Kelestarian Pengajaran Dan Penyelidikan (Slide)

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• Sustainable development was introduced in 1968 in Paris at the “Bioshere
• In Malaysia, the concept of sustainable development was introduced in the
Seventh Malaysia Plan (7MP) in 1996.
• Sustainable development is important to ensure the holistic well-being of the
community. This situation not only be implemented in urban areas but must be
practiced in the campus.
• Sustainable development is a concept that focuses on the conservation and
preservation of natural resources in each activity.
• Education for sustainability in general is a process to develop concerns, abilities,
attitudes, and values that exist in students.
• Sustainability on campus is one of the most pristine in order Universiti
Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) to achieve a campus that is not only superior in
terms of research and high quality graduates but also offers a comfortable and
convenient ecosystem.
• The reason for making upsi a sustainable campus is to create and maintain an
environment that is healthy and clean. In addition, it is also to reduce
environmental pollution in the area around the campus and lecture rooms.
Sustainable means:
a) Fixed
b) Unchanged
c) Permanent

Sustainable development means:

 The development of the human needs without
compromising the capacity of natural resources in
the long run and the status of environmental
quality and social equity.
Campus sustainable:
 An institution of higher education as a whole
or in part to minimize the negative effects of
the environment, economy, society and health
generated in the use of resources to meet the
teaching, research, outreach and partnership
and stewardship in a way to help people make
the transition towards a sustainable lifestyle.

Teaching and research sustainable:

 The retention of a system related to the
aspects of teaching or the teaching and
preservation of its research in a particular field.
 In terms of academic: Teaching and research
sustainability means maintaining the
characteristics of a sustainable campus through
the teaching faculty at a university that takes into
account the importance of environmental

 In terms of research: It should include the

environmental aspects and appropriate to
maintain the harmony of the environment,
including in terms of transport has always back
and forth from college to college students, in
terms of vegetation as shelter and other campus-
related environment
• According to Rohaty 2005, sustainability education refers to the
learning that is necessary to maintain and improve the quality of life
for future generations.
• Environmental education and education for sustainable development
in teaching and research has shown the importance of equality in the
implementation of the environment through education. However,
the primary responsibility of an institution of higher education is to
provide students with the values of caring, knowledge, skills and the
needs of other values to create sustainability in themselves.
• Universities have an important role in various disciplines to produce
graduates who have a deep understanding of the concept of
sustainability and has a high concern for the environment to produce
human capital that is useful to the state and religion.
• Sustainable mind is the need to produce quality human capital and
first class mind. Therefore, the university should act towards
sustainable development in a variety of ways, including teaching,
research, management, planning, construction and other.
• Establishment of sustainable development at the campus was made
possible by encouraging citizens to adopt the use of non-motorized
modes of transportation on campus.
• Use of motorized transport modes in the campus area more
vulnerable to gases such as carbon monoxide emissions that pollute
the environment.
• According to Tan (2006) explained that the campus is vulnerable to
pollution emission has led to some hot spots (hot spot area) and cold
(cool spot area) as a result of severe emissions by vehicles.
• The use of vehicles such as buses, cars and motorcycles is a
contributor to air pollution in the vicinity of the campus.
• It is thus able to emulate other universities to develop a sustainable
• Landscape in an area plays an important role in contributing to the
control of the temperature and the green itself.
• Area with no trees will contribute to overheating. This incident caused a
lack of awareness among people about the importance of preserving
• Structure also plays a role in the preservation of it. This is because the
combination of landscape elements to the building is necessary because
it can contribute to the green as well as exploring the land for the
construction of the campus.
• No doubt the new campus is a new campus opened but is irrelevant
when we are not concerned with the preservation of the environment.
• Landscape in the classroom also plays a role of lecturers and students.
Comfort is also focused on classroom teaching and learning process to
be successful.
• Maximizing sustainable concepts in the classroom seem dim and
concerns regarding the lack of a conducive environment and save.
• This timetable aims to provide convenience to the lecturers and
students in teaching and learning to sit so as not to overlap each
• Provide facilities which are very important in imparting knowledge
on comfortable and perfect.
• The problem arises when the increase college and fall subject in
college did not go so smoothly and systematically.
• This event occurs when students scrambling to add the subject at a
time and all students do so simultaneously.
• This problem makes it difficult for students to add to the subject
than that required in the system.
• Such registration hampers the students log in to the portal
• Factors increasing the autumn subject also plays an important role in
the sustainability of road usage timetable on campus. As a user table,
sustainability should be prioritized in order to meet the quality of
life on campus.
Research and Teaching
• When applying the students with a sense of
environmental impact, which has courses in ecology
and sustainable energy is a must, but the campus
should also be used as a learning laboratory.
• Every student should be required to show at least a
general understanding of the ecology and technology
promoted on campus.
• Using renewable energy, water conservation systems,
building design and advanced technology or other
sustainable on campus, not only reduce environmental
impact but also give a good impression to the
residences on campus.
 Change of mind is the mind that is sustainable lecturers
need to be positive in relation to the environment and
sustainable development in the teaching and learning
process. Lecturers themselves should have the
knowledge, concerns and awareness.

 approach incorporating environmental and sustainable

development in each course that is not limited to only
the necessary curriculum.

