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• Linux uses the kernel to address and control

the machine hardware.
• Kernel can be considered the heart of the
linux operating system.
• On top of this kernel linux gives users the shell
interface to tell this kernel and the services
running on top of it what they should do.
• Several shell are available, the very first shell
that was ever created for unix back in 1970
was the Bourne shell. (/bin/sh)
• Another shell that is available in unix like
operating system is BASH(Bourne again shell)
• Bash shell is completely compatible with the
original Bourne shell, but it has many
• Other available shell are:-
• Dash
– A shell that is best suited for regular administration task
• Tcsh
– A shell with a scripting language that works like the c
programming language
• Zsh
– A shell that is compatible with Bash, but offer even more
• Sash
– A stand alone shell that is best for troubleshooting

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