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Camila Maciel Campolina Alves Mantovani
Maria Aparecida Moura

ë he mobility issue can be discussed

from different aspects of our
contemporary culture:
± the means of transportation,
± the wi-fi cities,
± the migratory movements,
± the social mobility, among others.

ë An especially prolific field to analyze

the developments of ³mobile age´ is
the scientific one.

ë cience has always been about


± scientific practice involves constant

exchange and interaction among
people and information in different
contexts and with many different
motivations as well.

ë cientific Lifestyle:

± the  

of the
researchers seems to be an inherent
attribute to the practice, in view of the
conferences, symposia and others
scientific meetings.

ë cientific Lifestyle:

± he traditional scientific publication
process and the new emerging ways
(the 2.0 science)

ë esides disseminating scientific


  is changing due to
the technology and the collaborative
processes that emerge in this

ë According to URRY (2007), the

development of information and
communication technologies
provided the so-called  



ë esides the typical activities of
being in motion, the author
highlights the fact that 

, especially those related
to work and the more intimate

ë hat does it mean to the scientist

being on the move, or rather to
experience the productive mobility?

ë hat does it mean being able to

move using technologies that make
this movement productive from
scientific practice standpoint?

ë e believe that mobile technologies

have brought about significant
changes in such practices.
± In the recent years, the exercise of
scientific practice has been built
increasingly based on the ability of the
researchers to deal with data,
information and interactions that take
place in digital environments.

ë Regarding specifically to mobile

technologies, to some extent, we
can say that they have enriched and
broadened the research field.
ë ut thinking about the social



ë irst, there is the creation of new

spaces and also new objects for
studying the social phenomena: the
mobile networks and the
informational and interactional flows
that arise from various formats.



ë econdly, there is the fact that

researchers can make use of these
technologies in an attempt to
capture the dynamics of the studied

ë Mobility and mobile technologies

could enlarge the laboratory or the
research field.
± he change or the extension of data
collection mechanisms by the
researcher, as well as the ease and
variety of media through which we can
implement the records, is something

ë In this context, we are challenged to

see how this new relationship
between scientific practice and use
of information and communication
technologies is being established,
having as a starting point the
researcher and his practices.



Camila Maciel Campolina Alves Mantovani
Maria Aparecida Moura

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