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Laura is a very strong and passionate person. She Laura Staggard is one of the last survivors of ‘The Reacher’.

always puts others first. She has a very strong bond with . She joined The Reacher in 2042 when the 4th maned
all of her crew being like a family to her and losing them shuttle to Mars was being assembled she was chosen as
has emotionally scarred her. main pilot and navigator.

Laura is a blonde haired, White Laura was born in Ohio, in 2016 and is
American. She is 5’7 and is the flight 26 years old. She has been on The
engineer of The Reacher. She is the LAURA STAGGARD Reacher for 5 years, on a trip to mars to
least experienced of space walking out sample materials and create a base of
of all the crew. operations.

Her mother was a doctor in America and

During the first 2 years Laura started an intimate
her Father was a solider for the American
raltionship with one of her fellow astronauts, Mea.
special forces, they were a fairly wealthy
Mea sadly passed away during the initial impact that
family but Laura at a young age became
crippled The Reacher which killed 6 members of the
very interested in vehicles , which lead to
crew. Only her and her co captain Mason Lu Lugo
her going into the career in NASA.
Mason Lu Lugo Is one of two survivors of The
Mason is a very smart and very calm person Reacher. He joined The Reacher in 2042 and was
under pressure. He is very protective of his selected last as a technical advisor during the 5
friends and has a very strong bond with them as year trip to Mars.
he never had a proper family.

Mason is a brown haired , tanned Mason was born in Bangkok

British citizen. He is 6’0 and is the Thailand in 2017 and is 25 years
technical advisor and navigator of MASON LU LUGO old. He is on-board ‘The
The Reacher. He is one of the least Reacher’ on a 5 year mission to
trained of all the astronauts Mars to sample materials and
however is a smart and vastly skilled create a base of operations
with many manually controlled

Mason never had a true family and had gone

Masons father was a building operator and his from home to home aft5er the death of his
mother was a poor waitress . Mason was born father. He was a troubled child but excelled in
in Thailand however he was sent to England computer programming and finally was put
with his father with his father slowly dying through several Space programmes before
after and he was put into a care home being recruited for NASA.

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