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Isogeometric modeling and


Vibeke Skytt
May 2010

Traditional Product Design Scenario

 Based on the accepted

approach for the integration of
CAD and FEA Definition of
 FEM well established in 1970 Mesh Boundary conditions
 Volumetric CAD research in
1970s, established in the 1990s
 From the patch work of CAD- Volume
surface establish a FEA type Mesh
surface mesh
 Approximate shape, watertight Shape
Simulation Post
 Add volumetric mesh Processing
 Define boundary conditions
 Simplify shape Solving

 Solve
 Post process (from AIM@SHAPE )

Isogeometric analysis: Product Design Scenario
Isogeometric analysis introduced in
2005 by Prof. T.J.R. Hughes; Isogeometric
Isogeometric model
University of Texas at Austin.
 Replace traditional h- and p-finite
elements by NURBS
 Isogeometric CAD-model based on Simplification
NURBS volumes Meshing
 Volumetric NURBS model at all stages
Update isogeometric
in the analysis process CAD-model
 Meshing replaced by refinement

Isogeometric model
 Exact geometry
 NURBS-elements better adapted to the Rational
continuity of the physical problems Spline Model
 Claim: NURBS elements have many
advantages compared to traditional Definition of
Finite Elements Simulation Post Boundary conditions
 Claim: Removes the bottleneck
between CAD and analysis
 Examples published show superior Solving
performance of isogeometric analysis
compared to traditional FEA
Isogeometric solution Model for isogeometric

Why are splines important to isogeometric
 Representing geometry and solution field related to the numerical
simulation in the same function space (isoparametric approach)
 B-Splines are polynomials, same as Finite Elements
 B-Splines are very stable numerically
 B-splines represent regular piecewise polynomial structure in a more
compact way than Finite Elements, enables automatic continuity
 NonUniform rational B-splines can represent degree 2 algebraic
curves and surfaces exactly. (circle, ellipse, cylinder, cone…)
 Efficient and stable methods exist for refining the piecewise
polynomials represented by splines
 Knot insertion (Oslo Algorithm, 1980)
 Degree elevation
 Combinations
 NURBS is an industry standard and a standard for data exchange

Knot refinement of a B-spline curve
f(t)=∑iciBi,k(t), i=1,…,n

Knot insertion to get a

Quadratic B-spline curve
multiple knot
with two inner knots B(t)

1 1

0 0
t t

Knotvector: 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 Knotvector: 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 3

Uniform refinement

Quadratic B-spline curve

with two inner knots
B(t) B(t) 1
0 t

0 t 0 t
Knotvector: 0 0 0 0.25 0.5
Knotvector: 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 Knotvector: 0 0 0 0.5 1 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
1.5 2 2.5 3 3 3 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3 3

Degree raising

Cubic B-spline curve with inner

knots of multiplicity 2. The
continuity is the same as for the
Quadratic B-spline curve quadratic curve
with two inner knots B(t)

0 t
0 t
Knotvector: 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 Knotvector: 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3

Refinement of a spline surface

A part of a sphere is The surface is refined by Further refinement. The

represented by on quadratic adding one knot in each surface keeps the same
rational spline surface parameter direction geometry, only the
without any inner knots (9 representation is altered
basis functions)
The isogeometric simulation process
An analysis suitable model

Add boundary
Create geometry
Isogeometric properties Isogeometric
CAD model model mesh
Translate model
(the model is
(can involve essencially the
simplification Perform
same, only analysis
and enriched with
approximaton) more information)


Update geometry
(which version of the Visualization
geometry should be

What is an analysis suitable isogeometric

 A block structured model

 Each block is a NU(R)BS surface or
 The blocks meet in a corner-to-
corner configuration
 No trimming is applied
 Neighborhood information is known
 Adjacent surfaces or volumes meet
with exact C0 continuity, no gaps
and no overlaps
 Degeneracy is used with care
 Well behaved spline spaces

ICT 10
Obstacles in the process flow
 The representation of a CAD
model compared to an
isogeometric model
 Trimming
 A boundary represented solid is
represented by its outer shell only
 Surface structuring
 Local refinement
 For a surface or a volume,
refinement is global for each patch
 Correspondence between
coefficients of adjacent
surface/volumes spreads refinement
even further

ICT 11
CAD quality - mesh quality

CAD quality. Avoid: Finite element mesh. Avoid:

 Short curves and edges  Large variations in
 Small surfaces and faces triangle/tetrahedra size
 Sliver faces  Long, thin triangles/tetrahedra
 Gaps between faces  Excessively skewed elements
 Non-smooth models  Gaps between meshes
 Edges and vertices too distant from
the corresponding face Isogeometric mesh. Pay attention to:
 Acute faces and edges  The knot vector
 Embedded curves and surfaces  Continuity of the spline space
 Self intersections  The distribution of coefficients
 Degenerate surface boundaries  Degeneracy
 Small curvature radius  Continuity across patch boundaries
 Folded surfaces, oscillations  …
 Bad knot distribution
 …

ICT 12
Quality of a CAD model with regard to
isogeometric modeling and analysis
 A legal CAD model, satisfies requirements related to
 An analysis suitable CAD model
 Still a Brep model
 Patch structure defined by shape, not by history or design tool UI
 Additional information

 Volumetric CAD? CSG-like approach to modeling

 No trimming? Large consequences to modeling

ICT 13
Holes in a model (remove trimming)

