Beams Krone

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Stephen Krone, DSc, PE

University of Toledo
Shear and Moment
A beam is a structural member subjected to
transverse loads and negligible axial loads.
Internal Shear Causes Moment

These internal shear forces and bending

moments cause longitudinal axial stresses
and shear stresses in the cross-section.
Increasing Loads

Maximum bending
moment is reached
at extreme fibers
first, where the
stress reaches the
yield stress limit.
The Moment - Curvature (M-f) response With
Increasing Moment
My is the yield and Mp is the plastic moment
capacity of the cross-section.
The ratio Mp to My is the shape factor f.
For a rectangular section, f is equal to 1.5.
For a wide-flange section, f is equal to 1.1.
Developing the Plastic Moment
LRFD Raised the ASD Limit State
Columns’ Slenderness Ratio
Controls the Critical Buckling Stress
Lateral Torsional Buckling Behavior

Compression flange
begins to buckle out
of plane.
Bracing on the
compression flange
makes it more
difficult to fail.
Methods of Bracing Compression Flange
Beam and Column Similarities
• The design of the beam is usually based on
the compression flange.

• The braced length of support of the

compression flange, Lb, usually determines
the type of failure.

• There are three zones of failure: plastic,

inelastic buckling, and elastic buckling.

• Each failure zone has its own set of

Lateral Torsional Buckling:
Lb  L p

Mn = Fcr Sx <= Mp

Buckling Elastic

AISC F2-5 Lr AISC F2-6 AISC 16.1-48

Lp = 1.76 ry E / Fy
Plastic Buckling
• Most beams fall in the plastic zone.
• AISC Table 3-10
• Fully braced reaches full Mp. This is closely spaced lateral
bracing, where Lb < Lp

M F2-3
n = Fcr Sx <= Mp
Plastic Section Modulus
F  yA1  yA2  0
Plastic centroid. A1 y1 yA1
 A1  A2  A / 2
A2 y2
yA2 A
 M  y  (y1  y2 )
y Where, y1  centroid of A1
y2  centroid of A2
Mp, Plastic Moment and
Plastic Section Modulus
W Shapes – Braced => Mp
Mp, Plastic Moment

Concrete floor slab provides lateral bracing.

Lb= 0.
Beam Example: Compact & Braced

Design a simply supported beam subjected to

uniformly distributed dead load of 450 lbs/ft.
and a uniformly distributed live load of 550
lbs/ft. The dead load does not include the self-
weight of the beam.

Step I. Calculate the factored design loads

(without self-weight).
• wU = 1.2 wD + 1.6 wL = 1.42 kips / ft.
• MU = wuL2/8 = 1.42 x 302/8 = 159.75 kip-ft.
Beam Example (Cont.)
Step II. Select the lightest section from the
AISC Manual design tables.
• From the AISC manual, select W16 x 26
made from 50 ksi steel with fbMp = 166.0
Step III. Add self-weight of designed section
and check design
• wsw = 26 lbs/ft
• Therefore, wD = 476 lbs/ft = 0.476 lbs/ft.
• wu = 1.2 x 0.476 + 1.6 x 0.55 = 1.4512 kips/ft.
• Therefore, Mu = 1.4512 x 302 / 8 = 163.26 kip-ft.
< fbMp of W16 x 26.
• OK!
Beam Example (Cont.)
Step IV. Check deflection at service loads.
• w = 0.45 + 0.026 + 0.55 kips/ft. = 1.026 kips/ft.
• D = 5 w L4 / (384 E Ix)
= 5 x(1.026/12) x (30 x 12)4/(384 x 29000 x 301)
• D = 2.142 in. > L/360

Step V. Redesign with service-load deflection

as design criteria
• L /360 = 1.0 in. > 5 w L4/(384 E Ix)
• Therefore, Ix > 644.8 in4
Example (Cont.)
• Select the section from the moment of inertia
tables in the AISC Table 3-3. (p. 3-21)
Ix > 644.8 in4

• Select W21 x 44.

• W21 x 44 with Ix = 843 in4 and fbMp = 358

kip-ft. (50 ksi steel).

• Deflection at service load

D = 0.765 in. < L/360 - OK!
Beam Example (Cont.)

Step VI. Check shear for W16 x 26 .

wu = 1.2 wD + 1.6 wL = 1.42 kips / ft.

