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Seamanship V

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers

in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross
tonnage or more
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Function 1:
Navigation at the Operational Level
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Manoeuvre the ship
Respond to emergencies
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Learning Outcome:
The cadets must be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge on the effects of deadweight, draught, trim,

speed and under- keel clearance on turning circles and stopping
2. Demonstrate knowledge on the effects of wind and current on ship
3. Demonstrate knowledge on maneuvers and procedures for the rescue of
person overboard
4. Demonstrate knowledge on squat, shallow water and similar effects.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Learning Outcome:
5. Demonstrate knowledge on the procedures for anchoring and mooring
6. Demonstrate knowledge on line- handling, mooring and anchoring
7. Demonstrate knowledge on emergency procedures.
8. Demonstrate knowledge on precautions for the protection and safety of
passengers in emergency situations.
9. Demonstrate knowledge on initial action to be taken following a collision or a
grounding; initial damage assessment and control.
10. Demonstrate knowledge on appreciation for the procedures to be followed for
rescuing persons from the sea, assisting a ship in distress, responding to
emergencies which arise in port.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Ship maneuvering and handling??

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Ship handling and maneuvering is an acquired art.

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Ship handling and maneuvering is Applied Physics.

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Provision and Display of Manuevering Information
Onboard Ships
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Manuevering Information
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Manuevering Information
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Effects of deadweight, draught, trim, speed and

under- keel clearance on turning circles and stopping
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

What is a turning circle??

The turning circle represents the vessel’s path followed by the

ship’s pivot point when making a 360 degrees turn, while
keeping the engine revolutions and rudder angle constant
throughout the turn
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

A vessel’s turning circle varies, depending on:

a) Structural design and length of the vessel

b) Draught and trim of the vessel at the time of trials
c) The size and motive power of machinery employed
d) Distribution and stowage of any cargo
e) Whether the ship is on even keel or carrying a list
f) The geographic position of the turn and the available depth of water
g) The amount of rudder angle applied to complete the turn
h) External forces effecting the drift angle.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Structural design and length of the vessel

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Draught and trim of the vessel at the time of trials

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

The size and motive power of machinery employed

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Distribution and stowage of any cargo

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Whether the ship is on even keel or carrying a list

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

The geographic position of the turn and the available

depth of water
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

The amount of rudder angle applied to complete the

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

External forces effecting the drift angle

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

What is a ship’s pivot point??

It is regarded as an apparent center of rotation, taking the

center point at mid-ship as the actual center of the ship’s
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Unless stated otherwise each example assumes a ship on even keel in

calm conditions and still water. In this situation no forces are involved
and the ship has its center of gravity approximately amidships.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

When Making Headway

Pivot point moves forward as vessel gathers headway

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

When Making Sternway

Pivot point moves aft as vessel moves astern

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Parts of a Turning Circle

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

This is the distance the ship travelled in the direction of the
original heading, measured from the point at the moment
when helm was first applied to the turn.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1


Rudder hard over

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

This is the distance of the centre of gravity of the ship from
the original track line. Thus, the transfer for a turn of 90° is the
distance of the centre of gravity of the ship from the original
track line when the heading of the ship is 90° relatively from
the original heading, and it is about two ship’s
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Tactical Diameter
This is the transfer for a turn of 180°, which is almost equal to
the max transfer and about the maximum advance. The
diameter will vary, based on the speed, the amount of rudder
used and the trim.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Tactical Diameter
The diameter will vary, based on the speed, the amount of rudder used and
the trim

When the vessel is trimmed by the stern, the tactical diameter of turn is

When the vessel is trimmed by the head, the tactical diameter of turn is
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Tactical Diameter
The diameter will vary, based on the speed, the amount of rudder used and
the trim:

The vessel with a list will take longer to execute the turn, and, when turned
into the list, will develop a larger circle

The vessel with a right-hand turn propeller, if making a turn to port, will end
up with a smaller diameter than starboard due to the effect of transverse
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

diameter Drift angle
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Side Reach

