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Training & Development

In today’s world, if training and

development opportunities are
not made available to your
employees, you will lose them.

Access to training and development has

become a fundamental expectation of today’s
Training & Development

 Train for the current

role while developing for
the next.
 Use structured
mentorship programs to
ensure skill transfer
 Develop, develop,
Why Training is needed?
• To familiarize the employee with the company’s culture
• To increase the employee’s quantity and quality of output
• To cope with the environmental changes and ensure smooth
transformation process
• To enable the employee to do new jobs and prevent his old skills
to become obsolete
• To prepare the employee for promotion to higher jobs
• To reduce supervision, wastage and accidents
• To build second line workers
• To impart the requisite skills to the employees so as to adapt to
latest technological advances
Importance of Training
1. Higher productivity & profitability
2. Better quality of work
3. Less learning period
4. Cost Reduction
5. Reduced supervision
6. Low accident rate
7. High morale
8. Helps eliminating fear in taking up new tasks
9. Helps in self-development & Personal growth
of employees
Importance of Training
10. Improves job knowledge & skills
11. Better corporate image
12. Helps in understanding the organisational
13. Aids in development of promotion from within
14. Improves Labour – management relations
15. Creates appropriate climate for growth &
Training Process Model
Steps in Training Programme

I. Assessment of II. Developing

Training needs Training
Present – Desired
Performance Performance Programme

IV. Evaluating
III. Conducting
Training &
Follow up
Methods used for Assessment of Training
Organisational requirements / weakness
Departmental requirements / weaknesses
Job specifications & employee specifications
Identifying specific problems
Anticipating future problems
Exit interviews
Customer survey
Quality circles
Group conferences
Questionnaire surveys
Difference between
Training & Development

Technical skills & Managerial & behavioural

knowledge skills & knowledge
Specific job-related Conceptual & general
Short – term Long – term
Mostly technical & Non- Mostly for managerial
managerial personnel personnel
Training Methods
On-the-Job Off-the-Job

Job rotation Vestibule training

Coaching Role playing
Job instructions Lecture methods
Committee Assignments Conferences / Open

Systematic process of growth

& development by which the
managers develop their
abilities to manage
What is the need for
Management Development?
 Techno managers like chemical engineers, mechanical engineers
etc. need to be developed in the areas of managerial skills,
knowledge & abilities
 To provide technical skills n& conceptual skills to non-technical
managers and managerial skills & conceptual skills to technical
 The intensive competition necessitates the development of
 The emergence of new concepts like TQM, ERP, BPR etc.
necessitates the management to offer developmental programmes
Principles of Development
 Management should assess the development needs of its managers at
different levels through performance analysis
 Management should decentralise the responsibility of developing the
managers of different departments to the head of the departments
 Every manager of the organisation should be motivated to take up
developmental programmes
 Management development programme is a continuous process

 Encourage the managers to take up such programmes on their own

 Management should make use of MDP’s organised by reputed

institutions like IIM’s XLRI, NITIE etc.

 The physical, social & psychological climate for the programmes

should be conducive
 MPD’s should be directed towards latest management concepts,
principles & techniques
Development Methods
On-the-Job Off-the-Job
Coaching Case study
Job rotation Role playing
Understudy In basket method
Business game
Sensitivity training
Training in emotional



Evaluation of Training Programme
Reactions of Trainees

Learning – in terms of quantity of content & ability to

apply the content

Job behaviour

Value addition – in terms of increased productivity,

quality, sales turnover, profitability etc.

Measurement of past & previous reports on

absenteeism, scrap, accidents, breakage etc.

Evaluation of improvement in trainee’s skill level


Promotion is advancement of an
employee to a better job – better
in terms of responsibility, status
& salary
Types of Promotion
Vertical Employee is moved to the next higher
Promotion level in org. hierarchy with greater
responsibility, authority & salary
Job Job is upgraded to the next higher
upgradation level in org. hierarchy with greater
responsibility, authority & salary
Ex. Sales Officer position in Group D is
upgraded to Group C
Dry Promotion Employee is moved to the next higher
level in org. hierarchy with greater
responsibility, authority without any
increase in salary
How is Promotion beneficial?
 To utilize employee’s skill & knowledge at the appropriate level

 To develop competitive spirit, develop employee’s self-development &

inculcate the zeal to acquire the skills required at higher level jobs
 To promote a feeling of content in the employees

 To build loyalty & boost morale

 To reward committed & loyal employees

 To get rid of the problems created by the leaders of workers’ union by

promoting them to the officers’ level where they can’t create problems

 To reduce labour turnover

Bases of Promotion



Merits Demerits
The resources of an Measurement of merit is
employee can be better difficult
utilised at the higher level
Competent employees are Many people distrust the
motivated to contribute management’s integrity in
with full efficiency & judging merit
Stops turnover of
competent employees
Encourages other
employees to enhance
theirs skills & knowledge
Merits Demerits
Easy to measure the length of Employees learn up to a
service & judge seniority certain age & beyond that
stage their learning ability
Trade unions support this Demotivates competent
system employees and results in
employee turnover
Senior employees are highly Kills the zeal to develop as
satisfied as they get the everybody will be promoted
respect & their inefficiency with or without development
can not be pointed out on their turn
Gives a sense of certainty of
getting promotion to every
employee on their turn
Reduces scope for favoritism
& discrimination
Problems with Promotion

 Employees who are promoted may develop negative

attitude and reduce their contributions to the organisation

 When promotion is clubbed with transfer to an unwanted

place. The promotion may be refused

 Promotion may be refused if the employee feels that he will

be incompetent to carry out the new job and he will be
delegated unwanted responsibilities

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