Unit 8 Preintermediate - Global - TEACHER

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Unit 8: Home & Away

Docente: Lic. July Casique

2. 41 2. 42
1 The Tower of London was originally built 2 A: Look, look!
in 1078. It was used as a home for the B: Oh, I recognise this place. It's from a film.
kings and queens of England for almost six A: Yes, it's the house from some scary
hundred years, but also served as a prison. B: Right! It was used in the film Psych
Two of the most famous prisoners in the A: Hold on, the guide says ... this is
Tower were the young princes Edward and probably one of the most well-known
Richard. In 1483, Richard the Third, their film set houses in Hollywood history.
uncle and king of England, put them in the The old house and motel next to it were
tower. They were never seen again. The built originally for the Hitchcock film
princes were ten and thirteen years old. Psycho in the 1960s.
Today, people say the tower is haunted by B: Mmm.
their ghosts. A: Sometimes, at Halloween, the house and
motel are opened for the public to come
and stay.
2. 43 B: Brrr. Staying at this place on Halloween-
3 Well, welcome to Bran Castle, one of the No thank you.
most famous castles in Romania. The
castle was occupied by the government in
communist times, but was returned to its
owners in 2006.
Of course, as many of you know, the castle
is known as Dracula's castle. People believe
that Vlad Tepes - the original Dracula lived
here. This isn't exactly true, however,
but he was kept as a prisoner here forsome
time. The castle is now a famous tourist
attraction, and it is visited every year by
thousands of people.

In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of
the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. Most sentences are

Subject doing Verb Object receiving

action action
In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is
the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally
included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you
think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be
emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is
doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

Subject Passive verb (be

receiving + past doing action
action participle)
New Subject Agent usually
goes with by
Passive verb (be
+ past

They’re made in They aren’t made Are they made in •Yes, they are.
China. in China. China? •No, they aren’t.

It was built here. It wasn’t built Was it built here? •Yes, It was.
here. •No, It wasn’t.
Glossary – Vocabulary
Approach = (V) move closer
Carry = (V) move (llevar)
Trust = (V) have confidence in,
believe (confiar en, creer)
Join = (v) socially (acompañar)
Dine =(V) dined (past) eat
A TAIL: budgie, cat, dog, horse, mouse, rabbit

EIGHT LEGS: spider

FUR: cat, dog, hamster, mouse, rabbit

BIG EARS: dog, horse, rabbit

FINS: goldfish

WINGS: budgie
Yes, they do / No, they don’t

In my country there are many people that keep cats are

pets. Some people believe that they actually have nine
Glossary – Vocabulary
sacred= (Adj) holy (sagrado)
Following = (adj) next (siguiente)
Border = (N) frontier line
Owner = (N) proprietor
Although = (Conj) though, even
though (aunque)
Filthy = (Adj) very dirty (sucio)
Bleeding = (Adj) with blood
Purring = (V) cat’s sound
Glossary – Vocabulary
Guidebook = Tourist books (guia)
Reviews = critique (hacer una critica)
Budget = monetary plan (presupuesto)
2.46 2.47
Well, now is really the time to visit the A: And here is the main square and the
United States. tower. The tower is more than five
Really? hundred years old, and is the tallest
Oh yes. The dollar is not very strong, so building in the city. The view from the
things are really cheap. top of the tower is truly amazing. Today,
Oh. I wanted to go to France. But, cheap with this beautiful sunshine, if you go up
is good. the tower, you won't regret it.
Listen, it you travel this month you'll get B: Excuse me, does it cost anything to go
an extra twenty per cent discount. up the tower?
This month isn't possible. A: I'm afraid so. It costs eight euros.
Next month?
Yes. T have a week's holiday next month.
Are there any specials then?
Conversation 1: Travel office. I'll ask if you like.
Yes, please.
B: Some of these carpets take more than
Conversation 2: city centre. two months to make. They are all made
2.48 by hand.
A: These are the carpets. I thought you A: I'm just hungry, that's all.
were going to show me the food part. B: Are you sure? If you buy one of these
Conversation 3: market. And have some lunch. carpets now, I can get a good price for
B: Yes, yes. The food is on the other end you.
of the market. Do not worry, my friend. A: Oh.Well...
We'll go there later if you want. As B: She says if you buy two she will give you
your guide, though, I have to show you a big discount.
everything. Look, isn't this amazing? A: OK, then. How much ...?
A: Mmm.
2.46 2.47
Well, now is really the time to visit the A: And here is the main square and the
United States. tower. The tower is more than five
Really? hundred years old, and is the tallest
Oh yes. The dollar is not very strong, so building in the city. The view from the
things are really cheap. top of the tower is truly amazing. Today,
Oh. I wanted to go to France. But, cheap with this beautiful sunshine, if you go up
is good. the tower, you won't regret it.
Listen, it you travel this month you'll get B: Excuse me, does it cost anything to go
an extra twenty per cent discount. up the tower?
This month isn't possible. A: I'm afraid so. It costs eight euros.
Next month?
Yes. T have a week's holiday next month.
Are there any specials then?
I'll ask if you like.
Yes, please.
B: Some of these carpets take more than
two months to make. They are all made
2.48 by hand.
A: These are the carpets. I thought you A: I'm just hungry, that's all.
were going to show me the food part. B: Are you sure? If you buy one of these
And have some lunch. carpets now, I can get a good price for
B: Yes, yes. The food is on the other end you.
of the market. Do not worry, my friend. A: Oh.Well...
We'll go there later if you want. As B: She says if you buy two she will give you
your guide, though, I have to show you a big discount.
everything. Look, isn't this amazing? A: OK, then. How much ...?
A: Mmm.
1: drive / ride.

