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Motor & Peralatan Listrik

Feby Agung Pamuji ST., MT.


500 kV/150 kV/70 kV Trafo Penurun

Teg.Generator 6 KV, Tegangan
11 kV, 13,8 kV, 20 kV

Trafo Penaik
Tegangan pada
GI Pembangkit




• Review: Besaran DC dan AC

Review: Besaran DC dan AC
• DC
– Direct current (DC or
"continuous current") is
the unidirectional flow of
electric charge.
– Direct current is produced
by such sources as
batteries, thermocouples,
solar cells, and
commutator-type electric
machines of the dynamo
– In direct current, the
electric charges flow in the
same direction,
distinguishing it from 4
alternating current (AC).
DC Applications
• DC is commonly found in many low-
voltage applications, especially where
these are powered by batteries, which
can produce only DC, or solar power
systems, since solar cells can produce
only DC.
• Most automotive applications use DC,
although the alternator is an AC
device which uses a rectifier to
produce DC.
• Most electronic circuits require a DC
power supply.
• Applications using fuel cells (mixing
hydrogen and oxygen together with a
catalyst to produce electricity and
water as byproducts) also produce
only DC. 5
• AC
– An alternating current
(AC) is an electric current
whose direction reverses
cyclically, as opposed to
direct current, whose
direction remains
– The usual waveform of
an AC power circuit is a
sine wave, as this results
in the most efficient
transmission of energy.
– However in certain
applications different
waveforms are used, 6
AC effective value
• AC effective voltage: AC voltage (through a resistor) which produces heat in a given
resistance at the same rate as does of direct current.

• An alternating current is said to have an effective value of 1 A when it produces

heat in a given resistance at the same rate as does 1 A of direct current.

• The rate at which heat is produced in a resistance forms a convenient basis for
establishing an effective value of alternating current, and is known as the "heating
effect" method.

However, since an alternating current having a maximum

value of 1 ampere does not maintain a constant value, the
alternating current will not produce as much heat in the
resistance as will a direct current of 1 ampere.
AC rms value = AC effective value
• Average electrical power
– Engineers often need to know the power, P, dissipated
by an electrical resistance, R. It is easy to do the
calculation when a constant current, I flows through
the resistance. For a load of R ohms, power is defined
simply as: P = I2R

– However, if the current is a time-varying function, I(t),

this formula must be extended to reflect the fact that
the current (and thus the instantaneous power) is
varying over time.

AC rms value = AC effective value
• Average electrical power (2)
– If the function is periodic (such as household AC
power), it is nonetheless still meaningful to talk about
the average power dissipated over time, which we
calculate by
• taking the simple average of the power at each instant in
the waveform or, equivalently, the squared current. That is,

AC rms value = AC effective value
• Average electrical power (3)
– In the common case of alternating current when I(t) is a sinusoidal
current, the RMS value is easy to calculate from the continuous case
equation above.
– If we define Ip to be the amplitude of the current, then:

but since the interval is a whole

number of complete cycles (per
definition of RMS), the sin terms
will cancel, leaving:

AC rms value
• Because of their usefulness in carrying out power calculations,
listed voltages for power outlets, e.g. 120 V (USA) or 230 V
(Europe), are almost always quoted in RMS values, and not peak

• Peak values can be calculated from RMS values from the above
formula, which implies Vp = VRMS × √2, assuming the source is a pure
sine wave.

• Thus the peak value of the mains voltage in the USA is about
120 × √2, or about 170 volts. The peak-to-peak voltage, being twice
this, is about 340 volts. A similar calculation indicates that the peak-
to-peak mains voltage in Europe is about 650 volts.

Rectifier Instruments
Karena PMMC instruments hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengukur
besaran arus searah, maka bila digunakan untuk mengukur arus
bolak balik (AC) perlu dilengkapi dengan rectifier (penyearah),
diaman didalam menghubungkannya akan didapatkan beberapa
macam hasil pada outputnya. Secara umum digunakan half wave &
full wave

Ada 2 macam Rectifier

1. Half Wave
2. Full Wave

Half Wave Rectifier

Full Wave Rectifier


• Meter movements relying on the motion of a mechanical needle all tend

to mechanically average the instantaneous values into an overall average
value for the waveform* (see details).
• But, it seems that RMS value is more interested.. 
• electromechanical meter movements
naturally deliver average measurements 
but people are more interested in RMS value*
 what are AC meter designers to do?
• Scale by Form Factor  average-to-RMS
conversion factor of 1.1 (1.1 for sinusoidal)
Crest Factor & Form Factor
• The crest factor of an AC
waveform = Vavg / Vrms
• The form factor of an AC
waveform = Vrms / Vavg