Track Reach
Head Reach

Propeller rotation reversed

Astern order
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Turning circles are different for loaded and

ballasted vessels
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Displacement Loaded Light Condition

slow to answer helm responsive to helm

larger turning circle smaller turning circle for same speed if


turning circle normally not affected by

turning circle will increase with speed

responsive to engine movements

slow in gathering way
Wind affected
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Turning circles are influenced by speed

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Turning a Vessel
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Constant Radius Turn

In this method radius (R) is kept constant. But as vessel turns, speed (V)
reduces. Thus, ROT will have to be varied proportionately so as to keep
radius (R) as constant. Thus in constant radius turn ROT does not
remain same and changes as vessel negotiates the turn.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Constant Rate of Turn

In this method ROT is kept constant. But as vessel turns, speed
(V) reduces. Thus, radius R will have to be varied
proportionately so as to keep ROT as constant. Thus in
constant rate turn radius (R) does not remain same and
changes as vessel negotiates the turn.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Constant Rate of Turn

Practically ROT is calculated for a mean value of vessel’s speed
(mean of speed at the start of curved segment and speed at
the end of curved segment). This value corresponds nearly to
vessel’s position midway on the arc. At other locations on arc
value of radius will differ from R. But these variations are small
and within practical and tolerable limits.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Rate of Turn : The speed at which a vessel is turning

at, measured in degrees per minute.

Measured using a Rate of Turn Indicator

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Computing the Rate of Turn needed

R.O.T. (degrees/minute) = 53.7 x V
60 R

where: V= Ship’s speed over ground

R= Radius of turn in Nm

R (turning radius) = 0.96 x V .

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Wheel Over Position

The point on initial course at which the wheel is put over to
initiate the turning of the vessel.

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Distance of wheel
over line from new = F sin  + R (1 – cos ) where,
course line

F = Head Reach – Distance traveled by vessel after giving wheel over &
before commencing turn, usually one ship’s length.
P = Perpendicular distance from wheel over point to new course
D+P = Parallel Index distance at W/O position.
D = Parallel Index distance from new course, as obtained from chart.
R = Radius of turn.
Ө = Change of course angle.

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Wheel over position

To find and mark approx. WOP :

D  Decide turning radius required depending

B Ө C on maneuvering characteristics and avail. sea
P Distance to new course = R x tan Ө/2

F F = 0.1 to 0.15 NM (approx. 1 ship’s length)

WOP = F + Dist. to new course

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Accelerating Turn
Ship accelerates from rest with the engine full manoeuvring
speed ahead and the maximum rudder angle. Data are
presented for both full load and ballast conditions.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Effect of Under- Keel clearance on Turning Circle

STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Stopping Distances
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Effect of wind and current on ship handling

Effect of wind on ship handling

Effect of wind
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

As we all know, wind causes the surface of the water to become

disturbed and at times, this can produce uncomfortable and
dangerous conditions.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Effect of wind on ship handling

Seawaves are caused by the direct local action of the wind.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Effect of wind on ship handling

The strength of the wind, the length of time it has been blowing and
the uninterrupted distance it blows over will determine the size of the
waves. This distance is called ‘fetch’.
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1
Effect of wind on ship handling
Windage Area
The exposed area of the ship where the effect of wind is more
Effect of wind on ship handling
Windage Area
Vessels such as containers and Ro-Ro ships have large freeboard and are thus
more affected by winds.
Effect of wind on ship handling
Windage Area

A wind with force of 3-4 on the

Beaufort scale will have similar effect
in light condition as with wind force
of 7-8 when the ship is down to her
Effect of wind on ship handling
Various Ship’s Conditions:
Ship even keel and stopped / Beam wind
Headway / Beam wind
Stern way / Beam wind
Vessel stopped & trimmed / Beam wind
Headway & trimmed Vessel / Beam wind
Effect of wind on ship handling
Various Ship’s Conditions:
Trimmed vessel / Sternway / Beam wind
Ship underway with wind from right astern
Ship underway with wind on the bow
Ship underway with wind on quarter
Effect of wind on ship handling
Ship even keel and stopped / Beam wind
The funnel aft acts like huge sail : large area of superstructure + funnel

