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Materials for pre-stress concrete member

1. Cement -
Ordinary portland cement - 33 grade means that the compressive strength of the cement
after 28 days is 33N/mm2general construction work under normal environmental condition.
43 grade of cement is used for plain concrete work and plastering works,53 grade mostly used
for the structural purposes as in reinforced cement concrete.
Portland slag cement Portland slag cement (PSC) can be used for all construction jobs in
place of ordinary portland cement, but its special properties render its adoption highly desirable
for marine structures, for structures involving large masses of concrete such as dams, and for
structures exposed to sulphate-bearing soils such as foundations.
Rapid hardening portland cement similar to Ordinary Portland cement but with higher tri-
calcium silicate (C3S) content and finer grindingThe one-day strength of this cement is equal to
the three-day strength of OPC with the same water-cement ratio. It is used in industries which
manufacture concrete products like slabs, because moulds can be released quickly. It is used for
cold weather concreting because rapid evolution of heat during hydration protects the concrete
against freezing.
2. Concrete - Pre-stress concrete requires high strength concrete, which has high compressive
strength comparatively higher tensile strength than ordinary concrete. The concrete is a material
should be compose of gravels or crushed stones, sand, cement. In pre-stress concrete minimum
grade of concrete M40.
3. Steel - High tensile steel, tendons, strands. In pre-stress concrete high tensile steel with
tensile strength around 2000MPa.

•In this designation the letter M refers to the mix and the number to the specified 28 day cube
strength of mix in N/mm2.The mixes of grades M10, M15, M20 and M25 correspond


tendons bars

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