V = wl/2 = 1.42(30)/2 = 21.3 kips

Vn = 0.6FyAwCv
= 0.6 (50ksi)(0.25x15.7)(1.0)
= 118 kips > 21.3 kips

Vn can be compared with Z Table (3-2) of

fvVnx = 106.0 kips > 21.3 kips
Non-plastic Failure
The development of a plastic stress distribution
over the cross-section can be hindered by
two different length effects:
(1) Local buckling of the individual plates
(flanges and webs) of the cross-section fail
before they develop the compressive yield
stress sy.
(2) Lateral-torsional buckling of the
unsupported length of the beam / member
fail before the cross-section develops the
plastic moment Mp.
Lateral-Torsional Buckling
• Lb of a beam-member can
undergo lateral-torsional
buckling due to the applied
flexural loading (bending
• Lateral-torsional buckling is
similar to the flexural
buckling or flexural-torsional
buckling of a column
subjected to axial loading.
• There is one very important
difference. For a column, the
axial load causing buckling
remains constant along the
length. But, for a beam,
usually the lateral-torsional
buckling causing bending
moment varies along the
unbraced length.
LTB: Lateral-Torsional Buckling
•  Mn is a function of:
– Beam section properties
– (Zx, ry, x1, x2, Sx, G, J, A, Cw, Iy)

– Unbraced length, Lb
– L = distance between points which are
either braced against lateral displacement
of compression flange or braced against
twist of the cross section
– Lp : Limiting Lb for full plastic bending capacity
– Lr : Limiting Lb for inelastic LTB

• E : Modulus of elasticity, ksi

• Cb: Bending coefficient based on moment gradient.
Lateral Torsional Buckling:
Lp  Lb  Lr

• If the laterally unbraced length Lb is less than

or equal to a plastic length Lp then lateral
torsional buckling is not a problem and the
beam will develop its plastic strength Mp.
• - for I members & Channels (See
Lp =16.1-48, E / Fy
1.76 ry F2-5)
• If Lb is greater than Lp then lateral torsional
buckling will occur and the moment capacity
of the beam is reduced below the plastic
strength Mp.
Lateral Torsional Buckling:
Lp Lb  Lr

Mn = Fcr Sx <= Mp

AISC F2-5 Lr AISC F2-6 AISC 16.1-48

Lp = 1.76 ry E / Fy
Lateral Torsional Buckling:
L p  L b  Lr
• When Lp  Lb  Lr, then the lateral-torsional
buckling Mn is given by:
Mn= Cb[Mp – (Mp -0.7Fy Sx )(Lb- Lp / Lr–Lp)]

• Linear interpolation between (Lp, Mp) and (Lr, Mr)

• AISC Table 3-2 - Lp, Lr, Mp, Mr


Lp Lb Lr
Lateral Torsional Buckling:
L p  L b  Lr

• As the spacing of lateral bracing increases

but not all compression fibers will reach Fy.

• This is referred to as inelastic buckling.

• Easier to use BF:

– Mn= Mp – (BF )(Lb- Lp)

• Lr is the point where the transition is to

elastic buckling.
Lateral Torsional Buckling: Lb > Lr
• Elastic Buckling
• The buckling moment becomes smaller and smaller as
the unbraced length increases.
• AISC p. 16.1-47


Lateral Torsional Buckling: Lb > Lr

Mn = Fcr Sx <= Mp

Buckling Elastic

AISC F2-5 Lr AISC F2-6 AISC 16.1-48

Lp = 1.76 ry E / Fy
Compact, Non-Compact, and Slender
• Slender sections cannot develop Mp due to elastic local
buckling. Non-compact sections can develop My but
not Mp before local buckling occurs.
• Only compact sections can develop the plastic moment
• Applies to major and minor axis bending
Local Buckling of Flange Due to
Compressive Stress
• Equations for local
buckling of steel plates
have limiting slenderness
ratios for the individual M
plate elements of the
• AISC B4 (page 16.14),
Table B4.1 (16.1-13) and
Page 16.1-223 M
• Steel sections are
classified as compact,
non-compact, or slender
depending upon the
slenderness (l) ratio of
the individual plates of
the cross-section.
Local Buckling
Limit States for Local Buckling
Table B4.1 (p 16.1-16)
Limit States for Local Buckling
Table B4.1 (p 16.1-16)
Strength Limit State for Local Buckling

•  = Slenderness parameter; must be

calculated for flange and web buckling
(actually no web slender for W, M, C)

• p= limiting slenderness parameter for

compact element

• r = limiting slenderness parameter for

non-compact element

•   p : Section capable of developing

fully plastic stress distribution
Strength Limit State for Local Buckling

• p    r : Section capable of developing

yield stress before local buckling occurs;
will buckle before fully plastic stress
distribution can be achieved.

•   r : Slender compression elements; will

buckle elastically before yield stress is
Compact, Non Compact, or Slender
• For inelastic buckling because of unbraced
Mn= Mp – (Mp -0.7Fy Sx )(Lb- Lp / Lr–Lp)] AISC F2-2

• For Flange Local Buckling because flange in

not compact:
Mn= Mp – (Mp -0.7Fy Sx )( - p / r - p) AISC F3-1
The Bending Coefficient, Cb

• Worse case scenario is for compression

flange under constant uniform moment

• Moments usually vary over unbraced

length, so AISC uses Cb to modify for only
segment that undergoes LTB under the
highest moment.

• This factor is similar to the effective length K

that we modified in column buckling.
– (Old formula like G/G)
– Cb =1.75 + 1.05(M1/M2)+0.3(M1/M2 )
The Bending Coefficient, Cb
• Cb can always be taken as 1.

