Luke 12

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Jesus Teaches on Being Fearless 12:1-12

Jesus taught the disciples that God values them,
and he warned them about denying Jesus.
Jesus told them that whoever blasphemes
against the Holy Spirit would not be forgiven.
Jesus finally encouraged them, telling them
that when the time comes for them to be
brought in front of the authorities, the Holy
Spirit would help them know what to say.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
Luke - chapter 12

6 sections
1. Jesus warns against hypocrisy – vv 1-12
2. The parable of the Rich Fool – vv13-21
3. Jesus teaches about seeking after God – vv
4. The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-48
5. Jesus comes to Divide – vv49-53
6. Understanding the Signs – vv54-59
The Leaven of the Pharisees (12:1-12)
In the old days, when people made bread, they included an
ingredient called leaven. Leaven is a yeast that makes
bread rise. It creates air pockets in the dough, which
end up being the tiny holes of air in finished bread.
Have you ever had bread that had air pockets in one
end of the loaf, and none in the other? No. Bread that
has these air pockets has them evenly distributed
throughout the bread. That's because when you put
leaven in dough, it affects the whole loaf.
Jesus compares this to our lives. You can't include a little
sin in your life without affecting your whole soul. He
warned His disciples that they couldn't be a little bit
hypocritical. Any hypocrisy (not practicing what they
preached) would make then unreliable and sinful.
Hypocrite 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in
contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings . (Merriam-Webster Online)
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Warning Against Being a Hypocrite 12:1-3

The crowds were trampling one another, so
Jesus took the disciples aside and taught
Jesus told the disciples to watch out for the
Pharisees because they were hypocrites.
Jesus said that nothing will be covered up. He
warned that whatever a person tries to hide
will be revealed.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
Jesus warns against hypocrisy
– vv 1-12

Jesus warned his disciples

1. against the “yeast of the Pharisees” – their
hypocrisy which could, like yeast, slowly
spread and influence others to take the
same attitudes
2. that whatever is hidden or kept a secret
would become known in the end, even
whatever has been said in secret.
Jesus warns against hypocrisy
– vv 1-12

3. to fear God who has the authority to sent

people into hell forever if they reject Him
and not human beings who can only kill the
4. Anyone who said a word against Jesus
could be forgiven but he who said evil
things against the Holy Spirit would not be
The Leaven of the Pharisees (12:1-12)
Analysis of verses 1-12
1. Avoid all hypocrisy (v1)
2. For a time will come when even a man’s secret thought will be
disclosed (v2-3).
3. Therefore, speak out boldly without fearing men (v4).
4. The One 2b feared is God, Who knows your secret thought (v5).
5. Men are powerless to injure you, for God is your protector (v6-7)
6. I (Jesus) will acknowledge you at the last day (v8-9).
7. Judgment will be given against men according to the manner in
which they receive you (v10).
8. The judgment and condemnation of men may be disregarded
The Leaven of the Pharisees (12:1-12)
“…but whoever says evil things against the
Holy Spirit will not be forgiven” (v10b)

Blasphemy (evil things – pg 58h)

1. Attributing the miracles of Jesus wrought
in the power of the Spirit to Satanic
2. Contemptuous rejection of Jesus as the
3. Continuous attitude of hardening of heart
against God by having an attitude of
calling what is of God evil and from
Satan good.
Jesus warns against hypocrisy
– vv 1-12

Jesus assured his disciples

1. that if God who cares for the sparrows
which are not worth much, and if God even
knows the number of hairs on their heads,
surely God would find them of more worth
than many sparrows.
Jesus warns against hypocrisy
– vv 1-12

2. that for those who declare publicly that they

belong to Him, he would also declare before
the angels of God that they belong to him.
But, he would publicly reject before the
angels those who reject him publicly.
3. Not to be fearful about what to say when
they were brought to trials because the Holy
Spirit would teach them what to say before
their accusers.
The parable of the Rich Fool
– vv13-21

a man in the crowd asked Jesus to tell his
brother to divide the property left by their
father with him
Jesus refused to be their judge instead,
warned them about greed
“Watch out & guard yourselves from every kind
of greed; because a person’s true life is not
made up of the things he owns, no matter
how rich he may be.”
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The Parable of the Rich Fool 12:13-18

Someone asked Jesus if he would tell his
brother to divide the family inheritance with
Jesus responded by warning the crowd
about greed and told them a parable.
In this parable, a rich man had such a large
crop, that he tore down his barns and built
bigger ones in order to hold all of his grain.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
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The Parable of the Rich Fool 12:19-21

The man thought he was set for life, but he

ended up dying that night.
Jesus warned the crowd not to trust their
own wealth and forget about God.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
Parable of the Rich Fool (12:13-21)
Told after the question of one, “Teacher, tell my brother to
divide with me the property our father left us.”

Purpose: To guard against covetousness, “because a person's

true life is not made up of the things he owns, no matter
how rich he may be.”

