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Introduction to CFD

(Part 1)
KCEC 3213 & 4113
What is CFD?
 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is the use of
computers and numerical methods to solve problems
involving fluid flow.
 It is a numerical tool to solve the equations of Fluid
Dynamics by suitable methods which can capture the
essential physics of fluid.

Real experiment CFD simulation

Wind tunnel testing
 Previously, the aerodynamic
study used wind tunnel
experiment to study the effect of
air moving past solid objects.
 This system consists of a closed
tabular passage with the object
under test mounted in the
middle. A powerful fan system
moves air past the object; the fan NASA wind tunnel with the
must have straightening vanes to model of a plane.
smooth the airflow.
Wind tunnel testing

 The test object is instrumented with a sensitive balance to

measure the forces generated by airflow; or, the airflow may
have smoke or other substances injected to make the flow
lines around the object visible.
Example of wind tunnel water particle flow
visualization of a wind turbine airfoil.
Wind tunnel testing (example)
Wind tunnel testing (example)
Why use CFD?
 Many simulation of fluid flow (will) enable:
 Architect designers:
 To design a comfortable and safe living environments
Why use CFD?
 Many simulation of fluid flow (will) enable:
 Automotive engineers:
 To design vehicles to improve the aerodynamic characteristics
CFD used in car design
Why use CFD?
 Many simulation of fluid flow (will) enable:
 Chemical engineers:
 Used to maximize the yield from their equipment
Why use CFD?
 Many simulation of fluid flow (will) enable:
 Doctor (surgeons):
 to cure arterial diseases (computational hemodynamics)

Why use CFD?
 Many simulation of fluid flow (will) enable:
 Meteorologists:
 to forecast the weather and warn of natural disasters
Why use CFD?
 Many simulation of fluid flow (will) enable:
 Military organizations:
 Example to develop weapons and estimate the damage from explosive
The main strengths of CFD tools
1. Complete domain data and better flow visualization of
 The CFD solutions give value of pressure, density, etc. at all the
locations inside the domain as opposed to wind tunnels which
can only give surface data values. Although wind tunnel testing
give very clear picture of flow characteristics but fails to
provide the information of flow parameters which can easily
obtained from CFD simulation results.
 Typical wind tunnel setup consume large amount of time as
compared with CFD setup and the post processing of CFD
results can give more clearer picture rather than wind tunnel
The main strengths of CFD tools
2. Convenient ways to alter design:
 The geometry modifications through CAD data can quickly
modify immediately compared with actual physical models
require much more time and effort for adjustments.
 CFD is thus much cheaper as compared to wind tunnel testing
as they require a huge expensive setup and maintenance.
 Wind tunnels testing are only found at the large companies,
some university, and government agencies whereas CFD tools
can be used by small companies having sufficient expertise on
flow physics and the software use.
The main strengths of CFD tools
3. Measurement of certain quantities:
 Monitoring and measuring wind direction, pollutant
concentration (by density value), radiation, chemical reactions,
species concentration: these are extremely difficult task in wind
tunnel testing whereas the information from a CFD result is
much flexible accounting for each of these unique aspects.
The main weakness of CFD tools
1. Acceptance of results:
 Wind tunnel simulation results are still much accepted in the
engineering design because of they represent the real physical
model. CFD solutions rely upon physical models of real world
processes (e.g. turbulence, compressibility, chemistry,
multiphase flow, etc.). The CFD solutions can only be as
accurate as the physical models on which they are based.
 Some of CFD solution on a computer invariably introduces
numerical errors
 Many CFD simulation results are often been criticized by
academic researcher because insufficiently found exact solution
even though they found satisfactory in engineering process.
The main weakness of CFD tools
2. Software skills and experienced people:
 Some of CFD results can be erroneous and do not coincide
with real world results. This is due to lacking of software skill
and knowledge on the flow physics to interpret the results in
correct way.
 Sometimes the size of project modeled is limited by computing
power specification. In such cases, the simulation of flow
surround the tall building will much important to includes the
small items such as trees, people, vehicles etc.
 Therefore wind tunnel simulation can better represent such
king of effect as there is no limitation on the size and
complexity of the model.
 CFD is a method to numerically calculate heat transfer
and fluid flow.
 Currently, its main application is as an engineering
method, to provide data that is complementary to
theoretical and experimental data. This is mainly the
domain of commercially available codes and in-house
codes at large companies.
 CFD can also be used for purely scientific studies, e.g. into
the fundamentals of turbulence. This is more common in
academic institutions and government research
laboratories. Codes are usually developed to specifically
study a certain problem.
Group Assignment 1
 Produce a discussion report and presentation on the
following statements:
 Choose any product or system in existing real world and
discuss it how that design relate to the used of CFD analysis.
 Identify any possible aerodynamic /fluid flow / heat flow or any
related problems that applying CFD analysis in that design.
 Explain why it is important to do CFD simulation for do an
improvement on that design.
 Each group should have different product or system
 Work in group of two student.
 Submit your report after 6th week of semester (13 Oct)
by your own report format.

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