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Final Year Project 2





 Lightning formation is in state of sudden electrostatic discharge

 Occurrence in very short duration of time carrying extremely high voltage and current.

 The process of lightning occur depend on hydrological cycle.

 The impact to human depends on current path.

 Deadly when pass through the humans body or

 causing minor injury when current travelling via external medium which is more conduct

 Possibility of lightning energy to be captured.

 Based on literature study had been carried out.

 Carried extremely high voltage and current in a single strike which could not be determined.
 Limiting voltage and current to be stored.

 What type of energy storage must be used to harvest lightning energy.

 Develop simulation model to evaluate the feasibility of lightning impulse could be stored.

 Possibility of lightning energy could be stored in form of electric charges.

 Performing simulation result analysis to evaluate the performance of lightning to be stored in form of electric

• To design new concept for • To simulate artificial

harness lightning energy. lightning impulse and
evaluate feasibility of the
• To develop simulation energy could be stored.
model of lightning energy
harvesting system. • To develop simulation
model on
• To evaluate the simulation MATLAB/SIMULINK.
performance of lightning
energy harvest. • To determine the
parameter of the model.
Literature Study
Summary about Journal/thesis/ Conference/
Citation Title Document
Main Objective Summary
(Piantini, A., & Lightning- Analysis of lightning-induced  lightning-induced
Janiszewski, J. M.; induced voltages on lines with shield wire voltages are much more
2009) voltages on and surge arrester by using frequent compared to
overhead extension of Rusck model for direct strikes and usually
lines— mathematical analysis and set up more concern to overhead
Application of an experiment. distribution systems with
the extended
rated voltage 15 kV and
rusck model.
(Sabiha, N. A.; Lightning- To study the effect of lightning  An induced overvoltage
2010). induced overvoltage across spark gap and has shorter time duration
overvoltages in distribution transformer. of overvoltage distortion
medium compared to ground
voltage potential rise overvoltage.
distribution Thus, overvoltage create
systems and
by GPR generates large
amount of energy at
surface layer and beneath
voltage spikes.
of the earth.
Summary about Journal/thesis/ Conference/
Citation Title Document
Main Objective Summary
Basar, et. All; 2010 Harvesting To determine capability of Designed two stages of
lightning capacitor to store the system to simulate the
stroke energy in form of electric performance of capacitor
storage charge. to store charge from
using impulse impulse voltage generator
generator in
small scale

Srinivasan, K., & Atmospheric To study the lightning Lightning energy are
Gu, J.; 2006. electricity phenomenon and ways to manipulated to harness the
from harness lightning energy energy into another form of
lightning energy.

Battery Storage 1

Lightning rod Varistor External circuit Battery Storage 2

Battery Storage 3

• Collect the energy from potential

distribution beneath earth surface layer
due to lightning return stroke current.

• Two metal plate separated by distance x

will be collect the ennergy and stored to
the storage capacitor bank.

• More practical compared to directly

harvesting the lightning energy from
external lightning protection conductor.
Energy Storage System
Lightning Transient Ground Potential Rise
Figure 3.11: Matlab plot function.
 Lightning return stroke current amplitude in Table A
was taken into mathematical analysis

𝜌𝐼 1 1
 Using Formula: ∆V𝑥 = 2𝜋 [𝑟 − 𝑥]

 and plotted using MATLAB Plot Function

Voltage Difference Developed across Two
Harvesting Metal Plate
 From Ground Potential Rise Distribution Plotted, voltage difference developed across two
harvesting metal plate is:-

 VD is generated using Single Stage Impulse Voltage Generator to study the feasibility of the
Lightning Impulse Voltage could be harvested.

Figure 3.16: Forward diode and harvesting metal plate

Figure 3.15: Full simulation system in Matlab/Simulink
Impulse Voltage Generation

 Single stage impulse Generator modelled using Matlab/Simulink

Potential Gradient With Respect to Remote

• 1.13m to 2.13m is decrease exponentially half of its initial

value which is from 281.69kV to 132.25kV compared in
Figure 4.3 which starts drop from 309.86kV to 145.47kV.
• The difference of voltage drop in Figure 4.2 and 4.3 from
2.13 m to 3.13 m is 13.22kV.
• Between 4.13 to 5.13 m ∆𝑥, voltage drop to 15.02kV and
16.53kV. The last 2 m ∆𝑥 which is between 5.13 m to
7.13 m, the difference of voltage drop is around 2.8kV
and 3kV.
Impulse Voltage output wave shape
 An impulse voltage wave shape with peak voltage amplitude of 79.7kV, 106.46kV and
117.10kV had been simulated using single stage impulse voltage generator model. From
figure above, all of the wave shape duration which is time taken to reach 10% and 90% of
its peak voltage is 1.8 𝑥 10−8 𝑠 and 9.9 𝑥 10−7 𝑠. According to (Wadhwa, C. L.; 2007), the
duration of wave front time is 1.25 times (t2 – t1), which results in 1.215 𝑥 10−6 𝑠. The
tail time is around 5.069 𝑥 10−6 𝑠.
Storage Capacitor Bank Charging Voltage
• Impulse voltage of 79.84kV applied to the storage capacitor bank.

• The voltage increase exponentially starting from 0kV until 25.47kV.

• This is due to the storage capacitor bank collect the electric field
generated by the impulse voltage.

• After 25.47kV, the voltage is remain constant with respect to time. This
stage actually represent the charge stored at the storage capacitor bank.

• Thus, the energy stored at the storage capacitor bank could be determine
with mathematical analysis discussed in section 3.4.3 which around

 The objective of this project is to investigate the feasibility of lightning energy could be captured and stored.

 For single vertical ground rod where Irsc is strike directly to the lightning attractor at 15kA, 20kA and 22kA, potential
distribution of Irsc plotted using MATLAB Plot Func.

 Conceptual design of Lightning Energy Harvesting System had been proposed and simulated

 The result shows that the storage capacitor could stored lightning energy from potential distribution beneath earth
surface layer due to Lightning Irsc.

 Need to be tested with different duration of impulse voltage to the storage capacitor.

 Investigate the effect of depth of harvesting metal plate to maximize the energy harvested

 Experimentally tested to verified the simulation result.

Future work
 Future work for this project, there should be a power electronic devices to deliver the energy stored at the
storage capacitor bank to supply an electrical load at the building as an alternative energy resources.

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