• Square-shaped waveforms
always have crest and form
factors equal to 1.
• Sinusoidal waveforms have a
form factor of 1.11
• Triangle- and sawtooth-shaped
waveforms have form factors of
1.15 (0.577/0.5).
Dikenal istilah Faktor Bentuk (fb).

gelombang sinus

“average responding, rms indicating” meter
• Since the sine-wave shape is most common in electrical measurements, it is the waveshape assumed for
analog meter calibration, and the small multiple used in the calibration of the meter is 1.11.

• “average responding, rms indicating”

• The inner workings of the meter measure the “average” value and then apply a multiplier to display a
reading that’s equivalent to the rms value of a sine wave.

• Any waveshape other than a pure sine wave will have a different form factor, and thus a meter calibrated
for sine-wave voltage or current will not indicate true RMS when reading a non-sinusoidal wave. -> non
“true rms” meter
• The table below gives some examples of the way the two different types
of meters respond to different wave shapes.
“True Rms” Meter
• Thermal converters
– The AC RMS value is also
known as its heating value,
• Analog electronic
• Digital RMS converters

• Basics to understand:
– AC system -> complex power
– Resistive, inductive, capacitive loads and the
– Power factor
• Daya induktif, daya kapasitif.
Review of the Basics (1)

.AC System (sine form)

.Complex numbers: .complex addition & subtraction

.phasor diagram

.Complex impedance:
Z = impedance
R = resistance
X = reactance/reactive impedance

Review of the Basics (2)

.Complex power:
S = complex power (VA)
P = real/active power (Watt)
Q = reactive power (VAR)

.power factor:
cos Φ = P / S -> ratio of real power to complex power

In an electric power system, a load with low power factor draws more
current than a load with a high power factor for the same amount
of useful power transferred.

Review:Leading & lagging load, etc.


Review: 3-phase system

• Most of the electric power in the world is 3
• The concept was originally conceived by Nikola
Tesla and was proven that 3 phase was far
superior to single phase power.
• 3 phase power is typically 150% more efficient
than single phase in the same power range.
• In a single phase unit the power falls to zero
three times during each cycle, in 3 phase it
never drops to zero.
• The power delivered to the load is the same at
any instant.
• Also, in 3 phase the conductors need only be
75% the size of conductors for single phase for
the same power output.
• Not really much more difficult than single
phase but much more efficient.

• In a three-phase system, three circuit conductors carry three alternating currents
(of the same frequency) which reach their instantaneous peak values at different
• Taking one conductor as the reference, the other two currents are delayed in time
by one-third and two-thirds of one cycle of the electrical current.
• This delay between "phases" has the effect of giving constant power transfer over
each cycle of the current, and also makes it possible to produce a rotating
magnetic field in an electric motor.
• The neutral only carries current if the hot phases are imbalanced.
*Review: Phase, line, calculation

Iline = √3 Iph
Iline = Iph

Vline  3 Vph Vline  V ph

P = 3 VphIph cosφ= √3 VlineIlinecosφ P = 3 VphIph cosφ= √3 VlineIlinecosφ 30

• Three phase systems may or may not have a neutral wire.
• A neutral wire allows the three phase system to use a higher voltage while
still supporting lower voltage single phase appliances.
• In high voltage distribution situations it is common not to have a neutral
wire as the loads can simply be connected between phases (phase-phase

• Three phase has properties that make it very desirable in electric power systems.
• First, the phase currents tend to cancel out one another, summing to zero in the
case of a linear balanced load. This makes it possible to eliminate the neutral
conductor on some lines; all the phase conductors carry the same current and so
can be the same size, for a balanced load.
• Second, power transfer into a linear balanced load is constant, which helps to
reduce generator and motor vibrations.
• Finally, three-phase systems can produce a magnetic field that rotates in a
specified direction, which simplifies the design of electric motors.
• Three is the lowest phase order to exhibit all of these properties.

• Most domestic loads are single phase. In
North America and some other countries,
three phase power generally does not enter
domestic houses at all.
• Even in areas where it does, it is typically split
out at the main distribution board.


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