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CS 391L: Machine Learning:

Bayesian Learning:
Beyond Naïve Bayes

Raymond J. Mooney
University of Texas at Austin
Logistic Regression
• Assumes a parametric form for directly estimating
P(Y | X). For binary concepts, this is:
P(Y  1 | X ) 
1  exp( w0  i 1 wi X i )

P(Y  0 | X )  1  P(Y  1 | X )
exp( w0  i 1 wi X i )

1  exp( w0  i 1 wi X i )

• Equivalent to a one-layer backpropagation neural net.

– Logistic regression is the source of the sigmoid function
used in backpropagation.
– Objective function for training is somewhat different. 2
Logistic Regression as a Log-Linear Model
• Logistic regression is basically a linear model, which
is demonstrated by taking logs.
P(Y  0 | X )
Assign label Y  0 iff 1 
P(Y  1 | X )
1  exp( w0  i 1 wi X i )

0  w0  i 1 wi X i

or equivalent ly w0  i 1  wi X i

• Also called a maximum entropy model (MaxEnt)

because it can be shown that standard training for
logistic regression gives the distribution with maximum
entropy that is consistent with the training data. 3
Logistic Regression Training
• Weights are set during training to maximize the
conditional data likelihood :
W  argmax  P(Y d | X d ,W )
W d D

where D is the set of training examples and Yd and

Xd denote, respectively, the values of Y and X for
example d.
• Equivalently viewed as maximizing the
conditional log likelihood (CLL)
W  argmax
 ln
d D
P (Y d
| X d
,W )

Logistic Regression Training

• Like neural-nets, can use standard gradient

descent to find the parameters (weights) that
optimize the CLL objective function.
• Many other more advanced training
methods are possible to speed convergence.
– Conjugate gradient
– Generalized Iterative Scaling (GIS)
– Improved Iterative Scaling (IIS)
– Limited-memory quasi-Newton (L-BFGS)
Preventing Overfitting in Logistic Regression

• To prevent overfitting, one can use regularization

(a.k.a. smoothing) by penalizing large weights by
changing the training objective:

W  argmax  ln P(Y | X ,W ) 
d d 2
W d D 2
Where λ is a constant that determines the amount of smoothing

• This can be shown to be equivalent to assuming a

Guassian prior for W with zero mean and a
variance related to 1/λ.

Multinomial Logistic Regression

• Logistic regression can be generalized to

multi-class problems (where Y has a
multinomial distribution).
• Effectively constructs a linear classifier for
each category.

Relation Between
Naïve Bayes and Logistic Regression
• Naïve Bayes with Gaussian distributions for features (GNB),
can be shown to given the same functional form for the
conditional distribution P(Y|X).
– But converse is not true, so Logistic Regression makes a weaker
• Logistic regression is a discriminative rather than generative
model, since it models the conditional distribution P(Y|X) and
directly attempts to fit the training data for predicting Y from
X. Does not specify a full joint distribution.
• When conditional independence is violated, logistic
regression gives better generalization if it is given sufficient
training data.
• GNB converges to accurate parameter estimates faster (O(log
n) examples for n features) compared to Logistic Regression
(O(n) examples).
– Experimentally, GNB is better when training data is scarce, logistic
regression is better when it is plentiful.
Graphical Models
• If no assumption of independence is made, then an
exponential number of parameters must be estimated for
sound probabilistic inference.
• No realistic amount of training data is sufficient to estimate
so many parameters.
• If a blanket assumption of conditional independence is made,
efficient training and inference is possible, but such a strong
assumption is rarely warranted.
• Graphical models use directed or undirected graphs over a
set of random variables to explicitly specify variable
dependencies and allow for less restrictive independence
assumptions while limiting the number of parameters that
must be estimated.
– Bayesian Networks: Directed acyclic graphs that indicate causal
– Markov Networks: Undirected graphs that capture general
dependencies. 9
Bayesian Networks

• Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

– Nodes are random variables
– Edges indicate causal influences

Burglary Earthquake


JohnCalls MaryCalls

Conditional Probability Tables
• Each node has a conditional probability table (CPT) that
gives the probability of each of its values given every possible
combination of values for its parents (conditioning case).
– Roots (sources) of the DAG that have no parents are given prior

P(B) P(E)

Burglary Earthquake .002

B E P(A)
T T .95
T F .94
Alarm F T .29
F F .001

A P(J) A P(M)
T .90 T .70
JohnCalls MaryCalls F .01
F .05
CPT Comments

• Probability of false not given since rows

must add to 1.
• Example requires 10 parameters rather than
25–1=31 for specifying the full joint
• Number of parameters in the CPT for a
node is exponential in the number of parents

Joint Distributions for Bayes Nets
• A Bayesian Network implicitly defines a joint
P( x1 , x2 ,...xn )   P( xi | Parents ( X i ))
i 1
• Example
P( J  M  A  B  E )
 P( J | A) P( M | A) P( A | B  E ) P(B) P(E )
 0.9  0.7  0.001 0.999  0.998  0.00062
• Therefore an inefficient approach to inference is:
– 1) Compute the joint distribution using this equation.
– 2) Compute any desired conditional probability using
the joint distribution.
Naïve Bayes as a Bayes Net
• Naïve Bayes is a simple Bayes Net

X1 X2 … Xn

• Priors P(Y) and conditionals P(Xi|Y) for

Naïve Bayes provide CPTs for the network.

