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A system is an array of components that work
together to achieve a common goal, or multiple
goal,by accepting input,processing it ,and
producing output in an organized manner.

Example: Computer System(various components i.e.

Keyboard,monitor,memory chips,circuits and
connecting cables and basic goal is processing of a
System Analysis and Design(SAD)
It is the process of examining a business
situation with the intent of improving it through
better procedures and methods.

System Design: It is the process of planning a

new system or replace an existing system.The
main objective is to develop best possible
design as per the requirements.
System Analysis: It is the process of gathering
and interpreting facts,diagnosing problems
and using the information to recommend
improvements to the system.

System analyst plays important role in

system analysis.
Characteristics of a system
• Specific Objectives.
• Components(subsystems).
• Organization(structure and order).
• Interaction.
• Interdependence.
• Integration(how a system is tied together).
• Behaviour(Instructions).
• Life cycle(every system has its life cycle birth,life
and death).
Elements of System
• Outputs.
• Inputs(should be accurate,in proper
format,input on time).
• Processes.
• Control(decision-maker like management).
• Feedback(output is feedback to input,control).
• Environment(Govt.policies,vendors,competitors
• Boundaries(Limits).
Business System Concepts.
Business organisation refers to any
organisation which produces goods or services
for customers with an objective of gaining
Elements are:
1. Inputs 2. Outputs
3. Processor 4. Control
5. Feedback 6. Environment
Business organisation as a system:
Subsystems of Business
A business is subdivided into a number of

1. Marketing and Purchasing Subsystem.

2. Production Subsystem.
3. Accounting Subsystem.
4. Personnel Subsystem.
5. Accounting Subsystem.
6. Management Subsytem.
Types of Systems
1.Open and Closed Systems
Open system: System that interacts freely
with its environment.
Example: Business Organization.
Closed system: System that has no interaction
with its environment.
Example: Computer Program.
2.Deterministic and Probalistic Systems

Deterministic system: Behaviour of a this

system is completely known.
Example: Computer Program.
Probalistic System: Behaviour can not be
predicted with certainty,only estimates can be
Example: Weather forecast.
3.Physical and Abstract Systems

Physical System: System that are tangible or

Example: Computer Hardware.
Abstract System: System that are conceptual or
nonphysical entities.
Example: Algorithm.
4.Man-Made information Systems
System that handles day to day activities in a
business as well as support the problem
solving and decision making needs of
management and users.
1.Formal Information System.
2.Informal Information System.
3.Computer bases Information System.
1.Formal IS:
Based on the organisation repersented by the
organization chart.
Types of Information:
1.Strategic Information(Top Management)
2.Managerial Information(Middle)
3.Operational Information(Lower level)
2. Informal IS:
Employee-based system designed to meet
personnel needs and to help in the solution of
work-related problems.
3. Computer-based IS:
Depends on the computer for handling
business applications.
Important Questions
1.Define System and subsytem with an example.
2.Explain the various characteristics of a system.
3.Explain the various elements of a system.
4.Distinguish between:
(a) Open and closed systems.
(b) Physical and abstarct systems.
(c) Deterministic and probalistic systems.
5.What are the various types of information.

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