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Lecture 01

 Course Overview
 Course Objectives
 Course Outcome
 Course Content
 Assessment and Exams
 Rules for Class and Exams
 Office Hours

Work or employment may be the central role one has to take. It is through work that society
shapes our social experiences and impacts our life in the most significant way. Moreover,
the significance of work for social members goes far beyond individual’s personal identities
and daily activities. Most of social members may not be aware that work – such a common
social activity – is intertwined with many other social institutions, societal structure, and
social processes, particularly social inequality. Therefore, we are trying to help you to
challenge some notions which are taken for granted about what are composed of work,
occupation, and profession. While this course is designed to give you a broad view, it also
emphasizes selected topics in greater depth.
 Be able to analyze human work, motivation and leadership
from various sociological perspectives;
 To be critical of popular and academic views on work;
 Be able to understand the historical development of various
forms of work;
 Be able to develop a personalized understanding of particular
occupations in-depth;
 Get a sense of the dynamic relationship between work roles
and organizational cultures;
 Be able to understand and anticipate tensions between work
and other social activities;
 To be able to analyze human interactions in modern industrial
environments generally.

 Understand the nature of work and the theories related to man's activities to insure his survival;
 Be aware of the reasons that led to Industrial Revolution;
 Enumerate the social operations in industrial organizations;
 Comprehend some concepts relating to the industrial environment such as industrial relation,
management, administration, leadership in industrial settings, efficiency, quality and human relations
in industry;
 Understand the difficulties facing the developing countries in planning for industrial development;
 Be able to compare the effects of industry (positive and negative) on society;
 Have an understanding of the theories related to social and cultural change.
 Read the textbook for conceptual clarity
and exams. Lecture slides are not enough.
 Slides will be uploaded on Blackboard
after the lecture.
 Use Right Click + Synonyms feature in
PowerPoint or search Google for
additional help regarding difficult words.
Also check foot notes in slides.*
 Some video links will be provided in
Course Contents on Blackboard for
educational purposes but NO questions
from these videos will be asked in exams.

1 Introduction to Work

2 Work in Historical Perspectives

3 Classical Approaches to Work: Marx, Weber and Durkheim

4 Contemporary Theories of Work Organization

5 Working Technology

Contemporary Work: The Service Sector and the Knowledge


7 Work in the Global Economy


Knowledge of the Subject (Industry, Organization, Society,

Sociology, etc.)

Cognitive Skills (Logical and Critical thinking, problem based

thinking, comparative and neutral analysis, application of knowledge)

Inter-personal Skills and Responsibility (communication and

presentation skills, leadership skills and cooperation)

Information Technology and Numerical Skills (email,

Blackboard, PowerPoint, graphs, etc.)

Quiz 10%
(3-4 quizzes comprising MCQs/Group Discussion; groups will be assigned next week)

Major-1 (17 October 2017; 6-7pm in Building 54) 20%

(20 MCQs from the course content of about first 5 weeks)

Major-2 (21 November 2017; 6-7pm in Building 54) 20%

(20 MCQs from the course content of about 6 to 10 weeks)

PowerPoint Presentation 10%

(Every student will be assigned a topic to give a 10 minutes presentation)

Attendance 10%
(0.75 pts deducted for 1 Absence; DN for 9 Absences)

Final Examination (30 December 2017; 7-8pm) 30%

(30 MCQs – comprehensive but some content omitted)

Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade

95 – 100 A+ 80 – 84 B 65 – 69 D+

90 – 94 A 75 – 79 C+ 60 – 64 D

85 – 89 B+ 70 – 74 C 0 – 59 F

Subject to adjustment at the time of final grading by the department.

RULES FOR CLASS Continued...

 The use of mobile phones, discmen, mp3 players,

headphones or other electronic devices of any kind
while in the classroom is not allowed;
 Please turn them off and keep them in your pocket
when in the classroom;
 Frequently disobeying this rule may result in deduction
of your scores;
 No snapshots of slides in the classroom whatsoever.
Look into Blackboard for announcements and course
RULES FOR CLASS Continued...

 You must drop the course immediately if the timetable is

not suitable for you;
 Not allowed to enter classroom if 10 minutes late. In
case of any late coming, inform the instructor at least
one class before. No email requests;
 0.75 point will be deducted for 1 absence; DN for 9
 Late coming twice will be equal to one absence.
 Attendance is due from the day of registration. It will
be waived for the day if registered after the class;
 No requests for marking Present will be entertained afterwards in
case any student forgets to sign the attendance sheet or answer to
the attendance call in the classroom;
 No change of sections. If you come to other section, it will not be
counted as attendance; (if allowed, it will be counted as Late
 No signature changes for the whole semester;
 All excuses to be submitted as soon as possible on official blue form
only. All excuses must be submitted (photocopies of blue form) at
least by 28 December 2017.
 Any excuses without blue form must NOT be submitted until last week
of the term with a request on a printed page along with any
RULES FOR EXAMS Continued...

 Any missed examination will result in zero point;

 If you have conflicts of exam timings, request your other
instructor to accommodate you as this course follows the
university schedule;
 No make-up for Quiz, Presentation or Major and Final exams;
No make-up examinations will be provided unless you show the
instructor sufficient medical or other legitimate documentation prior to the
examination date. In addition, because the make-up students have additional time to
prepare for the exam, the make-up exam will be more difficult than the regular one.
 No entry if 10 minutes late in exams;
 No questions to the instructor/proctor allowed during exams;
 No bathroom in the exams. A student can only leave the exam
hall after 30 minutes ONLY when it is announced;
RULES FOR EXAMS Continued...

 No electronic devices including mobile phones are allowed

in the exams. If you bring mobile phones with you in exams,
please turn them off and place under the chair;
 Any students using mobile phone within the exam hall even
after finishing the exam will be subject to the university’s
policies regarding cheating;
 Grades will be uploaded on Blackboard after the exam on
the next working day. Students can view their exam sheets
in the instructor’s office during his Office Hours.

 No grade change requests after final exams. Any such request will
result in cutting the grade to a lower one. GS Department reserves
the right to adjust the grades according to the class performance. It
is student’s responsibility to maintain his overall GPA;
 Attendance points will be calculated AFTER the final exam based on
student’s attendance and punctuality in class activities and overall
behavior of the student;
 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will be strictly dealt with, so is
Either will result in a failing grade and appropriate action taken by university
personnel. If you are unclear about what constitutes plagiarism or other forms
of academic dishonesty please consult the student handbook.
Check course contents,
announcements, attendance
and calendar on Blackboard


Any Questions?

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