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DATE: 30/01/17


Name of the Journal:
Started publishing in 1976
Oldest circulated homoeopathic journal
in India.
No 1-12
Page no: 453-464
PUBLISHED in New Delhi
 Leon Vannier MD 1880 –
1963 was a French orthodox
physician who converted to
homeopathy and become one
of the major figures in modern
French homoeopathy,
practising in Paris from 1905
until the year of his death.
 Leon Vannier founded the
journal L’Homoeopathie
Francaise in 1912 and was the
author of many books,
including a substantial materia
 Leon Vannier was the founding
President of the Society for
Homeotherapy in France
• Homeopaths have known for over 150 years that
in classical homeopathy, a dose of a
homoeopathic remedy may sometimes cause an
aggravation of the patient’s symptoms.
• From 1911 onwards the late Dr. Leon Vannier of
Paris, France, developed a method which he
called ‘drainage’ treatment, designed to
avoid medicinal aggravations.
L homoeopathic francaise
• Original idea of drainage was first published in the
journal L homoeopathic francaise and it is authers
own personal idea on his personal experiances.
• Vannier published his original paper on drainage
treatment in 1912, nine years before the publication
of the German 6th edition of Hahnemann’s Organon
in 1921.
• The process called DRAINAGE, in Homoeopathy
was devised in France in 1911-12 by Antoine Nebel
(de Montreux) and Leon Vannier.
What is Drainage?
• Disease does not strike us only as a phenomenal
state due to a malignant cause known or
unknown, it is for us the expression of the
resistance of an individual against a force in
opposition to his activity.
• Disease force on one side, vital force on the
other; the resultant is a “variable” component
leaning now towards disease, now towards
equilibrium, or health, according to the
resistance of the patient, and the value of his
vital force.
“Intoxination” not intoxication
• All disease is the result of an Intoxination
• Not chemical and biochemical substances which
are known,
• Represents organic and even psychic toxins,
• autogenous or heterogeneous sources,
• microbic or parasitic.
• toxin represents also that pernicious substances
called ultra-virus, which exists prior to the microbs
• Imponderable
• Indeterminate force, whose action , until now
unknown, appears formidable.
of intoxination

Violent reaction, a true

Slow in their paroxysmic crisis occurring
evolution and more or less suddenly
indetermined in Which expresses the
resistance of the patient to the
their manifestation toxin which encumber him

Chronic Acute
diseases diseases-
The economy
Localisation in an
Intoxination works in its effort
to free itself

Sudden Slow stmulation

explosion leading little by
little production
of lesion
Veritable toxic disharge
Acute inflammation of an Finally
organ appearing suddenly known by its
while patient is in apparent characteristic
good health

Acute disease-A
crisis of elimination Chronic
Eruptive fevers

The more If the rash only partly

violent the developed, the patient
reaction, the remains long unwell and his
closer the resistance is much
rash, the diminished, the disease did
sooner the not out, the patient is still
patient is well under the power of disease.
and is better

Disease has
“Gone in”
True therapeutic

Encouraging the Instigating it

toxic elimination when it is not
when it shows there
• Drainage is the totality of the means used to insure the
regular elimination of the toxins which encumber the
economy of the patient.
• I say of a patient and not patients, for
one must not forget this essential and
capital fact:
The necessity of Drainage?
• The necessity of drainage arises quite naturally
from the worries which we have had and still
have in daily practice.
• The unexpected and inexplicable aggravation
that we have observed when treating our
Case: Lycopodium given to a case of gastric
complaint cause severe aggravation and was
corrected by china
• Inference –Reaction of Lyco on a non-drained
• Toxins were not eliminated because the economy
had not been previously drained.
• Eliminatory organs was not previously prepared.
• A veritable obstruction of the economy took place
which might have been dangerous if china was not
• Today I never have any such painful
experience because I always give LYCO to
a drained economy or to one whose “PRE-
rapidly eliminate the liberated toxin
• The length of treatment of these cases is
also considerably shortened.
CASE: A 14 year old boy suffering from cold
and head ache was given Tuberculinum 200
was severe aggravation and develop
symptoms of meningitis.
• Complication of believing that this result is a
aggravation produced by a dose of Tuberculinum.
• This explanation is quite insufficient above all very
• If we accept it, it would not permit of the possibility
of avoiding future accidents.
• It might prevent one from using any of the
Tuberculins in the future, though their beneficent
results are innumerable.
I lay down the principle that it is dangerous
to give patients a single dose of a
homoeopathic remedy in a high potency
without preceding it by one or several other
remedies in low potencies, these destined
not only to help or encourage the
development of the therapeutic action of
the high potency, but indeed to help and
insure the eliminatation to the toxins
susceptible of liberation by the high
potency, and which would be truly the
instigator of this elimination.
• If drainage enable one to obtain rapid result in
Homoeopathy, it should be employed regularly
and constantly humoral isotherapy in order to
avoid the most serious complication.
Drainage Remedies
• The drainage remedy is the one that has a “selective
action” on the tissue or organ whose defective
functioning is hindering the elimination of the toxinic
substances produced or introduced into the economy.
• Its choice is accurately determined by the
Materia Medica.
• The drainage remedy is the one whose pathogenisis is
most likely the disease symptom of the patient.
• Definition of a drainage remedy is the same as that of a
homoeopathic remedy.
• Drainage is not a question of a name; it is a matter of
Hydrogenoid condition
• The accumalation of water in the system,
depents on two causes:

The retention of chlorides Reduction of the normal

which hold water in elimination of water
excess from the tissues

Natrum mur Natrum Sulph

• Grauvogl noted the happy effect of Nux Vom and Ipecac in alternation in
this hydrogenoid constitution.
• With natrum sulph to obtain rapid result
• But they are not the only remedies
Case of pregnancy complicated by
hydrogenoid condition
F ,25ys HPI
Child hood ineteritis, diarrorhoea
Renal colic
H/o generalised oedema during pregnancy
Odema of lungs
H/o of micarrage of second pregnancy
Jan 2ed pegnancy, oedema,rt sided NAT SULPH 200/1D
1932 siatica,lumbago IGNATIA/DAILY
Feb Leg oedema> 1. LYCOPODIUM 30/2D
1932 Distenton with burning in 12 DAYS INTERVAL
stomach,flatulance, constipation, urine 2. NUX MOSC 30
scanty, liver is big and tender 3. SOLIDAGO 6
March Better LYCO 30/2D at 15 days
13 No more odema, liver normal intervel
APRIL 17, 1932 >She is well 1. THUJA 200/1D, 15
Constipation + days after
Little swelling in 2. LYCO 200/1D
hands> Intercurrent
Tachycardia< meals remeides

June, 1932 Sudden attack of COLOCYNTH

abdominal pain, cramps,
>bending double, > hot

Delivered baby on sept.

• Definition of drainage remedy
• “Drainage is the combination of
measures to be used to ensure the
regular elimination of toxins that burden
the body of a person. I say of a person,
not of persons, because the fact of great
importance to remember is that
drainage must always be
Acute Vis Chronic picture
Differentiation of acute and
chronic presentation is an
important step in the
homoeopathic system of medicine
Symptomatology at the moment

• Physician should separate the acute picture from

the chronic totality.
• Mixing up of acute and chronic totality may end
up in disastrous aggravation.
• Success in Homoeopathic practice depends on
the logic on which the prescription is made in
each case and its follow up.
Co-relation with
Organon Of Medicine
Status Morbi
Status Morbi-aphorism 183
Organon of Medicine, 5th edition
• Whenever, therefore, the dose of the first medicine ceases
to have a beneficial effect (if the newly developed
symptoms do not, by reason of their gravity, demand more
speedy aid - which, however, from the minuteness of the
dose of homoeopathic medicine, and in very chronic
diseases, is excessively rare), a new examination of the
disease must be instituted, the status morbi as it now is
must be noted down, and a second homoeopathic remedy
selected in accordance with it, which shall exactly suit the
present state, and one which shall be all the more
appropriate can then be found, as the group of symptoms
has become larger and more complete. (1)
Aphorisms 36-40, Organon on similar and
dissimilar diseases.
• In Aphorism 38, Hahnemann tells us that the stronger
and dissimilar acute disease will postpone or suspend
the old chronic and weaker disease.
Homoeopathic aggravation in chronic
158 Aphorism – “This slight homoeopathic
aggravation during the first hours- a very good
prognostic that the acute disease will most
probably yield to the first dose”
Aphorism 161
Hahemanean concept in acute
disease management
Mental Diseases from exciting causes

