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Let’s talk about personal data, family, future plans

-When and where were you born?

-Can you say something about your personality?

-Do you have any brothers or sisters?

-What are your plans for the future?

-At what age would you like to have a family?

-How many children would you like to have?

-How big is your family?

-Can you mention some advantages and disadvantages of small/ big families?
Let’s talk about your environment and your home

- Where do you live?

-Describe your home.

-What rooms do you have?

-What does the living room/ bedroom/ study/ kitchen/ bathroom look like?

-What do you think the difference is between living in a house and living in a flat?

-Describe your room.What furniture do you have in your room?

-What do you have on the walls?

-How would you like to change your room?

Let’s talk about science and technology

-What do you use the computer for?

-What sites do you visit?

-What functions does your mobile phone have?

-Why is it important to have a mobile phone?

-How did you choose your mobile phone?

-What are the rules about using your mobile phone at school?
-How do you communicate with your friends?

-Do you send and receive SMS-s?

-Can you imagine your life without your mobile phone or computer? Why? Why not?
Let’s talk about shopping

-What kinds of shops do you go to?

-What do you usually buy there?
-What are the differences between shopping in different places?(supermarkets/ corner
shops/markets/ shopping centres/ boutiques/
-Where do you go shopping for clothes?
-How do you usually pay?
-Who do you go with?
-Where do you buy your daily food?
-What about the weekends?
-What are the advantages/ disadvantages of counter or self-service shops?
-What do you think of on-line shopping?

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