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Potala Palace

Miguel Chaverria
Woodrow Wilson HS


1. 13 floors (380ft)high. 987ft from valley floor.

1200ft wide,888ft long. 428000ft2 area.
2. Red hill in Lhasa, Tibet, China
3. The builder was songtsan Gampo
History 4. In 1645
5. Home of the political stronghold
Founded in the 7th century. Was the 6. The palace blends in with the landscape
residence of the Dalai lama. The 7. Dalai Lama’s former summer palace
construction in 1645 after a suggestion
from Konchog Chophel. The external
was build in3 years where the interior
took 45 years, lasted until 1694. No nail
were use. Rammed earth and simple
stone walls were reinforced with Conclusions
copper. Founded by songtsan Gampo This building is consider the most
(617-665). Bild in the Red hill in Lhasa, sacred place of Tibetans. From
Tibet China. The official name is 1653 to 1889, the potala place was
historical ensemble of the potala the world’s tallest building. A
palace , Lahasa it is a cultural place. reason to visit is the spectacular
The white palace consist of offices sights. The building is 13-storey tall
,dormitories and a Buddhist official with three set of stairs but only the
seminary. The red palace was made Dalai Lama is allowed to use the
after the death of the Dalai Lama middle one and the easiest.consist
of the whit palace and the red
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