Cb =12.5 Mmax/(2.5Mmax+3Ma +4Mb + 3Mc)

• Mmax = maximum value in braced section

• Ma = value at quarter point

• Mb = value at center point

The AISC Specification says that:
• Cb is a multiplier.

• Cb is always greater than 1.0 for non-

uniform bending moment.
– Cb is equal to 1.0 for uniform bending moment.

– If you cannot calculate or figure out Cb, then it

can be conservatively assumed as 1.0.
Moment Capacity versus Lb
(for non-uniform moment case)
• Bending

Table 3-1

• Design the beam shown below. The

unfactored uniformly distributed live load is
equal to 3 kips/ft. There is no dead load.
Lateral support is provided at the end
Step I. Calculate the factored loads assuming a
reasonable self-weight.
• Assume self-weight = wsw = 100 lbs/ft.
• Dead load = wD = 0 + 0.1 = 0.1 kips/ft.
• Live load = wL = 3.0 kips/ft.
• Ultimate load =
– wu = 1.2wD + 1.6wL = 4.92 kips/ft.
• Factored ultimate moment =
– Mu = wu L2/8 = 354.24 kip-ft.
Step II. Determine unsupported length Lb & Cb
• One unsupported span with Lb = 24 ft.
• Cb = 1.14 for the parabolic bending moment
diagram, See values of Cb shown in Table 3-1.

Step III. Select a wide-flange shape

• The moment capacity of the selected section
fb Mn > Mu (Note fb = 0.9)
• fbMn = moment capacity = Cb x (fbMn for the case
with uniform moment)  fbMn
• Table 3-10 in the AISC-LRFD manual shows plots
of fbMn - Lb for the case of uniform bending
Therefore, in order to select a section, calculate
Mu/ Cb and use it with Lb to find the first
section with a solid line.
• Mu/ Cb = 354.24/1.14 = 310.74 kip-ft.
• Select W16 x 67 (50 ksi steel) fbMn =357 kip-ft. for
Lb = 24 ft. and Cb =1.0
• For the case with Cb = 1.14,
• fbMn = 1.14 x 357 = 406.7 kip-ft., which must be 
fbMn = 491 kip-ft. OK!
• Thus, W16 x 67 made from 50 ksi steel with
moment capacity equal to 406.7 kip-ft. for an
Step IV. Check for local buckling. Also
found in footnotes of sections.
• l = bf / 2tf = 7.7; lp = 0.38 (E/Fy)0.5 = 9.192

Therefore, l < lp - compact flange

• l = h/tw = 34.4; lp = 3.76 (E/Fy)0.5 = 90.5

Therefore, l < lp - compact web

Step V. Check shear. (W16 x 67 made from 50
ksi steel)

wu = 1.2wD + 1.6wL = 4.92 kips/ft.

V = wl/2 = 4.92(24)/2 = 59 kips
Vn = 0.6FyAwCv
= 0.6 (50ksi)(0.395x16.3)(1.0)
= 193 kips
Step VI. Check deflection. (W16 x 67 made
from 50 ksi steel)

D = Wl3/384 EI
D = (4.92 klf x 24ft)(24 x 12) 3/384(29,000 ksi)(954 in4)
D = 0.27in
Dallow = L /360 = 24 x 12/ 360 = 0.8 in.

Summary LRFD Beam Design
1. Determine the location and magnitude of
the loads and draw a load diagram.

2. Determine if the shape is compact by

calculating  slenderness parameter

  p Full plastic moment, Mp

p     r Mn= Mp – (Mp 0.7Fy Sx )( - p / r - p)

 > r Mn= Fcr Sx

Summary LRFD Beam Design
Check Shape: If the shape is non compact
because of the flange, (calculate 
slenderness parameter)

  p Full plastic moment, Mp

p    r Mn= Mp – (Mp 0.7Fy Sx )( - p / r - p)
 > r Mn= Fcr Sx
Summary LRFD Beam Design
3. Find Moment - Lateral Torsional Buckling

Mn = Fcr Sx <= Mp

AISC F2-5 Lr AISC F2-6 AISC 16.1-48

Lp = 1.76 ry E / Fy
Summary LRFD Beam Design
4. Check shear in the web
h/tw = 2.24 E / Fy

Most cases with

W shapes
AISC G2-1 fv = 1 and Cv = 1,

fv = 0.9

AISC G2-3 AISC G2-3 and AISC G2-3

Summary LRFD Beam Design
5. Check deflection.
• Local buckling is not an issue for most
beams for A992 beams
• Effective bracing is provided at ends to
restrain rotation about the longitudinal axis.

• Effective bracing reduces Lb and prevents

twist of the cross section and/or lateral
movement of the compression flange.

• Cb is important in economical design when

plastic moment is not developed
Works Cited
• Segui, William T. 2007. Steel Design. 4th
ed. Thompson Engineering.

• Steel Construction Manual, 13th ed. AISC,


• CE 405: Design of Steel Structures –Dr. A.


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