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Foods to Add to Your Shopping List!

Foods to protect your heart:

 Garlic-helps lower cholesterol
 Onions-sulfur compounds decrease blood clotting
 Oats-bioflavonoids prevent plaque build-up
 Cold water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines)
 Grape juice, red wine (resveratrol)
 Nuts
 Fruits and vegetable
 Green tea
Foods to Add to Your Shopping List!

Foods to keep your mental edge:

 Berries
 Tea-especially green (catechins)
 Green leafy vegetables-spinach, kale
 Dark skinned fruits- red apples, nectarines
Foods To Add To Your Shopping List!

Foods to fortify the immune system

 Yogurt with live cultures
 Tea-black, oolong, pekoe, green
 Fruits and vegetables-think deep colors!
 Nuts-walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds
 Onions, garlic
 Salmon
Mediterranean Diet
• Study in British Medical Journal (April 2005)
• 74,00 healthy men and women aged 60 and over
from European countries
• Eating Mediterranean diet was linked to longer life (1
• Largest association seen in Greece and Southern Italy
• Exercise and limited portions
also played key role
Mediterranean Diet
• No single healthy component
• Mostly plant foods-fruits, vegetables, beans,
nuts, whole grains
• Lots of fish and smaller amounts of beef,
poultry and dairy
• Drink alcohol in moderation
• Don’t limit fats but use primarily olive oil
Anti-aging Way of Eating

• 8-10 fruits and vegetables daily (include one

citrus fruit, 2 dark green leafy vegetables)
• 6 or more servings of whole grains
• 3 servings nonfat milk or fortified soy milk
• 2 servings legumes or fish

From book, Nutrition for Women, Elizabeth Somer,

MA RD, 2003
Anti-aging Way of Eating
• 1 to 3 cloves garlic
• 8 or more glasses of water
• Eliminate unnecessary calories (empty
calories that do not provide nutrients)
Pills or food?
Combination of nutrients found in foods are
thought to have greater protective effects
than each nutrient taken alone as a
“Aging is out of your control. How you handle it,
trough, is in your hands”

Diane Von

Makan dan minum dengan bijaksana,

dan hidup gembira hari ini
dan esok hari

Kesehatan adalah akumulasi

kebiasaan-kebiasaaan jangka panjang

Hiromi Sinya, MD., 2007

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