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Environmental Auditing
- an environmental management tool
for measuring the effects of certain
activities on the environment against set
criteria or standards
Functional Audit (activity or issue audit)

- An activity audit that investigate

specific area such as energy or water use.
Energy Audit
-illustrate where building improvements can
save energy and water consumption, reduce
greenhouse gases and save money through more
efficient energy use.

Consist of the following:

• building evaluation
• survey and analysis of energy flows
Water Audit
- trace water use from its point of entry
into the facility through its discharge into
the sewer. They identify each point of water
use within and around the facility and
estimate the quantity of water used at each
of these points.
1 – 2 What does an energy audit consist of?
3. One of the main types of environmental audit, it
investigate specific area such as energy or water
4. An environmental management tool for
measuring the effects of certain activities on the
environment against set criteria or standards

5. Identify each point of water use within and

around the facility and estimate the quantity of
water used at each of these points.
1. Building evaluation
2. Survey and analysis of energy flows
3. Functional Environmental Audit
4. Environmental Auditing
5.Water Audit

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