Learning Recovery Presentation For Research Paper 6.02 and 6.03

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Research Paper

Step 1:
 Think of a topic.
Wind surfing Snowboarding
Dance Hang gliding
A career Surfing
Horseback Sailing
riding, Camping
Fishing Hiking
Archery Trail riding
Hunting Spear fishing
Mountain Snorkeling

 Write down your topic.

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Step 2:
• Go to Google or Yahoo and search for ONLY two reliable
sources of information about the topic. (history, jobs available,
benefits of it…and so on).

 Print the information or save it to your favorites, or save as a

word document.
 Save the website address somewhere! You will need it later!

• Websites that are not reliable as sources are blogs, wikis (such
as www.wikipedia.com), and personal web pages of individuals.

Reduce or minimize this page, and go search for your sources.

Search like this:
History of _________(add your topic here)
Careers in _________(add your topic here)
Health benefits of _______(add your topic here)

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Create Your Outline
Step 3
You will turn in your outline for Assignment 6.02C
SCUBA Diving
Mrs. King (Replace your name here)

Paragraph I: Introduction
A: What is SCUBA?
B: Brief history (add the website here)
(cite: http://www.thescubaguide.com/introduction/)

Paragraph II: Gear

A: What you need to have
B: What it all does for you (add the website here ) (cite: http://www.divemaster.com/diving-

Paragraph III: Enjoying the sport

A: Where to dive
B: How to get there
C: How to document your dive
D: Conclude

 Now create your outline.

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Outline Rubric
 Follow the example but with your topic and your
 Capitalize the first word of each heading.
 Use Roman numerals for the headings.
Subheadings must have both an “A” and a “B”.
 Use capital letters for the headings under the
Roman numerals
 Indent correctly.
Submit your assignment now. 
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Step 4
Use your outline to write your paper
Come up with a hook sentence!
Ever think about turning your passion into a career?
Some people think of _______ as just a hobby.
The sweet smell of success doesn’t always happen easily. It takes a
rigorous education to become a professional __________but it pays off
in the end.

Write your hook then keep going. Follow your outline and add details and examples to
complete your paper.

Have someone read your paper before you submit it.

Be proud of your work !

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Final Draft
 Wrote an topic sentence which is (also known as a thesis statement).
 Organized the paper, and it makes sense
 Cited two sources in the paper in MLA format
 Used the same sources on the Works Cited page.
 Indented paragraphs
 Used proper spelling, punctuation and grammar
 Capitalized and centered the title of the paper
 Included student’s name, teacher’s name, and date under the title on the
left margin.
 Include the works cited page at the end of the paper
 Wrote 500 words (looks like about five100 word paragraphs or two pages)

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Excerpt from a research paper

….face to face and in writing. When a person with ADD is

daydreaming, it can help to make eye contact with the
person. The eye contact “pulls” them away from their
daydream so they can pay attention (Hallowell and
Ratey 34). Students with AD(H)D can usually focus
better in a quiet, “low distraction” work area (“General
Information” 19). One author suggests that college
students with AD(H)D use the last 15 minutes of each
study period to review their progress on their various
projects and to plan what they will need to do the next
day (Latham 36).
 Note the source cited in parenthesis.
 Note the page number after the author or title.
 Note the period after the parenthesis.
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Sample Works Cited Page

Works Cited

Booth, Rebecca C. "List of Appropriate School-Based Accommodations and

Interventions." National Attention Deficit Disorder Association. 1998. 16
Jan. 2001. <http://www.add.org/content/school/list.htm>.
“General Information about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder” Fact
Sheet Number 19 (FS19). The Academy for Educational Development and
the Office of Special Education Programs. August 1999. 16 January 2001.

 Notice that the heading is in the middle.

 Notice that the first word of the citation goes on the left margin and the
following lines are indented!
 Note the title of the article is in quotation marks.
 Notice the periods and capitalization and also the dates. Model this.
 Notice that the sources are not numbered.
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Additional Information
and Sample Paper
• Use the following resources to help you with making sure you’re
citing in MLA format:
– http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/02/
– http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/03/
– http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/09/

• Here is a sample MLA-style research paper. It is WAY

longer than yours has to be. I want you to please note the
way the sources are cited in the text and then again
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