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 Meaning:
The term ‘fraud’ means a false representation of fact made
willfully with a view to deceive the other party. Section 17 defines
the fraud as follows:
1. The suggestion of the fact which is not true and a person making it
does not believe it to be true.
X sells to Y locally manufactured good as imported goods
charging a higher price, it amounts to fraud.
2. Active concealment of a fact by a person having knowledge or
belief of the fact.
X a furniture dealer, conceals the cracks in furniture sold by him
by using some packing material and polishing it in such a way that
the buyer even after reasonable examination cannot trace the
defect, it would tent amount to fraud through active concealment
3. A promise made without any intension of performing it.
4. Any such act or omission as the law specially declares to
be fraudulent.
Ex: Under Companies act and Insolvency Acts, certain
kinds of transfers have been declared to be fraudulent.
5. Any other Act fitted to deceive.

 If Party makes false statement knowingly.

 Suffered loss.

 The other party must have been intended to act upon

the representation.

 The other party must have been deceived.

 Other party acting on false representation must have

sustained a loss as a consequence.
 According to section 17,”mere silence as to facts likely
to affect the willingness of a person to enter into a
contract is not fraud.”
A sold his horse to B.A knew about the unsoundness of
the horse. A says nothing about unsoundness of horse.
This is not fraud in A.

However, there are certain exceptions to this rule. In such

cases the silence amounts to fraud.such expectations are
Stated Under:
1. Duty to Speak
When a person is duty bound to speak and instead he
keeps silence then it is fraud.
A father knowingly sell unsound horse to his daughter.
This is a fraud.
2. Change of circumstances
Sometime agreement fact is true but Change in the
circumstances it may be false later on. It is duty of
party to communicate the change of circumstances.
otherwise it will be a fraud.
Ex: Director…..
3. When Silence itself is deceptive
A intends to sell his horse to B.B replies that if I don’t
hear anything from you within seven days, I assume that
the horse is sound. A didn’t reply at all.
After buying the horse B feels that horse is not sound.
This is fraud by A.
4.Half truth
Sometimes person starts telling truth but half the way.
Thus ,half truth is always deceptive. Hence it is fraud.

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