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Strategies in Teaching


Jeana S. Macalood,PhD
Head Teacher III
Lugait National High School
Lugait, Misamis Oriental
“Students combine processes and
scientific knowledge as they use scientific
reasoning and critical thinking to develop
an understanding of science.”
-National Science Education Standards


Students construct their own

understanding by taking an
active role in learning.
Which strategy are you
most familiar with?

Describe how you have

used this strategy in your

Group Sharing and

Debrief (Group

Effective Classroom
Strategies 3
Inquiry Based Learning
We must understand learners
Accept differences among students and between
students and faculty
Engage students in setting goals and expectations
Be flexible, creative and try not to be surprised by
anything that happens in the classroom!
Problem-based learning
Student-centered instruction
(Adult learning/Adult education)
Competency-based (outcomes-based)
engages students in solving authentic biological case problems,
stimulating discussion among students and reinforcing learning

A problem-based learning environment emulates the

workplace and develops self-directed learners

This is preferable to a mimetic learning environment in which

students only watch, memorize, and repeat what they have been told

(1) Form Small Groups

You may decide to devote all or part of a class session to

PBL, but students must form small work groups during
that time. Ask the students to form groups of 3-5 people,
or assign the groups yourself or by lottery.
2) Present the Problem
Present the students with a brief problem statement (preferably on a
printed work sheet, an example of which is shown below),
e.g., "A 28-year-old man appears to have osteoporosis."
In some cases a video clip or specimen might be used as a trigger.
Emphasize to the students that they are dealing with an authentic
case history. Bizarre problems work best [more examples follow].
Prior to class you should review the case history and arm yourself
with data that can be released incrementally (progressive disclosure)
as the case proceeds. There is a comprehensive data set for the
osteoporosis problem in the New England Journal of Medicine,
1994, 331:1056-61; 1088-9. Needless to say, the students should not
be given the reference, as the objective is to solve a problem, not
read a solution
(3) Activate the Groups
Ask the groups to brainstorm possible causes of the osteoporosis.
Each group will have to discuss, review, or investigate the biology of
bone, including the role of osteoblasts, diet, vitamin D, parathyroid
hormone, growth hormone, calcitonin, kidney function, etc.
This is when much learning occurs, as the students help each other
understand the basic biology. PBL students must reflect upon biological
mechanisms rather than just memorize facts (as might occur in some
traditional lecture-only courses).
The instructor circulates among the groups, providing
assistance but not solutions.
The groups may well explore avenues unanticipated
by the instructor.
This is highly desirable and should not be
discouraged. The instructor should avoid controlling
the agenda of the groups.
Each group ranks its hypotheses in order of priority
and prepares requests for more data. (E.g., for
calcium deficiency hypothesis -- "What did he usually
(4) Provide Feedback
Ask that a rep from each group place their top priority hypothesis or
data request on the chalkboard (if already entered by another group,
place their second choice, etc.). If this is not practical, ask for oral
suggestions from the groups when the small group work is halted and
the class is reconvened. Student suggestions may include --
Low calcium diet
Low density of vitamin D receptors
Calcitonin deficiency
Excessive PTH

Chronic acidosis buffered by salts mobilized from bone

The small group work can be stopped and the instructor can briefly discuss the
ideas with the entire class. It is important to value every contribution, to assist
the students in analysis of the biology involved, and to provide further
(5) Ask for a Solution
At this point in our example the groups will likely focus on the
hormones required for epiphyseal closure and bone
They may ask you for serum estrogen levels (high) which will
suggest estrogen-resistance. Were estrogen receptors
defective? (Yes.) When a reasonable number of groups have
solved the problem, you might request a brief written analysis
from each group describing the biology involved in the case.

Students may be asked to include certain key words in their reports. If you wish to further
pursue this case at a later date you could tackle the genetics of the defect. (C to T transition
in the estrogen receptor gene in both alleles causing a premature stop codon; both parents
heterozygous with consanguinity in the pedigree.
Sample Problem:
A Case of Wilting Plants
A farmer was alarmed to notice tomato plants that were stunted
and withered.
This case initially requires the students to carefully reflect upon many
basic concepts of plant anatomy, histology, physiology, ecology, and
pathophysiology. Students might discuss and explore possible effects
of soil quality, water relations, humidity, transpiration, hormones, and
nutrition. Students should be encouraged to explore examples of
pathogenic mechanisms, perhaps involving TMS, wilt fungi, wilt viruses,
stunt viruses, and wilt bacteria.

Ultimately the cause may be attributed to ABA deficiency, and the

instructor might suggest this by introducing evidence of viviparity.
Students can then focus on the roles of ABA and ethylene, and further
work might address the genetics of the defect.
Student-Centered Learning
Substitute active learning projects and
experiences for lectures
Hold students responsible for material not yet
Assign open-ended questions and problems
Use simulations, role-playing
Use self-paced or cooperative (team) learning
Research has shown that it is impossible for
students to absorb all of the information in a
lecture (limited short term memory)
We need every student to learn – not just a
More effective approach – get students
actively thinking and learning
Discovery Exploration
Start with an interesting question, a reason to explore.
Explore materials, problems, phenomena, and ideas.
Make observations.