Wind Pivot Point

Wind on Starboard Beam

Effect of wind on ship handling
Ship even keel and stopped / Beam wind
Greatly affects the area of freeboard from forward of bridge to bow

Wind Pivot Point

Wind on Starboard Beam

Effect of wind on ship handling
Ship even keel and stopped / Beam wind
Result: ship not turning and stopped with wind on the beam or just abaft the beam.

Wind Pivot Point

Negligible Turning Lever

Wind on Starboard Beam

Effect of wind on ship handling
Headway / Beam wind

Pivot point moves forward

Pivot Point

Turning Lever
Wind on Starboard Beam

Turning lever between Pivot Point and Wind and the ship swings to starboard.
Effect of wind on ship handling

Headway / Beam wind


When approaching the berth the vessel’s speed decreases and the wind

Effect gets greater: it require considerable corrective action.

Effect of wind on ship handling
Stern way / Beam wind
Pivot point moves aft creating a different turning lever

Pivot Point

Turning Lever
Wind on Starboard Beam

The bow fall off the wind or with other words the stern seeks the wind
Effect of wind on ship handling
Vessel stopped & trimmed / Beam wind
The pivot point of a stopped vessel coincides with the center of gravity of the underwater profile

Center of Gravity

Pivot Point
Effect of wind on ship handling
Vessel stopped & trimmed / Beam wind

When trimmed by the stern, pivot point moves aft (A to B)

Pivot Point (A)

Pivot Point (B)
Effect of wind on ship handling
Vessel stopped & trimmed / Beam wind

The windage area is bigger at the bow and the center of wind pressure moves forward

Wind on Starboard Beam

Effect of wind on ship handling
Vessel stopped & trimmed / Beam wind

Pivot Point (B) Pivot Point (A)

Turning Lever
Wind on Starboard Beam
Effect of wind on ship handling
Headway & trimmed Vessel / Beam wind

When the same vessel gets headway: pivot point moves forward, ahead of the beam
wind - the turning moment changes from direction and the bow turns into the wind.

Pivot Point

Wind on Starboard Beam

Effect of wind on ship handling
Trimmed vessel / Headway / Beam wind


Wind pressure moves forward and very close to Pivot Point

The turning lever is reduced and the vessel has tendency to fall off

Ship difficult to keep head to wind especially with SBM mooring

Effect of wind on ship handling
Trimmed vessel / Sternway / Beam wind

When the same vessel gets sternway: pivot point moves aft of the beam wind -
the turning moment changes from direction and the bow away from the wind.

Pivot Point

Wind on Starboard Beam

Turning Lever
Effect of wind on ship handling
Trimmed vessel / Sternway / Beam wind
Performance when backing is seriously altered

The bow wants to fall off rapidly

When berthing with beam wind: ship difficult to hold in position
The stern seeks the wind
Always try to use the wind to your advantage « poor man’s tug »
Effect of wind on ship handling
Ship underway with wind from right astern

When the wind is blowing from the right astern, steering the ship becomes easy
Effect of wind on ship handling
Ship underway with wind on the bow

In lighter conditions, the effect on the ship’s stem is larger and this
tends the ship’s head to swing away from the wind (leeward).

