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How is typography used to create effect?

Sans serif font is used on the masthead,
this connotes to modern, youthfulness
and simplicity. This tells us that this is
their way of attracting the young target
audience. (2 marks)

Script font is used in the cover line

‘fashion in the fast lane’. This creates a
personal effect with the audience. Script
font looks like handwriting and therefore
links to the stereotype that women like to
write, such as diaries so should engage
with the audience. (2 marks)


Serif font connotes to sophistication. This

represents women as sophisticated with
is a positive stereotype and attempting to
show them in this way to engage the
audience. (2 marks)
How is image manipulation used to create
effect? (4 marks)
Image manipulation is used through
the use of Donald Trump’s face. His
head has been enlarged to be bigger
than his body. Therefore this
connotes to the idea that Trump is
big headed and self obsessed. (2

Donald Trump is shown to be out of

scale in comparison to the world,
therefore this is to emphasises his
importance and how he attempts to
make America the most important
continent in the world. This links to
the fact he is holding the American
Flag to show domination. (2 marks)
Explain one way that red has been used to
create meaning for the audience (2 marks)
Red represents strength,
dominance and energy. (1

This links to Mens Health as

men are stereotyped to strong
and powerful, linking to the
context of Mens Health, a
magazine based about
developing strength and
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
(1 mark)
Explain one way that the headline or strapline
creates interest in the magazine (2 marks)
The headline ‘Man of Steel’ is of thick sans
serif font and is the second largest font on
the page (after masthead) (1 MARK). This
emphasises the importance and relevance
of the film and adding to the actor’s
importance. (1 MARK)


The headline ‘Man Of Steel’ is in a metallic

silver font demonstrating the idea of ‘steel’.
(1 MARK) This is a form of anchorage to the
title getting the point across to the
audience how strong this character is. (1

Must link first point to the effect of the

Explain how representation is shown in this
Magazine (10 marks)
The magazine targets middle/upper class (1 mark) middle aged
men (1 mark).
The producer choose to represent them in a sophisticated,
intelligent, classy manner (1 mark).
This is shown through the use of the model’s costume being a suit
demonstrating his authority and class. (1 mark)
Furthermore the majority of the cover lines are in serif font adding
the audience’s formality (1 mark).
The content involved covers a range of topics such as fashion,
business, health and politics (1 mark).
This implies that the audience are intelligent middle class (1 mark).
For example; ‘BREXIT: The facts…’ implies they have knowledge of
politics, a stereotype for the upper class. (1 mark)
The representation focuses mainly on the white ethnicity, not only
through the model but only as only other reference to another
celebrities are ‘jeremy clarkson’ and ‘Chris Evans’. (1 mark)
This is an issue as GQ are implying that this is their target audience
and white ethnicity is only evidenced with this class. (1 mark)
This creates an under- representation of other classes(1 mark) and
does not give an diverse representation.
This links to theorist Richard Dyer who implies stereotypes creates
a hierarchy, in this case white ethnicity represented in a positive
upper class manner. (1 mark)

Any other responses, check with Miss

Explain how two examples of anchorage in this print
advertisement? (4 marks)

- Kisses on duty (1 mark) links to main image

taking up the majority of the space putting
attention on the model’s enhanced lips (1 mark)
- 1000 kisses lip tint (1 mark) is an anchor linking
to the product of lipsticks matching the images
of the product in the bottom right third (1 mark)
- The model takes up the whole advertisement
with her lips positioned just off the centre third
(1 marks) this bring attention to the product
which is beneath the model persuading the
audience to buy the product. (1 mark)

The subheading ‘1000 kisses lip tint’ makes it clear

that the advert is for lipstick rather than another
type of cosmetics. (1 MARK) This directs the focus to
a second anchor, the model’s lips, attaching meaning
to them. (1 MARK). The viewer is being directed to
assume that the lips draw the eye because they have
been enhanced with the lip tint (1 MARK).
Analyse how an audience might read the combination of
context, layout, words and images to create meaning’ (10 marks)
• The layout of the text is symmetrical as the model is in the centre and the
cover lines either side. (1 mark) This is effective as our eye line focuses on
Katy Perry (1 mark) and as the target audience are women, the effect is
likely (preferred reading; Stuart Hall’s Reception Theory) (1 mark) that
the audience would either want to look like her (1 mark) or female
audiences may identify with her and therefore want to buy the
magazines as they are fans of her music (1 mark).