Bayes Net Inference
• Given known values for some evidence variables,
determine the posterior probability of some query
• Example: Given that John calls, what is the
probability that there is a Burglary?
??? John calls 90% of the time there
Burglary Earthquake
is an Alarm and the Alarm detects
94% of Burglaries so people
Alarm generally think it should be fairly high.

However, this ignores the prior

JohnCalls MaryCalls probability of John calling.
Bayes Net Inference
• Example: Given that John calls, what is the
probability that there is a Burglary?

??? .001
John also calls 5% of the time when there
Burglary Earthquake
is no Alarm. So over 1,000 days we
expect 1 Burglary and John will probably
Alarm call. However, he will also call with a
false report 50 times on average. So the
call is about 50 times more likely a false
JohnCalls MaryCalls report: P(Burglary | JohnCalls) ≈ 0.02
A P(J)
T .90
F .05

Bayes Net Inference
• Example: Given that John calls, what is the
probability that there is a Burglary?

??? .001
Actual probability of Burglary is 0.016
Burglary Earthquake
since the alarm is not perfect (an
Earthquake could have set it off or it
Alarm could have gone off on its own). On the
other side, even if there was not an
alarm and John called incorrectly, there
JohnCalls MaryCalls could have been an undetected Burglary
A P(J)
anyway, but this is unlikely.
T .90
F .05

Complexity of Bayes Net Inference
• In general, the problem of Bayes Net inference is
NP-hard (exponential in the size of the graph).
• For singly-connected networks or polytrees in
which there are no undirected loops, there are linear-
time algorithms based on belief propagation.
– Each node sends local evidence messages to their children
and parents.
– Each node updates belief in each of its possible values
based on incoming messages from it neighbors and
propagates evidence on to its neighbors.
• There are approximations to inference for general
networks based on loopy belief propagation that
iteratively refines probabilities that converge to
accurate values in the limit.
Belief Propagation Example
• λ messages are sent from children to parents
representing abductive evidence for a node.
• π messages are sent from parents to children
representing causal evidence for a node.

Burglary Earthquake
λ λ
λ π
JohnCalls MaryCalls

Markov Networks
• Undirected graph over a set of random
variables, where an edge represents a
• The Markov blanket of a node, X, in a
Markov Net is the set of its neighbors in the
graph (nodes that have an edge connecting
to X).
• Every node in a Markov Net is
conditionally independent of every other
node given its Markov blanket.
Distribution for a Markov Network
• The distribution of a Markov net is most compactly
described in terms of a set of potential functions, φk, for
each clique, k, in the graph.
• For each joint assignment of values to the variables in
clique k, φk assigns a non-negative real value that
represents the compatibility of these values.
• The joint distribution of a Markov is then defined by:
P( x1 , x2 ,...xn )  k ( x{k } )
Z k
Where x{k} represents the joint assignment of the variables
in clique k, and Z is a normalizing constant that makes a
joint distribution that sums to 1.

Z  k ( x{k } )
x k
Inference in Markov Networks

• Inference in general Markov nets is #P

• Approximation algorithms include:
– Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
– Loopy belief propagation

Bayes Nets vs. Markov Nets

• Bayes nets represent a subclass of joint

distributions that capture non-cyclic causal
dependencies between variables.
• A Markov net can represent any joint
– If network is fully connected then there is one
clique that is includes all of the variables and
whose potential function directly encodes the
full joint distribution.

Learning Graphical Models

• Structure Learning: Learn the graphical

structure of the network.
• Parameter Learning: Learn the real-valued
parameters of the network
– CPTs for Bayes Nets
– Potential functions for Markov Nets

Structure Learning
• Use greedy top-down search through the space of
networks, considering adding each possible edge
one at a time and picking the one that maximizes a
statistical evaluation metric that measures fit to the
training data.
• Alternative is to test all pairs of nodes to find ones
that are statistically correlated and adding edges
• Bayes net learning requires determining the
direction of causal influences.
• Special algorithms for limited graph topologies.
– TAN (Tree Augmented Naïve-Bayes) for learning
Bayes nets that are trees.
Parameter Learning
• If values for all variables are available during
training, then parameter estimates can be directly
estimated using frequency counts over the training
– Must smooth estimates to compensate for limited
training data.
• If there are hidden variables, some form of
gradient descent or Expectation Maximization
(EM) must be used to estimate distributions for
hidden variables.
– Like setting the weights feeding hidden units in
backpropagation neural nets.

Statistical Relational Learning
• Expand graphical model learning approach to handle
instances more expressive than feature vectors that include
arbitrary numbers of objects with properties and relations
between them.
– Probabilistic Relational Models (PRMs)
– Stochastic Logic Programs (SLPs)
– Bayesian Logic Programs (BLPs)
– Relational Markov Networks (RMNs)
– Markov Logic Networks (MLNs)
– Other TLAs
• Collective classification: Classify multiple dependent
objects based on both and object’s properties as well as the
class of other related objects.
– Get beyond IID assumption for instances

Collective Classification
of Web Pages using RMNs
[Taskar, Abbeel & Koller 2002]

• Bayesian learning methods are firmly based on
probability theory and exploit advanced methods
developed in statistics.
• Naïve Bayes is a simple generative model that works
fairly well in practice.
• Logistic Regression is a discriminative classifier that
directly models the conditional distribution P(Y|X).
• Graphical models allow specifying limited
dependencies using graphs.
– Bayes Nets: DAG
– Markov Nets: Undirected Graph


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