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FCE Review Class

Use of English: Part 1

Instructions: You are given a piece of text with eight spaces. You are also given
a set of four words ( A;B;C and D) for each space from which to choose the
correct Word. Choose the correct letter and write it in the box.

Becoming Star 1
Every year thousands of Young 1 _____ be stars turn up on Hollywood, the land
of fantasy and dreams, hoping to be 2. ______ by a producer who believes they
have that special magic stardust that audiences worship. What they don´t realice
is that they are setting 3. ______ on a journey leading to to long days of long
paid Jobs waiting on tables or cleaning cars. The 4.______ majority, if not all,
will finally have to go back to their home towns, penniless and with their dreams
in 5. ______ Los Angeles is full of waiters and waitresses who will tell you that
they are only working there for the time being, until they get their 6. ______ in
films which never come, So here is some free advice, before you decide that a
life in 7. _____ is for you, take a long hard look at yourself and make sure you
really are strong 8. ______ to endure the many hard years you will undoubtedly
face. If you still decide to go ahead. I have two words for you. Good luck!
Choose the correct word

1. A.can B. would C. should D. must

2. A.noticed B. studied C. analysed D. interrogated
3. A. off B. up C. in D. on
4. A. slight B. complete C. vast D. total
5. A. tatters B. shutters C. curtains D. blinds
6. A. crack B. break C. smash D. shatter
7. A. films B. cartoons C. documentaries D. dramas
8. A. mind B. enough C. feeling D. smell
UOE – Part 4 (key word transformation)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given: Do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.

1. There will be no more oil available in this area in 2030.

Oil supplies in this area ……...........................…………...........................…… by
the year 2031.
2. My sister doesn’t like computer games very much.
My sister ……...........................…………...........................…… computer games.
3. ‘Did you eat the chocolates?’ Maria said to Peter.
Maria ……...........................…………...........................…… eaten the
4. Bob hadn’t seen his uncle for several years.
After several years ……...........................…………...........................…… , Bob
his uncle again.
5. I think it’s time the children went to bed now.
I think the children ……...........................…………...........................…… to bed
6. The problem we were faced with was a serious one.
The problem we ……...........................…………...........................…… was a
serious one.

7. It was a mistake not to apply for the job.

I ……...........................…………...........................…… for the job.
8. Being rich has no connection with being happy.
Being rich ……...........................…………...........................…… being happy.
9. I can’t wait to see the sights in London.
I am ……...........................…………...........................…… the sights in London.
UOE – Part 3 (word formation)
Instructions: Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in capitals to
complete the gaps. There is an example at the beginning:

Food Production
In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able tolive (0) NATURAL lives in what
we would now term NATURE'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods
however,were not able to supply the rapidly growing (1) ___POPULATE of the world
and the increasing demands on food(2) ...CONSUME In order to cope with this rising
demand, Factory farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ...DEVELOP
of genetically engineered (4) ... GROW hormones, which resulted in a massive
increase in food production. However, these developments in the use of
factory farming and drug (5) ...PRODUCE have led to a widespread feeling that
animals are being caused a lot of distressand that the quality of the food itself suffers
as a consequence. Certainly, many people (6) ... AGREE with the idea of keeping
animals in one building for their entire (7) ...EXIST and argue that more emphasis
should be given to (8) ...ALTERNATE farming methods.
UOE – Part 2 (open-gap fill): For questions 1 to 12 read the text below and write the
word whcih best fits each gap.

The pleasure of learning tp play a musical instrument

As an activity,learning to play an instrument is
(0)__ that can give a lot of pleasure. It's also an
achievement and a skill (1)__ stays with you for
life. Music has a part to play in everyone's life, and
has been described (2)__ a 'primary language'.
Learning to play an instrument isn't easy at the
beginning (3)__ takes effort and determination. And
while there's nothing wrong with aiming (4)__ the
top, music is definitely (5)__ something to take up
because you think you ought (6)__ do it.
A lot of adults regret not (7)___ learnt to play an instrument
when they were younger. But it is never (8)___ late to learn!
And the advantages of learning an instrument are far greater
than just the pleasure of producing a marvellous sound.
When you've progressed far (9)___ ,there are lots of
amateur groups which you can join (10)___ you want to be
part of a larger group. Once you've reached a good enough
standard to join a band or orchestra, you add the team skills
like (11)___ you get from playing sport. There's also a great
social side to playing with others, as (12)___ as the chance
to travel through touring.
Write an answer to one of the questions 2 – 4 in this part. Write your
answer in 120 – 180 words in an appropriate style on the next page,
putting the question number in the box.

2. An international young people´s magazine investigating the question:

Do young people today really know what they want from life?

3. You are attending a summer language course and have been asked
to report on a local leisure facility (e.g.cinema, sports hall, etc.) for the
benefits of students attending the next course.
Write your report describing the facility and what it has to offer, and
commenting on its good and bad points.

I. Use of English- Part 1

1. Would
2. Noticed
3. Off
4. Vast
5. Tatters
6. Break
7. Films
8. Enough

II. Use of English- Part 4

1. Will (have) run out

2. Isn´t/is not very keen
3. Asked Peter if he had
4. Had gone by
5. Had better go
6. Came up against
7. Wish I had / I´d applied
8. Has nothing to do
9. Looking forward to seeing

III. Use of English – Part 3

1. Population
2. Consumer
3. Development
4. Growing
5. Treatment
6. Agreed
7. Existence
8. alternative
IV. Use of English – Part 2 (open gap fill)

0. something
1. Which
2. As
3. And
4. For
5. Not
6. To
7. Having
8. Too
9. Enough
10. If
11. Those
12. well

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