 Given is a plate with a hole

where one side is represented as
trimmed plane or B-spline
surface with inner and outer
 Trimming curves from each
corners to the hole results in 4
trimmed surfaces
 The surfaces are 4-sided and
can be approximated with
NURBS (planar => no
 The volume is generated by

ICT 14
A Boundary Represented Solid
Cone, same apex, angle and axis

Cone, same axis, different

apex and angle

Plane, normal follow main


Cylinder, same axis

Plane, normal orthogonal

to main axis

Symmetric around the

main axis and mid plane

ICT 15
Creating the corresponding isogeometri model

The top part of the The faces are split in

To achieve a corner-to-
object is fetched and vertices belonging only
corner configuration of
shown together with its to one face. The split is
the patches, the faces
outer boundary, corner performed by
are split at vertices not
edges and the vertices intersecting with planes
corresponding to a
of this sub model. The going through the
corner. The surfaces are
surfaces have been symmetry axis and
at this stage still
converted to trimmed include the intersection
NURBS. curves in the trimming
loops of the faces

ICT 16

The surfaces
with the B-
spline control

The trimmed surfaces are

approximated with non- A volume model is
trimmed B-spline surfaces, created by lofting
some of them are degenerate. between
The surfaces are mirrored surfaces.
around the symmetry plane

ICT 17
Eigenvalue analysis

Mode 9
Mode 7

Mode 11
Mode 13

ICT 18
Stress computations (von Mises)

 The derivatives of the basis

functions in a set of sample
points are involved in the
 Some derivatives are zero
in the degenerate points
 The accuracy suffers close
to the degenerate points
 This implies some problems
for the degenerate volumes
which must be handled
(jump in pressure in the
vicinity of the degenerate
 Still a reasonable result

ICT 19
Avoiding the acute angle

The model is the spline The inner curves The corresponding

version of the top faces. corresponding to the acute volume model. No
The pattern shows how the angles are modified and the acute edges, but
model is divided into adjacent surfaces updated still degenerate
surfaces. according to the new volumes.
curves. This implies a
The red curves show the change in geometry.
surfaces with acute angles.

ICT 20
Stress computation

Similar results as the previous case

ICT 21
Removing the degeneracy

Initial configuration

Detail: The faces with acute angles are divided into

one regular face and one with an acute angle. A
piece of the adjacent surface is extracted such
that three surfaces together define a 4-sided

New configuration

ICT 22
Finalizing the model

The spline surfaces. The 3 degenerate

surfaces are merged into 1 regular surface

The corresponding volume model

Detail: The surface configuration and the control polygon

ICT 23
Stress computations

 No jump in pressure like the ones we found in the previous cases.

 Smooth result
 Do we want to modify the model in this way?

ICT 24
Model 2

 Axis found
 Sharp edges shown by red
 Volume model may be generated
by a number of sweeps provided
that the emphasized face is
 Holes must be isolated (green
lines). Intersect with planes
through the axis
 Split each face containing a hole
(brown lines)
 Update adjacent faces
 Create spline surfaces

ICT 25
Model 3 blend


 Create volume model by sweep provided that the emphasized face is

defined as one or more spline surfaces
 4 corners, but one surface is not appropriate due to the shape of the
face (depends on the size of d)
 Splitting in the middle of the blends (green curves) gives 3 surfaces
 Needs knowledge about blends. Additional knowledge should be
transferred through data exchanged and utilized

ICT 26
Local refinement
Several research approaches:
 T-splines
 Allow T’s in the control grid
 Ruled based refinement
 Mostly surfaces
 Linear independence of basis
functions not guaranteed
 LR splines (locally refined splines)
SINTEF LR splines:
 Refine basis functions independently NURBS
 Extendable to volumes surface
 Guarantee linear independence of
basis functions Refined by LR
splines and
 Under development
modified to
 PHT splines create details
not following
 Cubic with C1 continuity
the flow lines
 Sub space of LR splines of the initial

ICT 27
Refinement with LR splines

Initial surface


ICT 28
Data exchange issues

 Spline volumes
 Solution fields represented by splines
 Correspondence between geometric representation and
solution representation
 Brep type volume topology (non-manifold)
 Structures for local refinement

 Context information related to CAD models

 Standards
 Export
 Import

ICT 29
Impact of isogeometric representation on STEP

Impact of
Volumetric rational


ICT 30

 Bridge the gap (extend the

bridge) between CAD and FEM
 More appropriate CAD models
Isogeometry. Project sponsored by the
 Address assemblies Norwegian research council for improving
the mathematics used in the processes
 Reduction of dimensionality. between CAD and FEM. (2008-2011)
Solve problems on the lowest (SINTEF in cooperation with Jotne and Aker
possible level ICADA. Project sponsored by the Norwegian
 Curves before surfaces research council looking at the use of
splines elements (mathematics of CAD) in
 Surfaces before volumes FEM. (2008-2013) (SINTEF + 3 industrial
 Solids before assemblies partners).

 Local refinement Exciting. EU-project looking at the use of

isogeometric analysis within the transport
 Extended exchange formats sector. (2008-2011) (3 Universities,
2 R&D Institutes, 4 industrial partners)

ICT 31
Isogeometric representation – integrating CAD and
 Project period: 2008 – 2011
 Budget: 7500K NOK (~ 937K Euro)
 Sponsored: 80% by The Norwegian
Research Council, 20% by the industry
 Work performed at SINTEF
 1 post doc employed at CMA (University
of Oslo)
 Main emphasis:
 Correctness of CAD models
 Repair of CAD models
 Creation of isogeometric representation
from STEP type CAD model
 Generation of isogeometric finite

ICT 32

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