We do grand generalaisation of this

concept in other chronic cases.
Aphorism 221 in Organon of medicine
• If, however, insanity or mania (precipitated by fright,
vexation, alcohol, etc.) suddenly bursts forth as an acute
disease from the patient’s usually calm condition,
although it almost always arises from internal psora
(like a flame flaring up from it), at this initial, acute
stage it should immediately be treated, not with
antipsoric remedies, but with medicines such as
Aconite, Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus,
Mercury, etc., chosen from the other group of proved
remedies and given in highly potentized subtle
homeopathic doses, so as to overcome it to the point
where the psora returns for the time being to its former,
almost latent condition, in which the patient appears to
be well.
Hahnemanean concept of
morbus intercurrent
He introduced the idea in 1828
in Chronic Diseases:
Morbus intercurrent
But during the treatment of chronic diseases by antipsoric
remedies we often need the other non-anti-psoric store of
medicines in cases where epidemic diseases or
intermediate diseases {morbi intercurrentes} arising
usually from meteoric and telluric causes attack our
chronic patients, and so not only temporarily disturb the
treatment, but even interrupt it for a longer time. Here the
other homoeopathic remedies will have to be used,
wherefore I shall not enter upon these here, except to say
that the antipsoric treatment will have for the time to be
totally discontinued, so long as the treatment of the
epidemic disease which has also seized our {chronic}
patient may last, even if a few weeks in the worst cases
may thus be lost.{page no 132, chronic disease}
Kent’s opinion about taking acute
picture before considering totality
of symptoms
Kent continued this discussion in
his Lectures on Homeopathic
Philosophy in Lecture XXVI titled,
The Examination of the Patient.
• It is important to avoid getting confused by two disease
images that may exist in the body at the same time (that
does not mean both are equally active).
• A chronic patient, for instance, may be suffering from
an acute disease and the physician on being called may
think that it is necessary to take the totality of the
symptoms; but if he should do that in an acute disease,
mixing both chronic and acute symptoms together, he
will become confused and will not find the right remedy.
• The two things must be separated. The group of
symptoms that constitutes the image and appearance of
the acute miasm must now be prescribed for. The
chronic symptoms will not, of course, be present when
the acute miasm is running, because the latter
suppresses or suspends the chronic symptoms. ...
Morbid susceptibitity – The genuius of
homoeopathy- Stuart Close

• Excessive reaction or irritability is a condition

sometimes met where the patient seems to suffer
an aggravation from every remedy, without
corresponding improvement. There is a general
• For such a state, Boenninghausen
recommendeds Asar, Cham, Coff, China, Ign,
Nux V, Puls, Teuc and Valer.
Alternation of Medicine – Another Controversy
According to Dr C. Dunham in Homoeopathy the science of
Therapeutics{chapter alternation of remedies pg no: 176}

Alternation of

Alternation a posteriori Alternation a priori

2 or more remedies to follow each other

By succession-Only after fresh at short intervels, the symptoms of these
examination of the caseevery time remedies taken altogether without fresh
examination of the case
Reference From other Articles
Acute Intercurrent or
Intermediate Remedies
in Chronic Diseases
Luc De Schepper, M.D., Lic.Ac., C.Hom
AJHM Summer 2004
• Many homoeopaths seems to lack
an understanding of how to use
an acute intercurrent remedy.
•Often acute remedies have
been called everything from
drainage remedies and
tandem remedies to support and
lesional remedies.
• Thus, administering the
constitutional/chronic remedy during
emergencies such as dangerous pathological
crises, severe traumas, overexposure, serious
injuries, and virulent acute miasms, is a
serious mistake as it runs the risk of
disrupting the natural symptom
pattern and causing unproductive
aggravations as well as accessory
symptoms of the chronic remedy!
Fundamental differences of Vannier,Kent,
Schüsler, Eisayaga, Poitevin, Vithoulkas, Sanchez,
Escalante, Roberts, Ghatak with the homeopathy
of Hahnemann.
Posted by Dr Guillermo Zamora on February 1,
2010 at 11:30am