This requires the weather helm (helm on the side of the wind) to be
steered continuously.
Effect of wind on ship handling
Given a choice between head wind & wind from right astern, the head
wind is preferred for berthing.
Effect of wind on ship handling
Ship underway with wind on quarter

The stern tends to swing towards the leeward

Steered towards the wind and the ship is

required to be given a lee helm.
Effects of wind on ship handling

Effect of wind can be summarized as follows:

As a For tight For

BRAKE turn Manuever
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

Effect of wind and current on ship handling

Effect of current on ship handling
The effects of currents play a very important role on various conditions
during navigation

When the ship is under the effect of on-shore winds

Near off-shore platforms

While manoeuvring in narrow channels and open seas

In inland waters or harbours

Effect of current on ship handling

So, what is sea current or ocean current?

Effect of current on ship handling
A sea or ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater
generated by forces acting upon the mean flow, such as:

Wind Temperature
Breaking waves Salinity differences
Coriolis effect

“while tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon”
Effect of current on ship handling
Effect of current on ship handling
Overview of Ocean Currents
Effect of current on ship handling
Ocean Currents
A current (mass of water) is several hundred times denser than air / generates
forces of great magnitude
In open sea a ship is handled in the same way with or without current

The ship in a current is being carried away relative to fixed objects (buoys,
anchored vessels, obstructions…)

Prior to start any manœuvre: assess tidal strength and direction in order to
ascertain sufficient space
Effect of current on ship handling
Current acts on underwater portion of ship
Effect of current on ship handling
Position of Pivot Point when sailing with current

Pivot point

ground speed = speed in water + speed of current

Effect of current on ship handling
Tide from astern


To reduce speed: engine astern / pivot

point moves after + transverse thrust
Effect of current on ship handling
Tide from astern


Most unsatisfactory situation

Extremely difficult to keep positive control of the ship

To keep pivot point ahead, ship must be running at a speed over ground
much higher than speed of the tide: far too fast
Effect of current on ship handling
Position of Pivot Point when sailing against current

Pivot point

ground speed = speed in water – speed of current

Effect of current on ship handling
Tide from ahead


Short kicks ahead to maintain headway through the water and

keep pivot point forward with little speed over ground
Effect of current on ship handling
Tide from ahead


Good steering lever

Good control over the ship

This is known as ‘’ stemming the tide ’’, ship’s speed bigger than current speed.
Effect of current on ship handling

Steering in the current


Faster: pivot point near bow, good steering

Slower: same as backing , pivot point near

stern, unstable ship
Effect of current on ship handling

Steering in the current

Moving against the current:

Pivot point in bow quarters, good
steering, stable ship
Effect of current on ship handling
Effect of transverse current

In beam current: ship must compensate the effect of the current

Effect of current on ship handling
Effect of transverse current

Speed of the ship

over water Intended Course
Speed over the
Current speed ground
New Position

Distance travelled
Effect of current on ship handling
Effect of transverse current

Ship dead in the water:

Force exerted by the current is very large

Proportional to exposed underwater

surface of ship (LxT) and to squared
velocity of current V²
Effect of current on ship handling
Working in a Tide
When tide flows across a berth , it
can be used to:

Improve slow speed control

Create lateral motion

« Always better to stem the tide »

Effect of current on ship handling
Working across a tide
Balance ship’s speed through the water and tidal

Create sideway (lateral motion):

- use rudder angle alone or with kick ahead
- current comes onto opposite bow
- resultant of 2 vectors brings vessel towards
the berth (crablike)
- to stop drift: bring ship’s head into the tide
Effect of current on ship handling
Working across a tide
Be patient
Never rush the manoeuvre
Always put the tide fine on the bow
Don’t put the tide too far around
on the bow:
- good lateral motion
- difficult to bring ship back into
the tide
Effect of current on ship handling
Turning in the current

With the current, the ship makes a wide swing

Against the current it makes a tight swing

Effect of current on ship handling
Turning in the current
Effect of current on ship handling
Swinging on an anchor
A ship with a following tide swing through 180° to
stem the tide prior to proceeding to its berth.

In a narrow waterway the ship swings on an

anchor, keepinga tight control over the position.

