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Data Base Management


By: Huma Nauman

12/07/21 National University Of Modern Languages 1

Course contents

 The context of data base management

 Database environment
 Database Development process

 Database Analysis
 Modeling data in the organization
 The enhanced E-R model and business rule

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 Database Design
 Logical data base design and relational model
 Physical data base design and performance
 Implementation

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 File processing System
 Manual data processing
 Huge amount of data
 Management problem
 Time taking
 In-efficient
 Data privacy problems
 Data duplication

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 Data integrity and security
 Limited data sharing
 No backups
 Scratch development is not easier
 Changes are made with no ease (program data

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 Database:
 An organized collection of logically related data.
 Data:
 Facts, text, graphics, images, sound, and video
segments that have meaning in the user environment.
 Information:
 Data that have been processed in such a way as to
increase the knowledge of the person who uses the

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Example Information

Name ID Major GPA

Baker, 324917628 MGT 2.9


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 Data that describes the
properties or
characteristics of other
 Example

Name Type Length Min Max description

Course Alphanu 30 Course id

meric and name

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Enterprise Data Model

A graphical model that shows the high-level

entities for the organization and the
relationship among those entities.

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Entity data model


Places Has
Is placed by
Is for

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 Data warehouse:
 Database that contain historical and summarized
information. Such a database is usually called
data warehouse or called data mart.
 Database application:
 An application program that is used to perform a
series of database activities (create, read, update,
delete) on behalf of database users.

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Basic operations

 Four basic operations of database are:

 Create (add new data to the database).
 Read (read current database data).
 Update (update or modify current database data).
 Delete (delete current data from the database)

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Range of Database Applications

 Personal database
 Workgroup database
 Department database
 Enterprise database
 Internet, extranet, intranet database

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Personal database

 Designed to support one user.

 Long resided on personal computers.
 Simple database applications that store
customer information and the details of
contacts with each customer can be used
from a personal computer.
 Can easily transferred to an other device for

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 Key decisions for developing personal database

 Buy or built
 Should it be developed by end-user or professional
 What data is required and how should be designed?
 How data in personal database should be synchronized
with other database
 Who is responsible for the data accuracy of the personal

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Workgroup database

 Workgroup is relatively small team of people

who collaborate on the same project or
application or a group of similar projects or
 Comprises fewer than 25 persons.
 Designed to support the collaborative efforts
of such a team.

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 Method of sharing the data:

 Each member of the workgroup has a desktop
computer and the computers are lined y means of
the LAN.
 Database is stored on a central device called the
database server. Which is also connected to the
 Thus each member of the workgroup has the
access to the shared data.

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 Key decisions for developing workgroup database

 How can the design of the database be optimized for a

variety of group members information requirements.
 How can the various members can use the database
concurrently without compromising on integrity.
 Which database operations should be performed on
workstations and which should be performed on servers.

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Department database
 Department is a functional unit within an
 Examples are:
 Manufacturing, accounting, marketing etc.
 Department is generally larger than the workgroup
(between 25 to 100 persons).
 Designed to support the various activities of the
 This is the most common type of database among
all of them.

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 Key decisions for developing department database:
 For adequate performance how can a database and its
environment be designed.
 How can security be provided for un-authorized disclosure
or distribution of sensitive data.
 Do other department maintain the same type of data and if
so, how can data redundancy and consistency of data and
metadata can best be managed.
 Whether should create a distributed database as users of
the database are geographically dispersed.

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Enterprise database

 Its scope is the entire organization.

 It supports the organization-wide operations
and decision making.
 In one enterprise there can be may enterprise
 Evolution of enterprise database results in
 Data warehousing implementation.

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 A business management system that integrates
all functions of the enterprise, such as
manufacturing, sales, finance, marketing etc.
 They are the software applications that provide
the data necessary for the enterprise to examine
and manage the activities.

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 Data warehouse:
 An integrated decision support database whose
content is derived from the various operational
 While ERP system works with the current
operational data of the enterprise, data
warehouse collects their contents from the various
operational database, including personal,
department etc database.
 It provides user the opportunity to work with
historical data.

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 Legacy data:
 Data contained by a system often used prior to
the installation of the new system.

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Extranet and Intranet Database

 Extranet:
 Use of internet protocols to establish limited
access to company data and information by
company’s customers and suppliers.
 Intranet:
 Use of internet protocols to establish access to
company data and information that is limited to
the organization.

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 User view:
 A logical description of some portion of the
database that is required by the user to perform
some task.
 Constraint:
 A rule that cannot be violated by database users.
 Repository:
 A centralized knowledge base of all data
definitions, data relationships,, screen and report
formats, and other system components.

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Components of the Database
 Computer-aided software engineering tool CASE:
 Repository
 Database Management System
 Database
 Application program
 User interface
 Data administrators
 System developers
 End users

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 Automated tool used to design databases and application
 Repository:
 A centralized knowledge base of all data definitions, data
relationships,, screen and report formats, and other system
 Database management system:
 A software application that is used to create, maintain and
provide controlled access to user database.

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 Database:
 An organized collection of logically related data.
 Application program:
 Programs that is used to create and maintain the
database and provide information to the user.
 User interface:
 Languages, menus, and other facilities by which
user interact with the various system components.
Such as CASE tools, application programs, the
DBMS etc

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 Data administrators:
 Persons who are responsible for the overall information
resources of the organization. They can use CASE tools for
improving the overall productivity of database planning and
 System developers:
 Persons such as system analyst and programmers who
design new application programs.
 End users:
 Persons throughout the organization, who add, delete and
modify data in the database, and who request and receive
information from it.

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