 This requires a serious discussion with the workshop to

be attended by lecturers from all departments in the
Problem-based learning

Use of bicycles and pedestrian mode

to both campuses UPSI.

Improvements can be done by taking

students on each bus stop provided
in the campus.
Sustainable Campus Model
• University sustainability model represents a systematic procedure how
people responsible for sustainability initiatives in the academic institutions
that can provide the initial momentum to start and continue a step further
in the process of achieving sustainable.
• Involves the integration of sustainability in university activities of teaching,
research, operations and relationships with the external community, thus
creating a fully integrated system.
• Advantage of the model is that it could potentially affect the sustainability
of conservation practices by those involved in the institutions of higher
education by recognizing, respecting, studying, being critical and thus
• Universities should make their own reforms in teaching, research, faculty,
appoint staff, development, operations, opportunities for students,
outreach, mission and structure of sound.
• Integrating sustainability into all activities by adopting a holistic and
integrated approach.
Figure 1: Model of Higher Education Sustainability as a Fully
Integrated System (Cortese, 2003)
Campus operations
• Operations at the university campus will be the
basis to reduce the ecological footprint of

• Refers to the environmental management system

• Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar (2008), suggest three

strategies that can take the initiative to achieve
sustainability mission of the implementation of
environmental management systems
(Environmental Management System, EMS), public
participation and social responsibility, teaching and
research on sustainability.
• University of the moral responsibility to increase awareness, knowledge,
skills and values needed to create a fair and sustainable future.
• The main challenge in education is to identify, understand and promote
higher education initiatives towards sustainable development.
• universities should contribute to the transition towards a sustainable
society with a model of sustainable practices for the community, to teach
students the skills of integration, synthesis and systems thinking and how
to handle complex issues necessary to meet the challenges of
• Wals and Corcoran (2006) provides recommendations for integrating the
principles of sustainable development in higher education is a full
implementation of the diversity of learning styles, active participation,
values, case study approach, the social dimension of learning and learn to
• Courses throughout the curriculum must show sustainability topics such as
globalization, ecology, social justice and sustainable consumption and
production, and so on.
• Environmental issues, technological and
environmental innovations and alternatives to
reduce the negative impact on the ecology.

• Universities should consider research for sustainable

development not just an academic exercise but also
rather as an important response to the crisis of
sustainability is growing rapidly and has become the
most important research agenda.

• The study by Wass et al. (2010) has identified eight

characteristics of university research for sustainable
• An effort by individuals in an organization or group to connect ideas
or practices to the efforts of other organizations, groups or the
general public.

• Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar (2008) suggested the campus community

outreach involving social justice and community service.
• Social justice is concerned with promoting the dignity of justice,
equality, peace, security, human rights and the preservation of health

• Community service is concerned with the features and services

awareness community project, working with local communities to
obtain the benefit of the environment and to the campus as
community centers to educate and enlighten the community.

• Calder and Clugston (2003) proposed an agreement between the

university and the institutions of government of the role and
functions of the university in relation to the sustainability of such an
initiative is a partnership in research and development.
• A comprehensive approach is capable to
optimize the role of the university as an agent
of change.
• Perform on operations campus.
• University research that will significantly focus
on sustainable development.
• Disciplined, professional, liberal arts and
general education requirements at the
university should be applied to create a
sustainable campus.
• UPSI itself must hold a teaching and research on
this issue so that all citizens UPSI understand the
concept of sustainability and apply to become a
cultural campus.
• UPSI should have the Green Campus Program.
• One of the core elements in the implementation of
the Green Campus Program is a human being.
• Teaching in the classroom and management of the
administration will be more systematic and achieve
sustainability on campus as desired.
Figure 3: Plan of the proposed Green Campus Program in
preserving the UPSI campus through teaching and research
• Sustainable university is an organization that has a sustainability
strategy that is flexible enough to take into account the dynamics of
internal and external environment, proactive visionary management,
strong organizational culture, which is widely recognized prestige,
enjoys the support of the community.

• Establishment of a sustainable campus is vital to ensure a comfortable

and healthy environment to the community.

• Provision of proper facilities will further enhance the students to

preserve teaching and research and will indirectly provide awareness
to the university about the importance of planning for a more
sustainable campus and harmony in order to protect the campus
environment more comfortable and harmonious.

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