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Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management is the process of

linking the human resource function with the strategic objectives
of the organization in order to improve performance

‘If a global company is to function successfully, strategies at

different levels need to inter-relate’

‘An organizations HRM policies and practices must fit with its
strategy in its competitive environment and with the immediate
business condition it faces
Strategic Human Resource Management
The objective of the course is to develop the perspective of
Strategic human resource management.
Specifically the course has the following objectives:
Distinguish the strategic approach to human resource from
the traditional function

Understand the relationship of HR strategy with overall

Corporate strategy

Understand the strategic role of specific HR system

– Alignment between business and human resource
management strategies
• Skills in
– Aligning HR strategies with business strategies;
– Talent management;
– Job and organization design;
– Performance management;
– Designing development programs;
– Succession planning and career development;
– Strategic reward Systems;
– Labor-management relations;
– Diagnosing organizations
– Identifying appropriate behavioral interventions
Strategic Human Resource Management
1.Introduction to Strategic HR

2.Definition need and importance-Introduction to business and Corporate

strategies-Integrating HR strategies with business strategies –Developing
HR Plans and Policies

3. Human Resource Environment

Technology and organizational Structure –Broad influences
of Technology-Influences of HRIS-workforce diversity- Demographic
changes-Temporary contract labour-Global environment-Global
competition-Global sourcing of labour-WTO and labour standards
Strategic Human Resource Management
4.Recruitment and retention strategies
e-Selection and Recruitment-Organizational Cultures Emphasing
Interpersonal Relationship values-effective selection procedures-job
enrichment and job satisfaction-practices providing work life balance-other
practices in facilitating retention-employee involvement-Autonomous work

5.Training and development strategies

Creating learning organizations-Virtual learning organisation- Developing
competency model(competency mapping)- Investment in Employability
-multiskilling and succession planning-Cross cultural training
Strategic Human Resource Management
6.Performance management Strategies
Defining Key result areas(KRA)-Result based performance-Linking
performance to pay –Merit based promotion-e performance management

7.Reward and compensation Strategies-Strategically oriented Compensation

Systems-Skill based pay-Broadbanding-Team based pay-profit sharing-
Variable pay-Executive compensation

8.Retrenchment Strategies
Downsizing-VRS-HR outsourcing-Early retirement plans –Project based
Strategic Human Resource Management
9.Human aspects of Strategy implementation-Behavioral issues in strategic
implementation-matching culture with strategy-Human side merger and
acquisition-Leadership power and politics-Employee morale-Personal
values and Business ethics

10.Global HR Strategies
Introduction to global HR strategies-Developing HR as a value adding

11.Evaluating Strategic contributions of Traditional Areas-HRP-Staffing-

Training-Performance evaluation systems-Compensation systems-
and employee relations
Additional research
• The Emerging Roles of HR
• Read: A New Mandate for Human Resources, by Dave Ulrich,

• Aligning HR to the Business

• Read: Aligning Business and HR Strategies, by Linda Holbeche
Organizational Alignment: The 7S Model

• Having Trouble with your Strategy? Then Map It

• Developing a Competency Model
Read: The Core Competence of the Corporation
Definition of a Competency
` Designing Competency Studies
• Organization Analysis and Job Design
Read: Designing Dynamic Organizations
The Building Blocks of Organization
Principles of Design
Job Design and Employee Selection

• Talent Management: Some Considerations

• Read: The War for Talent, by Michaels, Handfield-Jones, and xelrod,
The Talent Myth, by
• Employee Relations
• Organization Culture and Change
• Organization Culture Diagnosis
• Structuring the HR Function

• Managing Organization Culture Change

• Stabilizing Organization Culture
• Evaluating Organization Culture Change
• Group Project:
• The purpose of the Group Project is to give you all a chance to apply
what you have learned from SHROD on the concrete realities of a
specific business organization. You will do this as a team of not more
than 3 people.
• The paper should cover the following areas:
– Brief description of the company’s business strategy(ies) or corporate
– Description of the desired human organization that will ensure the delivery
of the business strategy(ies) or achieve corporate objectives. You can use
the 7 S or Balance Scorecard frameworks, or a combination of the 2
frameworks in doing this;
– Analysis of the existing organization and identification of gaps between # 2
and 3;
– Recommendations on HR strategies, policies, programs and practices that
will create the desired human organization. Note that all the topics we will
be exploring in class are directed towards creating a human organization
that will support the business strategies and goals of business
Books Recommended
1.Strategic HRM-Jeffrey Mello,Thomson Publiation New Delhi
2. Strategic HRM-Charles R.Greer,Pearson education Asia,New Delhi
3.Strategic HRM-Michael Armstrong,Kogan Page London
4.Strategic HRM-Agarwal,Oxford University Press,New Delhi
5.Human Resource Management –Gary Dessler,PHI,New Delhi
6.Strategic and Development-Richard Regis-Excel books,New Delhi

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