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The Management Process

• It is a management function, concerned with
defining goals for future organizational
performance and deciding on the tasks and
resources to used in order to attain those
goals. To meet the goals, nurse managers may
develop plans such as unit plan or a nursing
• PLANNING always has a purpose
– The purpose may achievement of certain goals or
– Planning helps to achieve these goals or targets by
using the time and resource

Predetermined Action

What to do: Who to do it: Who is to do it:

-nursing techniques, Professional non-
activities principles professional
• Involves a
continues process
of assessment,
establishment of
goals and
tion and evaluation
of change as new
facts become
• Failure to set goals,make
assessment or provide for
implementation or to anticipate
any possible change in
Some indicators of poor planning:
1. Delivery dates are not met
2. Machines are idle
3. Material is wasted
3 Characteristics of a Plan
• involve the future

• Involve action

• Organizational identification of
the action which will be
undertaken either by the
planner or someone
designated by or for her.
Types of Plans
1. Strategic Plans
asks the vital question: “what are the right things to do”? It
is usally around 3-5 years,long-term.
2. Operating Plans
the plans main question is “ how does one do things right”?
Its deals with the tactics or techniques for accomphishing
these things. It is shorter in the frame (1 year)
3. Continuous or Rolling Plans
involves mapping out the day-to-day activities,modifying
the plans as necessary depending on the needs and problems
of the patients and the unit to where the plans is applicable
Plan must set Objectives or Goals
• Goals are defines as broad
statements in intent derived
from the purposes of the

• Objectives Specific behavior or

tasks set the accomplishment
of the a goal
A Plan must develop schedules,strategies,programs,projects
and set the time frame to achieve the objectives and goals
of the organization.

1.Strategy is the techniques,methods or procedure to

achieve desired objectives.

2.Programs are activities put together to facilitate

attainment of some desired goals,such as staff
development programs,outreach programs.
3.Time Management it is about efficiency and
the determination of the most effective or at
least the best available means of fulfilling a
task.”it is not enough to just work hard at the
given task it is finding the most efficient way to
do it.
Tools in Project Management
• 1. Gantt Chart
Show the task and
schedule information,the
task are numbered and
listed vertically. Color or
shading is sometimes
used to show how much
of each task has been
2.Performance Evaluation
and Review
is a network system
model for planning and
control which involves
identifying key activities,
sequences them in a
flow diagram and
assigning a specific
duration for each phase
of work.
3. Critical Path Method or CPM
it is used to create a cost
estimate for using Normal or
Crash operating conditions.
Normal operation conditions
= least cost
Crash operation conditions
= less available time under the
normal condition.
Prepare the Budget and Allocation of
Budgeting is systematic financial translation of
a plan.It is a tool for planning,monitoring and
controling cost and meeting expenses.
Types of Budgeting
1. Centralizes Budget
Develop and imposed by the
controller, administrator and or
director with no consultation to
low level manager.
2. Decentralized Budget
has the middle level manager
involved in the planning and
budgeting process.
Establish Policies Procedures and
Policies used repeatedly or guides or basic rules
that govern action at all levels in the
organization. Ex: Personenel policy,nursing
services policies
Procedures are defined as a more specific
guide to action than policy
Standards indicate the minimal level of
achievement acceptable to meet the set
Decision Making
• So the idea that decision making can be a rather
sophisticated art may at first seem strange.
• Process of identifying and choosing a particular
course of action from among several possible.
Kind of Decision
• Whether Decisions- refer to the decision
made before the selection of one of several
alternatives,where selection is made after
weighing pros and cons.
Ex: before figuring out the alternatives of what
car to buy,the decision has a to be made
whether or not to buy a car.
• Which Decisions- This is the process of choosing
from among several alternatives,which are
measured based on a set of predefined criteria.
• Contingent Decisions- decisions that have been
made but put on hold until some conditions are
met like
time,energy,price,availability,opportunity and
Ex. I have decided to buy that car if I can get it for
the righty price and/or I have decided to write
that article if I can work the necessary time for it
to fit into my schedule.
• Decision-Making is end-point of critical
thinking which leads to problem solution
using these steps:
1. Define the problem
2. Assess all options
3. Weight all options against a set of criteria or
4. Test possible options
5. Consider consequences of the decision ana
6. Make final decision.
Submitted by: BSM 4
Irene O. Galo, RM
Amanda T. Limong ,RM
Odesa P. Iguan ,RM
Lea B. Malnat, RM

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