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Food Preservations

Choosing Good Quality Foods for
Good quality preserves start with the
proper selection of good quality
ingredients. Whether this is fruit, vegetable,
meat, fish, or poultry, it is important to
know the characteristics to look for in the
food you are buying.
The following are guides in the proper
selection of food for preservation:
 Vegetables or fruits
1. Fresh with bright color characteristics of
the specific fruit or vegetable
2. Free from cuts, bruises and blemishes
3. Preferably in season, because they are in
abundance, cheap and are usually in
their freshest stage
4. Have pleasant smell or odor
characteristic of the fruit and vegetable
The following are guides in the proper
selection of food for preservation:
 Vegetables or fruits
6. Of uniform sizes and shapes
7. Of the right degree of maturity and
ripeness required for preservation
The following are guides in the proper
selection of food for preservation:
 Fish
1. Fresh with the characteristics of slightly
seaweed smell
2. Has bright tight scales
3. Eyes are clear and gills are bright red in
4. Of uniform sizes and shapes required for
5. Body is firm and is well-shaped
The following are guides in the proper
selection of food for preservation:
 Meat (Pork)
1. Has color ranging from pinkish to bright red
depending on the variety and age of the hog.
2. Does not have foul or unpleasant odor
3. Skin is white and not thick (about 0.5 mm thick).
4. Has well-marbled fat distributed in the lean
5. Fat should not be more than I cm thick
6. Lean meat is smooth and fine grained which
means the hog is young.
Guides to Wise Buying
 1. Prepare a list of what to buy, where to buy, when to buy, and
the amount to spend in buying needed items. It helps to write in
your list a detailed description or specification of every item or
ingredients you need for a specific recipe. For example, if you
plan to make “papaya pickles”, you can write the following in
your list:
1 kilo green papaya, grated, no seeds, no yellow color, uniformly
grated, crisp, and fresh
 2. Buy those which are in season because they are abundant,
cheap, and are in their freshest.
 3. Buy at the time when vegetables are very fresh and when fish
and meat have just arrived in the market. Observe the best time
to buy different kinds of food.
 4. Survey the market to find the lowest price for the best quality.
 5. Establish a suki who is trustworthy and reliable.
Guides in Preparing Your Food Preserves
 1. Select the right and quality of ingredients needed for the
recipe. For example, green saba is good for banana chips,
while ripe saba is good for saba in syrup.
 2. Wash all ingredients properly. Cut off unwanted portions.
Pare the skin thinly to remove blemishes or bruises which may
affect the flavor of the product.
 3. Prepare all ingredients in the correct amount or quality
prescribed by the recipe. Remember to measure properly
using standard measuring cups and spoons or weighing
 4. Prepare equipment and tools for preparing and cooking.
Wash thoroughly to remove dirt and unpleasant odor.
Guides in Preparing Your Food Preserves
 5. Always maintain strict hygiene and sanitation, starting with
the surroundings, tools and equipment, and ingredients.
 6. Wear your kitchen working outfit. Remove pieces of
jewelry, especially rings, watches and bracelets. Then wash
your hands thoroughly before starting to work.
 7. Read and follow the instructions in the recipe carefully,
form the exam measurement of ingredients to the step by
step procedure in cooking. If possible, post a copy of the
recipe in front of your working table to remind you of what to
do every step of the way.
 8. Remember to sterilize your bottles and another containers
before using them. They should be free from bacteria that
may spoil the food.

 4 cups green papaya, grated

 1 small red pepper, seeded and cut into strips
 1 cup vinegar
 2 small carrots, pared and sliced thinly
 1 small green pepper, seeded and cut into strips
 2 tbsp. ginger strips
 5 gloves garlic, thinly sliced
 ¼ cup thinly sliced onions
 5 tsp. raisins
 Pickling solution: 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar, 2
teaspoons salt
1. Combine grated papaya and coarse salt.
Knead together for a few minutes. Squeeze out
the juice.
2. Soak the grated papaya in 1 cup vinegar
overnight, then squeeze out the vinegar from the
3. Boil the pickling solution (vinegar, sugar, and
4. Once boiling, add vegetables and raisins.
5. Pack grated papaya in sterilized jars. Pour the
hot pickling solution.
Ginger Sauce

 2 tablespoons soy sauce
 ½ cup water
 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger
 1 piece siling labuyo (crushed)
 Combine all ingredients and serve with the pickled

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