Structured Exploration
Reexamine materials, problems, phenomena, and ideas.
Generate questions, form hypotheses.
Make observations.
Collect and record data.
Introduce Concept

Introduce concept with correct vocabulary.

Discuss and question.
Organize observations and data.
Discuss and question.
Draw conclusions.

Reinforce concept with additional activities.

Embed assessment.
What is scientific inquiry?
 Science inquiry allows students to take an active role
in understanding their science learning.
 Science inquiry transforms learning from watching
and listening to doing.

 Science inquiry involves activities and skills in

an active search for understanding.

 Science inquiry engages students in the

investigative nature of science.

 Science inquiry is the active construction of

ideas and the forming of connections.
Types of Inquiry
Structured Guided Student Initiated
Inquiry Inquiry Inquiry

K-3 4-8 9-12

Inquiry Based Learning

Inquiry Levels
Teacher models and guides as students are provided
investigation opportunity.

Students follow specific teacher directions as they

engage in hands-on discovery activities.

Students focus on an aspect of inquiry and teacher

provides connection to the larger problem.

Teacher guides reasoning through discussion.

Teacher models and guides as students are provided
investigation opportunity.

Students determine procedure of investigation which

has been chosen by teacher.

Students focus on all aspects of investigation as

teacher guides the connections.

Teacher guides reasoning through discussion.

Students generate questions from a topic selected by
teacher and design own investigations.

Teacher defines learning goals.

Students focus on all aspects of scientific inquiry and


Teacher guides reasoning only if necessary as

students solve problems.
Student Abilities Necessary For Scientific Inquiry
K-4 5-8 9-12
Ask a question about Identify questions that Identify questions and
objects, organisms, and can be answered through concepts that guide
events in the environment scientific investigations. scientific investigations.
Plan and conduct a Design and conduct a Design and conduct
simple investigation. scientific investigation. scientific investigations.

Employ simple equipment Use appropriate tools and Use technology and
and tools to gather data techniques to gather, mathematics to improve
and extend the senses. analyze, and interpret investigations and
data. communications.
Use data to construct a Develop descriptions, Formulate and revise
reasonable explanation. explanations, predictions, scientific explanations
and models using and models using logic
evidence. and evidence
Communicate Think critically and Recognize and analyze
investigations and logically to make the alternative explanations
explanations. relationships between and models.
evidence and
Four Traits of Science Inquiry

Connecting past knowledge and experiences with a


Designing procedures to find an answer to a


Investigating problems through data collection

Constructing meaning through the use of logic and

Science Process Skills
 Observing
Carefully watching, taking notes, comparing and contrasting, classifying
 Questions
Asking questions about observations which can lead to investigations
 Hypothesizing
Providing explanations for any observations
 Predicting
Suggesting what might happen based on observations
 Experimenting and/or Investigating
Planning and conducting an experiment
 Measuring
 Gathering and Interpreting Data
Analyzing and synthesizing
 Communicating
Justifying and defending data
What It Looks Like:
Traditional vs. Inquiry
Inquiry Based Learning

Pedagogical Strategyies
Chalk and Pedagogical
Talk:Talk: Strategies
gogical Strategies
•Traditional science
•Traditional science
•Focus on ‘what we know’
•Focus on ‘what we know’
(facts)transfer of knowledge
from teacher to student
•Direct transfer
•Teacher’s of
role = dispense
knowledge from teacher to
•Student’s role = receive
•Teacher’s role = dispense
Let´s transform a
Inquiry Based Learning
Pedagogical Strategies

“Inquiry is
Inquiry-Based Learning:
something that
students do, not
something that is
•The scientific process
done to them.”
•Focus on ‘how we know
instead of what we know’
transfer of
•Teacher’s role =
facilitator of learning
•Student’s role = active,
independent learner
Inquiry involves:

• Making observations • Posing questions

• Examining books and other sources of

information to see what is already known

• Planning investigations

• Reviewing what is already known in light of

experimental evidence
Inquiry involves:

• Using tools to • Proposing answers,

gather, analyze, explanations, and
and interpret data predictions

• Identifying assumptions

• Communicating results

• Using critical and

logical thinking

From National Science Education Standards

Think Piece
A Think Piece is a question that is answered
by means of a short essay (generally no more
than two pages) or a poster (no more than
one large poster board) that reflects a
teacher's view on some topic or subject in
science education Each volume of the
Science Teaching Gazette contains several
think piece topics. Think pieces can be
assigned individually or can be used to
stimulate problem solving in cooperative

Think Piece
Write an essay on
the topic “artistry of
teaching.” Make use
of your experiences
as a student and
Case Studies
Case studies are problem solving dilemmas based on actual
and fictional events about science teaching. Cases can be
explored in a variety of ways: role playing, cooperative team
problem solving, written responses followed by group
discussions, and debates. Case enactments can also be video
taped for replay and analysis. After some contextual work in
schools, and experience with a few cases, teachers can suggest
their own case study topics, create the scenarios and problems,
and engage the class in their creations. Each chapter begins
with a Case Study.
Reflective Teaching
The Art of Teaching Science provides teaching strategies that facilitate
the development of reflective science teaching. Reflective science
teaching is a concept that is open to a great deal of interpretation. On
the one hand is the idea that reflective teachers possess the ability to
collaborate with others, while on the other hand the ability to "reflect on"
and think about one's teaching.