2: flight.

3: drive / ride.

4: journey.


If it’s sunny, we’ll go for a walk

If we win the trip, we’ll go to Paris.

If it’s a boy, I’ll buy a car toy.

If it’s a girl, I’ll buy a doll toy.

Glossary – Vocabulary
Resort = place for rest (centro turístico)
Turn into = (V) become (convertirse en)
Avoid = stay away from (evitar)
if clause main clause
Simple Present infinitive
Modal + infinitive

if clause (subordinate clause) main clause

If I study, I will pass the exams.
If you see John tonight, tell him to e-mail me.
If Ben gets up early, he can catch the bus.
• The if-clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
if clause (subordinate clause) main clause

If I study, I will pass the exams.

I will pass the exams if I study.

if clause (subordinate clause) main clause

If I see Mary, I will tell her

If Tara is free tomorrow, he will invite her.

If they do not pass their exam, their teacher will be sad.

If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home?

If it rains tomorrow, what will you do?

Conjunction Subordinate Clause Main Clause .

Main Clause Conjunction Subordinate Clause

Conjuntion Explanation Example

When I'm in Paris, I'll visit you.

you are sure that something
when (It sure, that I'm going to
will happen

If I'm in Paris, I'll visit you.

you are not sure that
if (It not sure, that I'm going to
something will happen

It is very similar to 'when‘, the As soon as I'm in Paris, I'll visit

As soon as event will occur immediately you.
after the other.
It looks a bit like a cosmopolitan city.
This picture shows four people who are probably
doing a surgery while this one shows one person in
a kitchen…
Glossary – Vocabulary
Interested in = curious (interesado en…)
Worried about = be concerned
(preocuparse por…)
Fond of = feeling affection
(querer/apreciar a…)
Good at = be good –abilities (ser
habil/bueno en…)
Afraid of = scared of (miedo a …)
a. Disaster tourism

b. Culinary tourism

c. Literary tourism

d. Medical tourism
Paragraph 1 c
Paragraph 2 a
Paragraph 3 d
Paragraph 4 e
Paragraph 5 b


If I could work in another country, I would choose New York.

If my foreign friends visited me, I would take them to Cusco.

If my son/daughter told me he/she wanted to travel alone, I would accept that.

If I went to England, I would buy something memorable as souvenirs.

• You can use a conditional sentence to talk about a present (or
future) situation that is imaginary or not probable.

Real situation Imaginary situation

I am not an animal If I was / were an animal,…
I live in an appartment If I lived in an igloo,…

Note: You always use were in the fixed expression

If I were you…
Long Form Short form

+ If I studied, I would pass the exam. If I studied, I'd pass the exam.

