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The ne Minute

Author : Kenneth Blanchard

Spencer Johnson
o Introduction to the Book Author
o Secrets of One Minute Manager
• First Secret
• Second Secret
• Third Secret
o Types of Manger
o Game Play

Dr. Kenneth Blanchard Dr. Spencer Johnson

Chairman of
Blanchard Training and Development, Inc.
(BTD), is an internationally known author,
educator and consultant/trainer. He is the
co-author of the highly acclaimed and most
widely used text on Leadership and
organization behavior. He presently serves as
a professor of Leadership and Organizational
Behavior at University of Massachusetts,

Dr. Kenneth Blanchard

Chairman of Candle Communications
He is active author, publisher, lecturer and
communications consultant. He has written
more than a dozen books dealing with
medicine and psychology, and has over
three million copies of his books in print.

Dr. Johnson’s education includes a degree

in psychology from the University of
Southern California.

Dr. Spencer Johnson

Introduction of the book
The One Minute Manager is an easily
read story which quickly shows you three
very practical management techniques.
As the story unfolds, you will discover why
these apparently simple methods work
so well with so many people. By the
book’s end you will also know how to
apply them to your own situation.

The book is brief, the language is simple,

and best of all ... it works!
The First Secret:
One Minute Goals
The foundation for One Minute Management
Organizations when you ask people
what they do and then ask their boss, all too
often you get two different lists.

80 – 20 goal-setting rule
80% of your really important results will
come from 20% of your goals. So you only do
One Minute Goal Setting on that 20%.

Write out each goal on a single sheet of paper

using less than 250 words
Benefits of One Minute Goals
• No surprises – everyone knows what is expected from the beginning.

• Employee is responsible for solving his own problems and achieving the
goals he/she has set.

 When faced with a difficult situation, manager should encourage

employee to Think, Analyze, and Act on the problem.

 Both manager and employee will benefit

• Manager has more time to focus on his work.
• Employee learns how to think around problems and solve them.

• Positive impact on productivity, efficiency and self-development of

The Second Secret:
One Minute Praising
 Manager’s promise of providing feedback on a timely
 Manager should observe employees’ activities closely
 Employee should keep and share with manager
detailed records of his/her progress
 Catch employees doing something right
 Manager then gives employee a One Minute Praising
Benefits of One Minute Praising's
• By providing instant and sincere feedback, and praising, the
employee will:
 Feel more please with their work
 Gain more confidence
 Try to continuously improve
 Develop a good relationship with their manager

• No surprises at time of Performance Review (PR)

 Why do some managers wait until the PR to assess employee
 Timely feedback may correct behaviors and performance instantly and
return better results
The Third Secret:
One Minute Reprimands Summary
• Occurs when manager is aware of a mistake made by
• When manager is aware, they should:
 Respond quickly by meeting with the employee in private
 Confirm the facts
 Shares his feelings about the situation

• The manager then:

 Affirms how competent the employee is
 Says that he knows the action caused by employee is
something manager is not used to seeing in their
 Encourages the employee not to make the same mistake
Benefits of One Minute Reprimands
• Serve as a way to quickly respond and correct employee’s bad

• Manager does not wait until Performance Review to inform employee

• Employee realizes that Manager wants him to succeed

Types of manager
1. Autocratic Manager
– They always keep on top of the situation
– They are Hard-nosed, profit minded individuals
– Their organizations seemed to win while their
people lost

2. Democratic Manager
– They are participative, supportive and nice
– They want to be more close to their
– They give more importance to people than
The Managers Role
• Effective ways to manage people in a little amount of

• 3 steps you can use to manage people successfully

• Managers can help people stay motivated to work


• We can become our own managers and make

decisions for ourselves
The One Minute Manager’s “GAME PLAN”
• The steps in this book are designed to help us achieve our goals and

• Managers who care about their employees successes will inspire

them to perform at a higher level with enthusiasm

• “People Who Feel Good About Themselves Produce Good Results”

• “Happy Employees are Productive Employees”

• Each of you should have your own copy of this book…will you read it
and take the time to consider how it might help?

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