One of the powerful aspects of Reflective Teaching

"teaches" teachers a metacognitve tool for thinking about their
teaching, and once they understand the process, teachers can apply
the approach in any teaching situation.
Inquiry 6.1: Reflective
In this inquiry you’ll teach a science
lesson to a small group using a
three stage experience:

 Prepare

 Teach

 Reflect
Microteaching is a laboratory approach to teaching developed
some years ago
works very well in small cooperative groups of peers, as well
as with students in a school context
 Students can prepare brief lessons, teach them to a small group of
peers or students, meet with a peer coach, and then reteach the lesson
based on suggestions made in the peer coaching conference.

Inquiry 9.1: Microteaching

Prepare a 5 minute lesson and use
it to focus on one or more of the
teaching strategies (advance
organizers, questioning, using
examples, etc.).
Teach the lesson to a small group of
peers; use the video tape to reflect
and make changes in the lesson for
a re-teach episode.
How successful were you?
Science Teachers Talk
Interviews with several practicing middle school and high school
science teachers to create the Science Teachers Talk
The teachers were asked to respond to a questionnaire on
science teaching.
The questions corresponded to the major unifying themes of the
text, and these were used to create the dialogs.
Science Teachers Talk feature
 can used as a stimulus for discussion, and problem solving
 Teachers can be asked to respond to the interview questions before
reading the teachers' responses, and afterwards, compare their
approaches and opinions
 These craft-talk columns in the Science Teaching Gazette are rich
with the wisdom-of-practice that is an integral part of the knowledge
of science teaching.

Science Teachers Talk

How do you use technology
(including the Internet) in your
science lessons? Why do you, and
what do you see as the benefits for
your students?
Find out what the following teachers
say about these questions. How
does it compare with your thinking:
 Rachel Zgonc (a first year teacher)
 Ben Boza (Botzwana)
 Carol Myronuk (Canada)
 Barry Plant (Australia)
 Tom Brown
 Michael O’Brien (a first year
A web-based activity in action
Research Matters
Science teachers not only in being able to
consume science education research, but
being able to conduct research on teaching,
as well
Ex. Newsletter
Science Education Literature
The literature pieces have been included
 to enrich the investigation of science teaching
 to extend the context of learning
 to include the work of the science and science education
 to introduce teachers to journals and books in the field.

Science is Not Words*

Read Dr. George Feynman’s
article (pp. 30-32), “Science
is not words.”
How does Feynman’s view
of science stack up with your
views? Is this a practical
view that might be applied to
Follow-up with a visit to a
Feynman Site:
On the Web
A collection of websites
 for easy access to resources
A collection of readings
 designed to help you go further in your
exploration of science teaching
Generation Years Born Age Today

GI Generation 1900-1924 85-109

Silent generation 1925-1945 64-84
Baby Boomers 1946-1964 45-63
Generation X 1965-1979 30-44
Millennials or Generation Y 1980-2000 9-29
Our Schools
Faculty Students

Gen X

Gen Y
Life experiences impact the
way people learn
Challenge for faculty to be
effective in teaching and to
make teaching and learning
Generation X
“Latchkey” kids – both parents working
Many from single parent homes
Technologically savvy
Grew up with corporate downsizing and
layoffs, fewer career opportunities
Generation X
Independent, problem solvers
Ambitious, self-starters
Want support but do not want to be told what to
do or how to do it
Expect instant gratification, immediate feedback
Know they must keep learning to be marketable
Generation Y
Largest generation since baby boomers
Many from divorced, single parent homes but
parents are extremely hands-on (“decade of the
Overindulged, overprotected, self-absorbed
Technologically savvy
Generation Y
Self-confident, entitled
Ambitious with high expectations
Want to know process, rules, how to get ahead
Expect to start at the top
Want constant and immediate feedback
Move quickly from one thing to another
Not as independent as Gen X (parental back-up)
Student’s Expectations
Want solid knowledge base and real-world
Want clear and organized presentation of material
Want to be stimulated, active and participatory
Want to know why (how does this activity, reading
connect to my future career?)
Want faculty to be enthusiastic, helpful and engaged
Expect “customer service”
Want face-to-face contact but accept boundaries
Student Challenges
Students feel that teachers have changed the
 Teachers not teaching

 Paying tuition for what?

Team based learning - some do not want to

work in groups
 Do all members contribute equally?

 Too difficult to schedule, coordinate

 Some dominate, others hide

Faculty Challenges

Fear – stop lecturing & lose control

Won’t cover all of the material
Will students do the work?
Fair assessment of group and team work
Repercussions of student dissatisfaction
(lower ratings, etc)
Getting from Here to There….
Learn best when outcomes are clear and integrated into
relevant context
Need practical - not hypothetical - experiences

Increase relevance and accountability in curricula

Too many competencies
Levels vary

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