The sin of the rich fool was greed and selfishness – total
disregard to God.

A thought: Is it a sin to be rich then? 

of the

The parable of the Rich Fool
– vv13-21

A rich man
- had land which bore good
- began to think about what
he should do with all his
- decided he would tear
down all his barns & build
bigger ones to store all his
The parable of the Rich Fool
– vv13-21

- was please with himself

that he had all that he
needed for many years
- told himself to take life
easy, to eat, drink and
enjoy himself
The parable of the Rich Fool
– vv13-21

But, that night God

- called him a fool
- told him that he would have
to die that very night
- asked him who would now
get all the things that he
had kept for himself?
The parable of the Rich Fool
– vv13-21

Jesus concluded that

- our life is in God’s hands and we would never
know when is our time to die
- We need to be rich towards God and not pile
up riches for ourselves because what we
store for ourselves will become useless if God
calls us to give up our lives.
Beware of one’s attitude to obtaining wealth
The rich man’s error was how he viewed what
had become his.
Movie time (2 minutes)
The Man

Trustfulness (12:22-30) (track 51:45-53:12 disc 1)

Trustfulness (12:31-34) (track 54:34-54:45 disc 1)

Jesus teaches about seeking after God
– vv 22-34

Jesus assures his disciples not to be anxious about life

“And so I tell you not to worry about the food you need
to stay alive or about the clothes you need for your
1. Life was much more important than needs such as
food and clothes
2. If they could not manage a small thing like
increasing their life span by worrying about it, then
they should not bother worrying about other things
Trustfulness (12:22-30)
Our Lord does not warn His disciples
against prudence and foresight, which
provides for the future, but against
allowing themselves to be harassed
and vexed with its uncertainties.
(v23) God Who gave the greater, viz.,
the life, the body, will give the less,
viz., food, clothes.
The Ravens (12:24)
The raven is seen virtually everywhere - nesting in
sheer cliffs in the bush or hopping along city
streets on garbage day. It is a very intelligent bird
and an `opportunistic feeder' feasting on
everything from carrion to groceries left in the
back of pick-up trucks.
The largest member of the crow family, the raven has
a body length of up to 70 centimetres. Ravens
range in pairs and mate for life, laying four to
seven green spotted eggs in nests.
Not so good looking, no need to sow or reap, no
storehouse and yet God feeds them (v24).
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Don’t Worry 12:22-28

Jesus taught the disciples not to
worry about what they will eat
or wear.
Jesus pointed out that God
feeds the ravens and dresses the
lilies, and they don’t worry.
Then he said that God cares
more for people than for the
birds and the flowers. 
Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
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Don’t Worry 12:29-34

Jesus told the disciples
not to worry and to
make God a priority.
In addition he warned
them not to trust their
own wealth because
God can detect where
their true devotion and
trust lay. 
Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
Jesus teaches about seeking after God
– vv 22-34

3. If God would take care of the crows and the wild

flowers, how much more God would provide for

4. The pagans of the world are always concerned

about their physical needs but they, his disciples
were not to be like them because they have a
heavenly Father who knew their needs.

5. Instead, they were to be concerned about God’s

Kingdom first and He would provide them with what
they needed.
The Lilies (12:27)
Consider the lilies, how they grow;
they neither toil nor spin; yet I
tell you,

even Solomon in all his

glory was not arrayed
like one of these.
Trustfulness (12:24-34)
… God feeds them! You are worth so
much more than birds! (v24)
… It is God who clothes the wild
grass — grass that is here today
and gone tomorrow, burnt up in
the oven. Won't he be all the more
sure to clothe you? How little faith
you have! (v28)
Instead, be concerned with
his Kingdom, and he will provide
you with these things. (v31)
Jesus teaches about seeking after God
– vv 22-34

6. God was pleased to give His Kingdom to

them if they sought after what was
important in God’s eyes.
7. They were to sell all their belongings and to
give the money to the poor. They would
thus provide for themselves purses that do
not wear out. They would save their riches
in heaven where they never decrease
because no thieves could ever get to them
nor could they be destroyed by moths
The Parable of the faithful and the
unfaithful Servant (12:35 - 48)
• About the second coming of the Lord (v40)
• Three watches by the Jews
(6-10pm; 10pm-2am; 2-6am)
• He primarily addresses the parable to His followers.
• Lessons: A82Q4
1. God’s people to be like a faithful servant, faithfully carrying out
the work He has given to each one.
2. He would come at a time least expected. He would either reward
those who have been faithful, or punish those who neglected to
do what they were supposed to do.
3. God expects much from those to whom He had given much and
to those whom He has given much more, He expects even more.
Jesus comes to divide (12:49 - 53)
• Why is Jesus distressed? (v49-50)
Jesus longed for God’s salvation plan to be
fulfilled. However at the same time, the baptism,
i.e. the suffering He would bear on the cross,
would be a great cost to Him.
• Why the conflict that He would bring? (v51-53)
The cross challenges people to make a decision.
Those who choose to reject it would oppose
those who do, leading to divisions which may
run even through families.
Understanding the signs (12:54 - 59)

