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Chapter One

The Gift of Being Human

Act Human
Helps to help us be true to ourselves:
1. Everyone doesn’t have to like us.
2. It’s okay to make mistakes.
3. Other people are okay; so are you.
4. You don’t have to control everything.
5. We are responsible for how we feel and what we do.
6. It is important to try.
7. We are capable and can change. The same is true of
8. We can be flexible.
Humans are Made in the
Divine Image We are
God freely magnificent
created creatures, the
humans out summit of God’s
of love. Christian creative activity.
God has put
God is the beliefs humans in charge
Creator; we of the rest of
about creation,
are not. We
are God’s creation commanding us
to lovingly care
creatures. for and use it for
Act Human
God makes us in the divine image

Humans are unique because God made us in

the divine image, enabling us to share in
God’s own life.
 We are spiritual beings who possess
incomparable dignity, value, and worth.
 We are made out of love, for love,
and to love.
Act Human?
God created us as complementary beings,
male and female:
Complementary – “making up what is
lacking in the other.”
The nature and purpose of
marriage comes from God – not
from civil law or the Church.
God made us equal in dignity
Humans are sexual beings and God
declares what he made, including his
sexual nature, is very good. We have
bodies and souls.
Act Human
Creation is Good Nihilism

A philosophy that denies

there’s any meaning in
existence or in religious
beliefs. The only thing
that matters after life is
nothingness, annihilation
Human Dignity
Dignity is the quality of being worthy of
esteem or respect. Every human
person has worth and value
because each person
is made in God’s

means inborn
or inherited, something
that does not need to be earned
or acquired
Our Spiritual Nature
What separates humans from other
earthly creatures?
Ability to think
Free will
Ability to love
Responsible beings
Capacity to grow
Our Spiritual Nature
Free Will

“The power rooted in

reason and will [that
enables a person], to
perform deliberate actions
on one’s own
Our Spiritual Nature
Principle of Subsidiarity solidarity
“Sum total of social
subsidiarity conditions that allows
people, either as
groups or as
individuals, to reach
their fulfillment more
fully and more
The Christian
easily.” (Pastoral
virtue of social
Constitution of the
charity and
Church in the
The principle of friendship
Modern World, 26)
Catholic social
teaching that holds
that a higher unit of
society should not
do what a lower unit
can do as well (or
better) common good
The Social Nature of Humans
God made us social beings.
It is part of our human nature to live
in various societies.
Societies are groups that are bound by
a principle of unity that goes beyond
each individual in these communities
(e.g. families, neighborhoods, schools)
Humans are Wounded by Sin
Original Sin

The consequences of the sin of

our first parents; the hereditary
stain with which human beings
are born because of our origins
or descent from Adam and Eve
Humans are Wounded by Sin
God’s love and
salvation revealed
through the life,
Paschal passion, death,
Mystery resurrection, and
(ascension) of Jesus
Christ. The
sacraments, especially
the Eucharist,
celebrate this great
mystery of God’s love
Humans are Wounded by Sin

Page 40
Free will
Common good
Original sin
Paschal mystery

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