will result to…
• 5. suffering
• 6. conflicts
• 7. poverty
• 8. Disease
• 9. Death
10. November 8, 2013
11.-15. Key word( Care, Guide, and Lead)
16. Palsm
17. Powerful processes of assimilation
18. Powerful processes of urbanization
19. Physiologic/cal needs
20. Water

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