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Group 12, Written By:

Nova Rahmita Balkis (932200514)

Rizki Amalia Intias (932201214)
Class A
 Antithesis is a rhetorical device in which
two opposite ideas are put together in a
sentence to achieve a contrasting effect.
Antithesis emphasizes the idea of contrast
by parallel structure of the contrasted
phrases or clauses, i.e. the structures of
phrase and clauses are similar in order to
draw the attention of the listeners or
readers. In antithesis there is usually
grammatical balance as well as contrast in
 The process of assigning human
characteristics to nonhuman objects,
abstractions or ideas. Attributing personal form
to such nonhuman objects and ideas is a
standard rhetorical device in poetry. Thus we
frequently find poets addressing the moon as
a lady, referring to her beauty. We talk about
the lady beauty and about old man river. In
allegorical dramas or poems certain
characters are personifications of various
qualities like virginity or virtue, evil or eternity,
etc. the poet thus personifies qualities or
describes them as if they were in fact people.
 Hyperbole is exaggeration of a statement,
usually deliberate and not meant to be taken
literally, Hotben D. Lingga (2006: 286).
Hyperbole is a literary device often used in
poetry, and is frequently encountered in casual
speech. Occasionally, newspapers and other
media use hyperbole when speaking of an
accident, to increase the impact of the story.
No one imagines that hyperbolic statement is
to be taken literally. It can also be termed as
overstatement. It may be used to evoke strong
feelings or to create a strong impression, but is
not meant to be taken literally.

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