The Role of The Teacher

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 The role of a teacher is to help students apply concepts,
such as math, English, and science through classroom
instruction and presentations. Their role is also to
prepare lessons, grade papers, manage the classroom,
meet with parents, and work closely with school staff.
 The role of a school teacher in a student's life is a very
important thing. And also a teacher has a major role in
the life of a student. Teachers who help us grow as
people are responsible for imparting some of life's most
important lessons. ... A role model is someone we
admire and someone we aspire to be like
the role of the teacher
 facilitator of learning

 leading discussions,

 asking open-ended questions

 guiding process and task

 and enabling active participation of learners and

engagement with ideas
 the consultant, from whom learners can ask questions.

 Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the

classroom. Teachers set the tone of their classrooms,
build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students,
become role models, and listen and look for signs of
 * The following characteristics and qualities, he/she can become a very good
teacher with large fan base too.

 Friendliness and Congeniality. ...

 A Good Personality. ...

 Deep Knowledge and a Great Education. ...

 A Good Communicator. ...

 A Good Listener. ...

 A Good Sense of Humor. ...

 Kindness.

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