• The use of white space is also significant as it surrounds her adding to her
importance and focuses our attention on her further (1 mark).

• Although the target audience is for teenage girls (1 mark) they have still
decided to sexualise Katy Perry. (1 mark) this is through her costume
showing lots of skin. (1 mark) Presumably this wouldn't’t be done for
sexual pleasure (voyeurism) (1 mark) but more so to make young girls
want to aspire to look like her. (1 mark)
• This is an issue as it is demonstrating to the audience an ideal model of
‘perfection’ whereas in reality the model has probably been adjusted in
Photoshop. (1 mark).
• This could lead to copy cat behaviour or objectification for the audience
(Stuart Hall’s Effects of Representation) (1 mark) which is a negative

• A negotiated reading however might take place where audiences may

understand that Katy Perry has been made to look like this for the benefit
of the magazines but still enjoy the magazine and how she looks. (2
• Finally an oppositional reading could also occur where audiences may
disagree with how she is representing herself and not want to buy the
magazine at all (1 mark).
Explain how image manipulation has been done
to create a representation. (10 marks)
An animation has been created represented men to be strong,
powerful and heroic.(1 mark)

This is a dated stereotype and an example of an archetype; hero

(1 mark).

The use of the skin tight top emphasizes his six pack (1 mark) to
further support this.

The character appears to be a superhero, with the ‘M’ across his

chest representing ‘Mr Muscle’. (1 mark), this is a positive
portrayal of men to be saviors (1 mark).

The character is wearing a lab coat over his costume and matching
orange glasses, indicating intelligence (1 mark), which links to the
words strapped across the image (1 mark).

Orange represents energy (1 mark) this is shown throughout the

advert but specifically through his costume. This tells us that men
are represented as active and strong (1 mark). The fact that the
orange dominates this advert could connote to his high amount of
power. (1 mark)

The back lighting behind the character adds to his status and
importance (1 mark) which is a stereotypical portrayal of men in
the media (1 mark).

This links to Richard Dyer’s stereotyping theory that stereotyping

creates hierarchy (1 mark) and in this example the audience
decode’s that men are seemed to be strong and intelligent.
‘This advertisement objectifies women’. To what extent
do you agree with this statement? (12 marks)
I believe that this advertisement does objectify women significantly. Firstly and
most obviously through the image.
The woman is shown on her knees providing food for her assumed to be husband (1
The positioning of the female character being below her husband tells us that she
has a lack of power (1 mark).
The long shot of this advertisement makes this evident (1 mark).
The use of the lack of information around her reinforces this further as our
attention is immediately drawn to her. (1 mark).
Furthermore the fact she is wearing a pink dress makes her stand out on the page
more so than anything else (1 mark).
Not suggesting importance in the scene but suggesting she has a large role within
this advert and that the producers would like to communicate (for us to decode;
preferred reading) (1 mark) her lack of power for their male audiences (1 mark).
The pink dress implies her to be a stereotypical feminine character in this context
beneath the male (1 mark).
The cover line ‘show her it’s a man’s world’ implies the target audience are men (1
mark) trying to promote ties.
This tells us that the producer is male, and sharing his humour/ perspective with the
audience to make it feel relatable (preferred reading). (1 mark)
The fact that the character’s arms are behind his head means he is relaxed,
supported with his smile implying that he is relaxed, perhaps after a day at work. (1
mark). This suggests the stereotype that he is the breadwinner while the women is a
house wife only supporting her husband’s needs (1 mark).
The cover line ‘Man’s World’ objectifies women as it is implying men dominate the
world (1 mark).
This links to Stuart Hall’s Effects of Representation theory that the effect could lead
to copy cat behaviour or objectification (1 mark).
This links to Hall’s Representation theory that audience’s are persuaded to decode
the advert in the preferred reading and agree with the advert with is negative. (1
Media effects the way society view one another. How far do you
agree? Reference theorists in your response. (20 marks)
Media effects the way society view one another. How far do you
agree? Reference theorists in your response. (20 marks)
Media effects the way society view one another. How far do you
agree? Reference theorists in your response. (20 marks)