• Vannier took into account the human function,

temperament and constitution to select the remedy,
while Hahnemann only considered the totality of
• From the standpoint of disease´s causal agent,
Hahnemann refers to morbific agent while Vannier a
toxinic complex
• Hahnemann used a similar single
drug at a time, while Vannier
used a combination of
homeopathic medicines at once.
Beside, Vannier used methods
such as drainage, Organic and
toxinic regulation and he also
used therapeutic series and
families of remedies.
"What we must not do in Homoeopathy" containing articles
in French by Dr Fortier Bernoveille, a French Homoeopath.
Translated into English by Dr Rajkumar Mukherji and
published by B Jain Publishers in 1974.
• "In each pathological case, there exists in
Homoeopathy a single similimum and many similies
and the first idea that comes to mind is to apply the
similimum with the exception of similie remedies that
seem to be palliatives. In reality one soon understands
that the rigorous application of the similimum remedy
is not necessarily followed by amelioration. If we can
prepare the organism by the application of a remedy
called satellite or the remedy which by analogy
has the symptoms culled from the patient, it happens
very often that the similimum may be applied
afterwards without aggravation and it seems to act
more rapidly and more deeply." (P52)
• Canalisation:
Dr Bernoville also emphasizes the importance of
canalization. It rests on the idea of local elective actions
of most of the remedies and it is a corollary of the
principle of drainage. To canalise means to orient the
action of a remedy. Most of the remedies have some
elective action on the tissues, or the organs or a region
oriented along the nervous system. To give a canaliser
remedy is to give a satellite which has the aim of canalize
and orient the effects of the principle remedy. If for
instance, we know how to canalize the too centrifugal,
violent and general action of Sulphur, on such and such
parts of the organism, we will surely obtain good action
of Sulphur, either by giving Fumaria- saponaria for the
skin, Hypericum for the nerves, Nux-vom for the
intestines. In this way these different remedies are the
canaliser of Sulphur and help to obtain more and lasting
effects from Sulphur.
Wrong interpretation of the
Follow up
And Wrong Inference
The possible causes why he got such
• He might have given constitutional remedy in places
where the acute picture was well evident
• Appearance of old symptoms
• Dosage and repetition should also strictly follow the
Hanemannean concept
• He has not mentioned the exact dosage.
• Appearance of lesser accessory symptoms of the disease
indicating next best medicine should not be considered
as wrong .
• Morbid susceptibility – patient is hypersensitive to the
indicated medicine, to reduce the morbid susceptibility
we have to give a intercurrent remedy according to Dr
Stuart close.
All discharges are not good
• Appearance of discharge after medicine is
considered as good prognosis provided the
patient in general is also feeling better.
• But apperence of discharge with worsening of
the general health and disease pathology is
considered as wrong direction.
Appearance of acute disease during a
chronic treatment
Two disimilar disease
• During follow up of chronic disease treatment
when the patient got gradually cured from te
chronic symptoms , acute fevers or erruptions
may come up and this should be considered as
good prognosis.
• If the author would have done the
clinical experiments based on
Law of Simplex and minimum
dose, it wouldn’t have end up in a
Fear of Aggravation is not an excuse
to violate the fundamental principles
of Homoeopathy
• Aggravation after medicine in homoeopathy has
wide spectrum of possibility
• The physican should be clear with the concepts
of how to differentiae between the homoeopathic
aggravation and actual disease aggravation.

Prescribers Drainage
• One-dimensional constitutional prescribers
are afraid of treating acute diseases
because they do not know how to do it.
• Physician who follow the other extreme [of
drainage remedies ] do that in every case
because they don’t know when to apply
that, and are not able to analyze the follow
up and interpret correctly.
• What in common which is lacking in both of
the extremist is the “COMMON SENSE” to
take the decision{moderation} according to
the case{Hannemannean way}.
Outcome of Drainage remedies

• Might have got some results in Acute but

hopeless in chronic disease.
• In chronic case giving multiple medicine
corresponding to different sets of symptoms will
change the symptom picture during the follow
• It will confuse the case and the second
prescription become more and more difficult.
Malformed idea of drainage –
Present and Past
• The orginal idea of drainage is now more malformed
and crippled in to the state of Patent medicines.
• The marketplace is awash these days with a
bewildering array of detoxification products.
• Drainage remedies are not normally prescribed on
the basis of the totality of symptoms, and therefore
are not homeopathic per se. They can be targeted to
a particular organ, or targeted at a group of
substances, or they can be targeted at a specific
chemical or material that may be involved in the
Big Business
Big Disaster


• The concept of drainage is like old wine in new

• Hahnemanns status morbi and morbus
intercurrent can be co-related with the concept.
• If the auther would have done clinical
experiments with single medicine the idea would
have better validated.
Thank you

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