- If I studied, I would not fail the exam. If I studied, I wouldn't fail the exam.
If I did not study, I would fail the exam. If I didn't study, I'd fail the exam.
2 . 51
1 A: Hello, Greenway Holidays.
B: Hi, my name's Pablo Alonso. I'm calling
about the English learning holiday.
A: You need to speak to Mrs. Knight. I'll
put you through.
B: Thank you.
Pablo Alonso is trying A: Just a moment, please.
to find information
about an English 2 B: Hello?
learning holiday. At the 4 A: Hello, Greenway Holidays.
A: I'm sorry, but the line's busy. Do you
want to hold?
end he talks to the B: Hello, this is Pablo Alonso again. Can I B: OK, I'll hold.
speak to Mrs Knight?
person who has the A: I'll put you through.
information he wants. C: Sandra Knight speaking. Sorry to keep 2.53
you waiting. 3.A: Hello?
B: Oh, hello. My name's Pablo Alonso. B: Hello, is that Mrs Knight?
I'm calling about the English learning A: No, I'm afraid she isn't here.
holiday. B: Can't you give me information about the
C: What would you like to know? English learning holiday?
B: Well, I've looked on your website and I A: I'm sorry, I can't. Can I take a message?
have a few questions about the cost. B: No, that's all right. I'll call back.
C: Right, of course, Mr Alonso. Our prices,
1.I’m calling about the English learning today.
2. Can I speak to Mrs Knight?
3.Just a moment, please.
4. I’ll call back.
5. Can I take a message?
6. Hello, Greenway Holidays.
Glossary – Vocabulary 7. Hello, this is Pablo Alonso.
I’m calling about = Estoy llamando acerca 8. I’ll put you through.
I’ll put you through = I will contact
him/her (lo contactare con …)
1.I’m calling about the English
learning today.
2. Can I speak to Mrs Knight?
3.Just a moment, please.
4. I’ll call back.
5. Can I take a message?
6. Hello, Greenway Holidays.
7. Hello, this is Pablo Alonso.
8. I’ll put you through.
All the pictures are buildings.
The first picture is a cottage, the second one
are terraced houses and the last one a block of
2.5 6 2.57
1 David, Georgia 2 Elena, Russia
I So homes in Georgia are very big In my country we have different homes like
– some big ones and so we have I in England, because in England many
two kind of homes. There are block people he in cottages, yes, but in my
of flats - there are many of them country we have very big houses. Many
and we also have houses. Houses flats, but no so big, but good, and mostly
usually are in the outside of the Russian families have a cottage - it's not a
country – in the villages. cottage, it's maybe a little house in the
countryside where we can grow fruit and
vegetables but we don't live in these
cottages, but what 1 can say more. Maybe
prices - if you buy - if you sell your flat in
Moscow you can buy three houses in Great
2. 6 0 Britain.
5 Bea, England
Homes where I live are quite large. In my
2. 5 8
street in particular the houses have four 2. 5 9 3 Valeria, Bolivia
or five bedrooms. They are usually shared 4 Katie, Northern Ireland 1 would say homes in Bolivia are much
between lots of different house mates. I Where I live in Belfast homes are quite more coloured. Here, above all in Oxford,
personally live with two people I didn't varied. In inner city Belfast you have very all the homes looks very similar I would say
know before and now one of them is a very small red brick terraced houses. Two up but in Bolivia you can find a red house just
good friend. The houses have kitchens and two down houses and they - I think they besides a yellow house and it is a pretty nice
separate living rooms and dining rooms and date from the 1800s - they sort of typify combination of colours.
the best thing about my house is that it has whenever you think of the city you think
a large garden. of red brick terraced houses.
1. The 16th century Town Hall, a medieval
square, lots of historical buildings, thermal
baths, a golf course, and tennis courts.

2. Likes: the countryside around the town.

Dislikes: it is a bit quiet and there isn’t much
to do at night. There is no cinema, and there
are not many bars and restaurants.
Paragraph 1: It will be great to see you again.
Paragraph 2: It is called Rajec and it is in the
north of Slovakia, near the Mala Fatra
It is not a large town(there are about 7,000
inhabitants) but it is very old and beautiful.
There is also a medieval square… … there are
also thermal baths…
Paragraph 3: The worst thing about Rajec is
that it is a bit quiet and there isn’t much to do
at night. There is no cinema, and there are not
many bars and restaurants. It is wonderful to
go… . There are mountains nearby …

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