• Why did Jesus accuse the people of being

hypocrite? (v54-56)
They could look at the signs in the sky and
predict the weather but yet they were unable to
interpret the signs of the present time. They
could look at what Jesus was doing and yet not
recognise the signs that God’s kingdom in the
person of Jesus had come into their midst.
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

Jesus’ call to his disciples on His coming again

1. Dressed for action
2. Keep lamps lit
3. Be ready for whatever comes

Jesus used 2 pictures to illustrate this:

The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

Picture #1
Servants, dressed for action, with lamps lit as
they wait for their master to come back from a
wedding feast.
They will open the door at once for the master
when he comes back and knocks regardless of
the time.
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

These servants whose master finds them

awake and ready when he returns are blessed.
He will take off his coat, have them sit down
and will wait on them.
Picture #2
A house owner who, if he knows when the thief
will break into his house, will not allow the thief
to come in
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

Important for the disciples to be ready for Jesus’

coming because
1. they do not know when he is coming again
2. he would come at a time whey they would not
be expecting him
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

Wise & faithful servant:

- The one whom the master puts in charge to
run his household
- To look after the other servants in the house
- Blessed if the master comes back and finds
him doing all his work
- Put in charge of all the master’s property
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

Unfaithful servant:
- Thinks that his master will take a long time to
come back
- Begins to beat the other servants
- Eats & gets drunk
- The master will come back one day when he
is not expected
- Punished severely by the master
- Made to share the fate of the disobedient
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

The servant who knows what his master wants

him to do, but does not get himself ready and do
it, will be punished with a heavy whipping.

The servant who does not know what his master

wants and yet does something for which he
deserves punishment, will get lighter whipping..
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

- God expects His people to be like a faithful
servant, faithfully carrying out the work that
He has given to each one.
- God would come at a time when He is not
expected and He would either reward those
who have been faithful, or punish those who
neglected to do what they were supposed to.
The parable of the Faithful and the
Unfaithful Servant – vv35-

3. God expects much from those to whom He
had given much and to those whom He had
given much more, He expects even more.
Jesus comes to Divide
– vv49-53

Jesus came:
1. To set the earth on fire i.e. to bring
2. To bring division and not peace to the
Jesus comes to Divide
– vv49-53

Salvation involves both judgement and the
death of Jesus at the cross and something not
accepted by everyone.

Those who reject would take offence at Jesus

& at those who accept Him.
Jesus comes to Divide
– vv49-53

Would happen in a family  there would be

those who reject Jesus and who react
negatively to those other family members who
accept him.
Understanding the Signs
– vv54-59

Jesus accused the crowd of being hypocrites:

- could look at the signs in the sky & predict
the weather
- but were unable to interpret the signs of the
present time
- could look at what Jesus was doing and yet
not recognise the signs that God’s Kingdom
in the person of Jesus had come into their
Understanding the Signs
– vv54-59

The right thing to do:

- Example of a lawsuit
- Should do their best to settle a lawsuit
before it is brought to court
- Otherwise, would be dragged before a
judge and handed over to the police and
end up in jail.
- Would stay in jail until they paid the last
penny of their fine
Understanding the Signs
– vv54-59

Settle accounts with God or else the prospect

of judgment remains.
One will be held accountable for every sin one
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Watchful Slaves 12:35-46

Jesus told the disciples to be prepared for him
and his return.
He told them a parable about slaves who are
waiting for the master to return to a wedding
Jesus said the slaves who are ready to serve the
master, no matter when he returns, are blessed;
but the ones who forget their duties because their
master has delayed in returning will be punished.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
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Watchful Slaves 12:47, 48

Jesus explained that the slaves who knew
what was expected of them and failed
will receive a harsher punishment than
the slaves who did not know what was
expected of them.
God expects and demands more from
those who have been entrusted with a lot.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
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Judgment 12:49-59
Jesus said that he came
to bring fire, judgment,
and division.
Jesus wondered how the
people could interpret
the weather, but
couldn’t interpret who
he was or what his
mission was. 
Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
Review on Luke 7 assignment
Be detailed – missing points missing marks
Do not assume the examiner knows – story of the
two debtors, describe in details what it is.

Write & underline topics – e.g. In Simon’s House and Two

Jewish Customs. Some missed out this part of three marks!

Thorough knowledge vital – “As they were eating, a sinful

woman came into the house” vs “In that town was a woman who lived a sinful life. She
heard that Jesus was eating in the Pharisee's house, so she brought a…” The first
passage seems to indicate that the woman just happened to come into the house. The
second passage is complete. The woman came in because she wanted to meet Him. But
in exam, safer to write “she heard that Jesus was eating…” Marks are awarded for
accurate details.

Let us hear some comments from others.

- students’ performance.ppt

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