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Development of

or Hindbrain
Dr. Muhammad Rafique
Anatomy, DIMC
Review the early development of Brain Vesicles
Know the Basic structures of Neural Tube
Know the Nomenclatures
Describe the development of Myelencephalon or
Medulla Oblongata
Discuss the development of Metencephalon
Discuss the development of Cerebellum
Discuss the development of Mesencephalon or
Development of Primary Brain Vesicles
The neural tube cranial to the
fourth pair of somites develops
into the brain. Fusion of the
neural folds in the cranial
region and closure of the
rostral neuropore form three
primary brain vesicles from
which the brain develops .
The three primary brain vesicles
Forebrain (Prosencephalon)
Midbrain (Mesencephalon)
Hindbrain (Rhombencephalon)
Secondary Brain Vesicles
During the fifth week, the
forebrain partly divides into
two secondary brain vesicles
Midbrain does not divide
Hindbrain partly divides into
Metencephalon or cerebellum &
Myelencephalon or Medulla
There are five secondary brain
Forebrain or Prosencephalon
Again subdivided into 2 regions
Cerebral Hemisphere or
Or Diencephalon
Midbrain or Mesencephalon
Hindbrain or
Again divided into 2 Regions
Metencephalon or cerebellum
& pons
Myelencephalon of Medulla
During the fourth week, the
embryonic brain grows Brain Flexures
rapidly and bends ventrally
with the head fold. This
produces the midbrain
flexure in the midbrain
region and the cervical
flexure at the junction of the
hindbrain and spinal cord.
Later, unequal growth of the
brain between these flexures
produces the pontine flexure
in the opposite direction.
This flexure results in
thinning of the roof of the
Basic Structures of Neural tube
Initially, the primordial brain has the
same basic structure as the
developing spinal cord; however,
the brain flexures produce
considerable variation in the
outline of transverse sections at
different levels of the brain and in
the position of the gray and white
matter (substance). The sulcus
limitans extends cranially to the
junction of the midbrain and
forebrain, and the alar and basal
plates are recognizable only in the
midbrain and hindbrain
Basic Structures of Neural Tube
With the closure of neuropores,
the neuro-epithelium with in
the neural tube proliferate
rapidly and differentiate into a
number of cells these are called
as neuroblast. Now the neural
tube consists of three zones
with central cavity:
Ventricular zone surrounding
central cavity
Intermediate zone or Mental
Outer Zone or Marginal Layer
Ventricular Zone of Neural Tube
The ventricular zone
surrounds the
cavities of brain
which are lined by
the ependymal cells
and responsible for
the formation of
cerebrospinal fluid.
Intermediate Zone of Neural Tube
Also called as the Mantel
Layer, characterized by
collection of
neuroepithelial cells, which
differentiated to form the
Neurons. The cell bodies of
neuron located within the
marginal layer that’s why
this layer appears as the
gray on cross section and
known as Gray Matter.
Outer Zone of Neural Tube
Also known as the
Marginal Layer. The
nerve fibers arising
from the neuron in the
mental layer they are
passing through the
marginal layer, these
fibers are myelinated
that’s why its appears
white so called as White
Basal, Alar, Roof, and Floor Plates
As a result of continuous
addition of neuroblasts
to the mantle layer, each
side of the neural tube
shows a ventral and a
dorsal thickening. The
ventral thickenings, the
Basal plates, which
contain ventral motor
horn cells, form the
motor areas of the spinal
Alar Plate
Dorsal thickenings,
the Alar plates,
form the sensory
areas. A
groove, the sulcus
limitans, marks
the boundary
between the two.
Roof & Floor Plates
The dorsal and ventral
midline portions of
the neural tube,
known as the roof and
floor plates,
respectively, do not
contain neuroblasts;
they serve primarily as
pathways for nerve
fibers crossing from
one side to the other.
Primary Structure of Neural Plate
Myelencephalon or Medulla Oblongata
The myelencephalon is a
brain vesicle that gives
rise to the medulla
oblongata. It differs
from the spinal cord in
that its lateral walls are
everted. Alar and basal
plates separated by the
sulcus limitans can be
clearly distinguished.
Basal Plate of Medulla oblongata
The basal plate, similar to
that of the spinal cord,
contains motor nuclei.
These nuclei are divided
into three groups:
(a)A medial somatic
efferent group,
(b)An intermediate special
visceral efferent group
(c) A lateral general visceral
efferent group.
Development of Motor Neurons of Medulla
The first group is called
the somatic efferent
motor column. In the
myelencephalon, it
Neurons of the
hypoglossal nerve
In the metencephalon
and the
mesencephalon, the
column contains
neurons of abducens,
trochlear, and
oculomotor nerves
The special visceral efferent
group extends into the
metencephalon, forming
Motor Nuclei of Medulla
the special visceral
efferent motor column.
Its motor neurons supply
striated muscles of the
pharyngeal arches. In the
myelencephalon the
column is represented by
neurons of the accessory,
vagus, and
glossopharyngeal nerves.
Fourth Ventricle
The roof plate of the
consists of a single
layer of ependymal
cells covered by
mesenchyme, the
pia mater. The two
combined are
known as the tela
The metencephalon,
similar to the
myelencephalon, is
characterized by
basal and alar
plates. Two new
components form:
(a) The cerebellum
(b) The pons
Each basal plate of the
metencephalon contains Basal Plate of Pons
three groups of motor
(a) the medial somatic
efferent group, which gives
rise to the nucleus of the
abducens nerve
(b) the special visceral
efferent group, containing
nuclei of the trigeminal
(c) the general visceral
efferent group, whose
axons supply the
submandibular and
sublingual glands.
The alar plates of the
metencephalon contain Sensory Nuclei of Pons
three groups of sensory
(a) a lateral somatic afferent
group, which contains
neurons of the trigeminal
nerve and a small portion
of the vestibulocochlear
(b) the special visceral
afferent group, and
(c) the general visceral
afferent group.
Development of Cerebellum
The dorsolateral parts of
the alar plates bend
medially and form the
rhombic lips. In the
caudal portion of the
metencephalon, the
rhombic lips are widely
separated, but
immediately below the
mesencephalon they
approach each other in
the midline.
Development of Cerebellum
As a result of a further
deepening of the
pontine flexure, the
rhombic lips compress
cephalocaudally and
form the cerebellar
In a 12-week embryo, this
plate shows a small
midline portion, the
vermis, and two lateral
portions, the
Development of Mesencephalon or Midbrain
In the mesencephalon, each
basal plate contains two
groups of motor nuclei:
(a) A medial somatic efferent
group, represented by
the oculomotor and
trochlear nerves
(b) A small general visceral
efferent group,
represented by the
nucleus of Edinger-
The marginal layer of each
basal plate enlarges and Development of
forms the crus cerebri. Mesencephalon or
The alar plates of the
mesencephalon appear as
two longitudinal elevations
separated by a shallow
midline depression. With
further development, a
transverse groove divides
each elevation into an
superior and a posterior
inferior colliculus. The
colliculi are formed by
waves of neuroblasts
migrating into the overlying
marginal zone.

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