I strongly agree that media effects the way we view one another. Nonetheless, I will also be providing a response as how this can have a positive and
negative effect.
I believe media has a strong influence on the way society views one another as media has a mass target audience and therefore we are constantly
consuming many different media forms every day.
An historical example of how media can effect society in large way, is the WWII propaganda footage that the Nazi’s shared with other German citizens in
hope to get them to join them and their beliefs. As this was an early stage of moving image media, it gained many German's joining the Nazis through the
use of propaganda. This is an example that supports the Hypodermic Needle model whereby media can inject ideologies into ourselves/society using a
hypothetical syringe and drugging us with misconceptions of truth. This is highly negative and can effect society as we may believe only a fraction of reality
instead of having our own viewpoints ourselves.
I believe that this is still a contemporary issue within Media. More so with body image and what we perceive to be attractive. The media provides images of
models, creating high expectations for both men and women. An example would be in lifestyle magazines such as ‘Mens Health’. Usually the main image
consists of a topless man that is well built, muscular and attractive. The model appeals to be smiling, direct addressing the audience giving the perception
that ‘I am happy looking this way’ and creating a personal effect with the viewer through the use of eye contact. Furthermore, the images are often edited
back and white, and contrast is added to define the shading/tones around the model’s abs. This is a negative representation as men may look at that
magazine and have this perception of what is expected. Furthermore Mens Health magazines also usually involves content of how to attract women, giving
the perception that by looking a certain way and buying the magazine, you are more likely be attractive to other women. This is the producer’s intention in
hope to gain a preferred reading in wanting audiences to buy the magazine through these techniques. However I hope that it is seen as an open text by the
audience where audiences have polysemic interpretations, and perhaps do not take this too literal. Lastly, Mens Health magazine does not provide any
evidence of homosexuality (an absence in representation). Heterosexuality is shown to be the norm in this magazine and therefore under-representing any
other sexualities. This is an issue as the magazine is implying that it is only masculine to be heterosexual and therefore excluding any other sexualities.
However, media could effect society in a positive way also. For example, using positive stereotypes or having presence of positive acts covered in Media.
For examples, where celebrities may be doing something good for the people of the world. E.g. Angelina Jolie often shown to be supportive of children in
third world countries and an ambassador of UNICEF. This could influence fans of this celebrity and lead to copy cat behaviour (Stuart Hall ; Effects of
I do believe that the media is progressing and slowly moving forward from stereotypes. Richard Dyer believes that stereotypes creates hierarchy's and are
often done as a form of hegemony (over simplifications). This makes it easier for the audiences to decode a text. For examples, many romantic comedies
such as Mean Girls revolve around stereotypes for their audiences to understand the text further. Although Dyer is critical of stereotypes as it creates
hierarchy and Stuart Hall believes it can cause issues with socialisation. Although there are some examples where there are subversions of genre
conventions in films using countertypes for entertainment purposes (one of the uses and gratifications). For example in ‘don’t breathe’ it focuses on an old
blind man as the lead antagonist. Although it is a negative role, it is a progression in society as elderly are often stereotyped to be reliant and weak which is
also a stereotype of disability too.
In conclusion I believe media does effect the way society makes us view one another, however this can be in a positive manner as well as negative.

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