Branding Branding: Prepared By: Swapnil Panpatil Prepared By: Swapnil Panpatil

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Prepared by: Swapnil Panpatil
 What is a Brand?
 Brand Elements
 Brand Role and Advantages
 Brand Equity
 Brand Portfolios
 Strategic Brand Management
 Brand Positioning
 PODs & POPs
 Product Lifecycle
 Market Evolution
What is a Brand?
A name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a
combination of them, intended to identify
the goods or services of one seller or group
of sellers and to differentiate them from
those of competitors.

What is Branding?
Providing goods and services with the
power of the brand.
Brand Elements
Brand Element Choice Criteria
– How to choose good
 Memorable
 Meaningful
 Likeable
 Transferable
 Adaptable
 Protectable
Brand Naming

 Individual names
 Blanket family names
 Separate family names
 Corporate name/individual name combo
The Role of Brands
Advantages of Strong Brands

 Improved  Larger margins

perceptions of
 More inelastic consumer
product performance
 Greater loyalty  Greater trade cooperation
 Less vulnerability to
 Increased marketing
competitive communications
marketing actions effectiveness
  Possible licensing
Less vulnerability to
crises opportunities
What is Brand Equity?
The added value given to goods and
services, through branding which may be
reflected in the way consumers, think, feel,
and act with respect to the brand.
The 10 Most Valuable Brands
Brand 2006 Brand Value (Billions)
Coca-Cola $67.00
Microsoft $56.93
IBM $56.20
GE $48.91
Intel $38.32
Nokia $30.13
Toyota $27.94
Disney $27.85
McDonald’s $27.50
Mercedes-Benz $22.13
Measuring Brand Equity

 Brand Audits
 Comprehensive examination of a brand to assess
the health of the brand
 Suggest ways to improve its equity.
 Brand Tracking
 Collecting information about the brand
 Brand valuation
 Determining financial value of the brand
Managing Brand Equity

 Brand reinforcement
 Continuous product improvement and innovation.
 Brand revitalization
 Change in Positioning
 Overhaul the brand image
Brand Portfolios

 A set of brands a company offers

 Advantages
 Increasing shelf presence and retailer
dependence in the store
 Attracting consumers seeking variety
 Increasing internal competition within the firm
 Yielding economies of scale in advertising, sales,
merchandising, and distribution
Brand Roles in a Brand
 Flankers
 Cash cows
 Low-end, entry-level
 High-end prestige
Strategic Brand Management

 Identifying & establishing brand positioning

 Planning & implementing brand marketing
 Measuring & interpreting brand performance
 Growing & sustaining brand value
What is Positioning?

The act of designing the company’s offering

and image to occupy a distinctive place in the
mind of the target market.

Value Proposition
A good hot pizza, delivered to your
door within 30 minutes of ordering,
at a moderate price
Defining Associations

Both are important!

PODs Success Criteria

Consumer Desirability Criteria

Deliverability Criteria
Examples of Negatively Correlated
Attributes and Benefits
 Low-price vs. High quality
 Taste vs. Low calories
 Nutritious vs. Good tasting
 Powerful vs. Safe
 Ubiquitous vs. Exclusive
 Varied vs. Simple
Differentiation Strategies

 Product
 Distribution Channel
 Personnel
 Image
Product Differentiation
 Product form
 Style
 Features
 Design
 Performance
 Ordering ease
 Conformance
 Delivery
 Durability
 Installation
 Reliability
 Customer training
 Reparability
 Customer consulting
 Maintenance
Distribution Channel
 Coverage
 Expertise
 Performance
Personnel Differentiation
 Better-trained staff
 Competent (skill and knowledge)
 Trustworthy
 Friendly and respectful
 Reliable (perform consistently & accurately)
 Responsive
 Good communicators (understand customer
and communicate clearly)
Image Differentiation
 Establish character and value proposition
 Convey in a distinctive way
 Deliver emotional power

‫عندما تعشق‬
Product Life Cycles
Claims of Product Life Cycles

 Products have a limited life

 Product sales pass through distinct stages
each with different challenges and
 Profits rise and fall at different stages
 Products require different strategies in each
life cycle stage
Product Life Cycles Stages
Stages in the Maturity Stage


Strategies for Sustaining
Rapid Market Growth
 Improve product quality, add new
features, and improve styling
 Add new models and flanker products
 Enter new market segments
 Increase distribution coverage
 Shift from product-awareness advertising
to product-preference advertising
 Lower prices to attract the next layer of
price-sensitive buyers
Ways to Increase Sales Volume

 Convert nonusers
 Enter new market segments
 Attract competitors’ customers
 Have consumers use
 The product on more occasions
 More of the product on each occasion
 The product in new ways
Market Evolution
Market Evolution Stages

 Latent
New firms Competition Society needs
 Single-niche enter market covers all decline or
 Multiple-niche major new
 Mass-market market technology
segments replaces old
Maturity Strategies

 Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, 11th

Edition. Prentice Hall, 2002.

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