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m   : Newtonƞs laws

Newtonƞs laws of motion

Frames of reference
Newtonƞs law of Gravitation
Begin by stating Newtonƞs laws:


¦ N1 sweeps away the idea of Ơbeing at restơ as a
natural state.
¦ N2 defines Ơinertial massơ as the degree by which
a body resists being accelerated by a force.
¦ Another way of saying this is that force = rate of
change of momentum (rate of change of mv).

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We can see that aspects of Newtonƞs laws arise
from more fundamental considerations.

1. Consider two equal masses at rest

connected which are suddenly pushed apart
by a springƦ will move apart with same
velocity (by symmetry of space!).
2. Same situation, but masses are now moving at
velocity V. Turn into the above situation by
Ơmoving along with them at velocity Vơ.
1. Change perspective to bring masses to restƦ
2. Do same problem as beforeƦ
3. Change back to original perspectiveƦ
4. You have Ơchanged your frame of referenceơ.
5. The Ơvelocity additionơ rule is called a a   
6. We assume that, after changing our reference frame and
using a Galilean transformation, the laws of physics are
the same. This is called a   $   .
7. Momentum before = momentum after (Cons. of Mtm.)
3. What about Newtonƞs laws? Well,
1. N1 comes directly from Galilean Relativity (in
fact, Galileo was first one to state N1 in his Ơlaw
of inertiaơ).
2. N3 is exactly whatƞs needed to make sure that
momentum is conserved.
3. SoƦ Newtonƞs laws are related to the symmetry
of space and the way that different frames of
reference relate to each other.
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ƠProfessor Goddard does not know the
relation between action and reaction
and the needs to have something better
than a vacuum against, which to react.
He seems to lack the basic knowledge
ladled out daily in high schools.ơƦ

-1921 New York Times editorial

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Notes: w
1. ƠGơ is called the Gravitational constant
(G=6.6710-11 N m2 kg-2)
2. This is a     attraction. Every particle
in the universe attracts every other particle!
Often dominates in astronomical settings.
3. Defines Ơgravitational massơ
4. Using calculus, it can be shown that a spherical
object with mass M (e.g. Sun, Earth) gravitates like
a particle of mass M at the sphereƞs center.


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