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• They are those suffering from restriction or different

abilities, as a result of a mental, physical or sensory

impairment, to perform activities considered normal
for a human being.
• Include those who have long term physical, mental,
intellectual or sensory impairments which in
interaction with various barriers may hinder their full
and effective participation in society on an equal basis
with others.

Handicap Disability

• Any loss, diminution or aberration of

psychological, physiological, or anatomical
structure or function

• Any restriction or lack (resulting from an

impairment) of ability to perform an activity
in the manner or within the range
considered normal for a human being.

• It refers to a disadvantage for a given

individual, resulting from an impairment or
disability, that limits or prevents the
function, that is considered normal given
the age and sex of an individual.
• Since an individual’s functioning and
disability occur in a context, the
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health also includes a list of
environmental factors.

• This was affirmed by WHO

• Learning and applying knowledge
• General tasks and demands
• Communication
• Mobility
• Self-care
• Domestic life
• Interpersonal interactions and relationships
• Major life areas
• Community, social and civic life
• About 16 per thousand of the country’s
population had disability
• Of the 92.1 million household population in the
country, 1,443 thousand persons or 1.57 percent
had disability, based on the 2010 Census of
Population and Housing (2010 CPH). The
recorded figure of persons with disability (PWD)
in the 2000 CPH was 935,551 persons, which was
1.23 percent of the household population.
• On March 24,1992, Republic Act No. 7227
was signed by President Ramos which gives
rights and privileges to disabled persons as
part of the Philippine Society.
• A qualified disabled employee shall be subject to the same terms
and conditions of employment and the same compensation,
privileges, benefits, fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a
qualified able-bodied person

• Five percent (5%) of casual, emergency and contractual positions

in the Department of Social Welfare and Development; Health;
Education; Culture and Sports; and other gov’t agencies, offices or
corporations engaged in social development shall be reserved for
disabled persons.
• No entity, whether public or private, shall discriminate
against a qualified disabled person by reason of
disability in regard to job application procedures, the
hiring, promotion, or discharge of employees, employee
compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions,
and privileges of employment.
• (a). Limiting, segregating or classifying a disabled job applicant in
such a manner that adversely affects his work opportunities;
• (b). Using qualification standards, employment tests or other selection
criteria that screen out or tend to screen out a disabled person unless
such standards, tests or other selection criteria are shown to be job
related for the position on question and are consistent with business
• (c). Utilizing standards, criteria, or methods of administration that:
• 1). have the effect of discrimination on the basis of disability; or
• 2). perpetuate the discrimination of others who are subject to
common administrative control;
• (d). Providing less compensation, such as salary, wage or other forms of
remuneration and fringe benefits, to a qualified disabled employee, by reason
of his disability, than the amount to which a non-disabled person performing
the same work is entitled;
• (e). Favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified disabled employee
with respect to promotion, training opportunities, study and scholarship grants,
solely on account of the latter’s disability;
• (f). Re-assigning or transferring a disabled employee to a job or position he
cannot perform by reason of his disability;
• (g). Dismissing or terminating the services of a disabled employee by reason
of his disability unless the employer can prove that he impairs the satisfactory
performance of the work involve to the prejudice of the business entities;
Provided, however, That the employer first sought provide reasonable
accommodations for disabled persons;
• (h). Failing to select or administer in the effective manner employment
tests which accurately reflect the skills, aptitude or other factor of the
disabled applicant or employee that such test purports to measure,
rather than the impaired sensory, manual or speaking skills of such
applicant or employee, if any; and
• (i). Excluding disabled persons from membership in labor unions or
similar organization.
• Amending SEC. 5 of RA 7277: No
person with disability shall be denied
access to opportunities for suitable
• Equal Opportunity for Employment for
PWDs in Public and Private Sector .
• “At least one percent (1%) of all positions in all
government agencies, offices or corporations shall
be reserved for persons with disability, provided:
• That private corporations with more than one
hundred(100)employees are encouraged to
reserve at least one percent (1%) of all positions
for persons with disability.”
• IRR of the said Act will be signed and approved
on 17 June 2016.
• You have the right to be
employed in the same way as
able-bodied people as long as
you can perform the work
• You have the right to be
provided work that
accommodates your
• You have the right to be
hired as apprentice if you
are able to perform the job
• You have the right to be
trained in order to develop
skills for employment
• You have the right to be
trained in advancement for
your employment
• Adopted by UNESCAP member-
states in 2012, the Incheon
Strategy gives the countries in the
Asia-Pacific of a regionally agreed
disability-inclusive development
goals, covering broad array of
development concerns from poverty
reduction, employment, social
protection, and etc.
• Reduce Poverty and Enhance
Work and Employment
• “Promotion of
social justice
shall include the
commitment to
create economic
based on freedom
of initiative and
• “ Make the Right Real” for Persons
with Disabilities in support to
Incheon Strategy
• (1) Enhancement of Social and
Vocational Skills Capabilities,
• (2) Promotion of Markets for
Products and Services of PWD
Organizations, and
• (3) Accessible Work Centers.
• Famous scientist of Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics
• His research fields are black holes,
theoretical cosmology and quantum gravity
• He is severely disabled by motor neuron
disease, likely a variant of the disease known
as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
• She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a
Bachelor of Arts degree.
• World famous speaker and author.
• She founded many health and poltical
• She is remembered as an advocate for
people with disabilities amid numerous
other causes.
• German composer and pianist of 18th
• He was a crucial figure of Western classical
music and remains one of the most
influential composers of all time
• The cause of Beethoven’s deafness is
Camus, Manrique
Dayag, Glenmore
Foronda,Christian Angelo
Ricamora, Lynus Angelo
Bayaca, Lovely Jane
Iringan, Juvy Ann
Taguibao, Glydel Joy

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