‘’This is only possible if the bottom is clear of obstructions’’

Effect of current on ship handling
Swinging on an anchor
Effect of current on ship handling
Swinging on an anchor
The manoeuvre depends on experience and skill and:
Depth of water
UKC (Under Keel Clearance)
Strength of the current
Type of bottom
Type of engine power available
Size of the ship
Amount of room available for turn
Effect of current on ship handling
Bends in a tidal River

The tide may be of different

strengths :

rapidly on the outside

weaker on the inside of the bend

Effect of current on ship handling
Following Tide

The strong tide is working on the stern with

the pivot point forward:

Good turning lever and strong turning force.

‘’Anticipation + kick ahead and counter rudder’’

Effect of current on ship handling
Following Tide
A ship can react violently and rapidly to this
force : never underestimate.

Better to keep more to the outside of the

bend: the ship is always in the area of
stronger following tide.
Effect of current on ship handling
Tide from ahead
When a large ship negotiates a bend in a
channel with current from ahead, better to keep
to the inside so that the bow does not enter the
area of stronger current during the turn.

‘’This side is often the shallow side as well’’

Effect of current on ship handling
Tide from ahead
In this position, the ship’s bow is influenced
by the strong Tide.

Turning moment opposes the intended turn.
Risk of grounding

Anticipation with helm and power

Effect of current on ship handling
A ship can pass close to shallow areas or man
made structures where the tide changes rapidly
in direction.

If the ship proceeds at slow speed this can

have serious consequences for the
Effect of current on ship handling
The tide is forced to flow faster between
ship and berth:
a low pressure appears

the ship is sucked towards the quay.

Avoid acute angles with a jetty, even with weak tides

Effect of current on ship handling

When ship moored or held with the tide on

the beamwith a small UKC:
lateral force created can be enormous
Effect of current on ship handling

Tidal flow
Effect of current on ship handling
Blocking Effect
When the UKC is reduced, the tide cannot flow under and is forced to
flow around.
Effect of current on ship handling
Force of the tide depends on:

Draft and depth of water

Ship’s bow configuration
Velocity of the tide
Under keel clearance
Effect of current on ship handling
Summary: Tidal forces
Force of the tide is directly proportional to the square of the velocity

Force of tide can vary with the depth, a tidal difference of up to

2.5knots over a depth of 5 meter is possible.

A small increase in speed means an enormous increase in force

exerted upon a ship

Published ‘’Tidal Stream’’ is sometimes inaccurate.

Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
A major concern of maritime operations is
recovering personnel who have fallen
overboard and safely transferring them from
the water to the deck of a boat or hatch of a

Recovery should not exceed 6 to 8 minutes

Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
MOB – Different Situations
« Immediate action » situation
Casualty is noticed on the bridge and action is initiated immediately
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
MOB – Different Situations
"Delayed action" situation
Casualty is reported to the bridge by an eye witness and action is initiated
with some delay
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
MOB – Different Situations
"Person missing" situation
Person is reported to the bridge as "missing"
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
First reaction:
Throw a lifebuoy with light in the direction of
the person overboard / call the bridge


Man overboard
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Rudder hard over (in an "immediate action"
situation, only to the side of the casualty)
After deviation from the original course by 60º,
rudder hard over to the opposite side.

When heading 20º short of opposite course,

rudder to midship position and ship to be
turned to opposite course
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Rudder hard over (in an "immediate action"
situation, only to the side of the casualty) .

After deviation from the original course by

250º, rudder to midship position and stopping
manoeuvre to be initiated.
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Rudder hard over

After deviation from the original course by

240º, rudder hard over to the opposite side.
When heading 20º short of opposite course, rudder
to midship position so that ship will turn to opposite
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
SINGLE TURN will take the ship back to the scene of the
casualty most quickly.

WILLIAMSON TURN requires more time and will

temporarily take the ship farther away from the scene
of the casualty.

SCHARNOW TURN is not appropriate.

Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
WILLIAMSON TURN will take the ship to the scene of the casualty most
surely (When the ship has reached the manoeuvre commencement point,
search speed must be reduced so as to enable fast stopping)

SCHARNOW TURN cannot be carried out effectively unless the time

elapsed between the occurrence of the casualty and the commencement
of the manoeuvre is known.
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard

Both WILLIAMSON TURN and SCHARNOW TURN take ship back into her wake.
Less distance is covered, and thus time is saved, with SCHARNOW TURN.
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard

Comparison between Williamson

and Scharnow

For Scharnow: time between

casualty and start of manœuvre
must be known
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Ideal with reduced visibility

Great distance between victim and ship during the turn
Victim pass behind the stern from Ps (Sb) to other side: lost from view
The slowest MOB manœuvre: between 6 and 12 minutes: victim remain 15
minutes in the water
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard


« Immediate action » manœuvre

Change of heading: between 250° and 300° due to the momentum of the ship
Duration: between 4 and 7 minutes
Revs to be modified at the end of the turn
Stop the vessel to windward of the victim
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Williamson turn versus Single turn

Under favourable dailight conditions a simple

round turn is the best way to get back to a man
overboard in a hurry.
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Auto-recovery: ship is brought back on opposite course
Victim always in view of rescue team on the bridge
Time needed is shorter than Boutakov


Not an « immediate action » manoeuvre

Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
« immediate action » manoeuvre
Recommanded whith limited initial speed
Brings the ship faster on the scene
With single screw ships: transverse thrust will turn the ship
Wind effects will alter the manœuvre
Only with motor ships / turbine ships are too slow to reverse
Momentum of big ships
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
DOUBLE TURN « immediate action » manœuvre

English variant:
-First 180° change of heading
-Ship back on opposite course
-Start 2nd heading change when victim on three point athwartships
-Reduce revs and approach at windward

-Dutch variant:
-Start 2nd heading change when actual speed =
initial speed
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard

Ship keeps her initial heading for one mile

Start of turning circle
Stabilize vessel when new heading = initial heading + 180° + tangent of
tactical diameter in miles
Manoeuvres and procedures for the
rescue of person overboard
Always stops vessel at windward: stopped vessel drifts faster than man in

A man losses consciousness after 15 minutes in water at 5°

1st approach must always succeed

Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

What in fact is Squat and why is Squat relevant for shipping?

Squat, shallow-water and similar effects
Define as the reduction of a vessels Keel-Clearance, caused by the
relative movement of the ship’s hull through the surrounding body of
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects
Compared with the neutral position the hull sinks deeper into the water
and at the same time will trim slightly.

The algebraic sum of both, sinking and trimming is called Squat

Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

When does squat occurs?

When a vessel is making speed through the water

When vessel is not making speed but laying in flowing water (current).
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects
Making way
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects
How Squat is caused?
A speed making vessel pushes a mass of water in front of her bow. This water must
flow back under and at the sides of the vessel (backflow) to replace the water
displaced by the ship’s hull.
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

In shallow and/or narrow waters the water particle’s velocity of flow increases
which results a pressure drop (Bernoulli’s Law).
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

The main factors, affecting the size of Squat, are:

Present water depth

Ships speed through water

Ships block coefficient (Cb)

It is also relevant whether the vessel is sailing in shallow and

unrestricted water or in restricted waters (Canal, River)
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects
Two things that govern Ship’s Squat

The main factor on which the ship’s squat depends is the ship’s speed.
Squat varies approximately with the speed squared.

The blockage factor “S” is another factor to be considered while

understanding ship squat
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

The simplified formula for vessels in unrestricted waters (open water

conditions) reads as follows:

Cb = Block Coefficient
V = speed through water in knots
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

The simplified formula for vessels in restricted waters (confined water

conditions) reads as follows:

Cb = Block Coefficient
V = speed through water in knots
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

Blockage factor is defined as the immersed cross-section of the ship’s

mid-ship section divided by the cross-section of water within the
canal or river.
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

Blockage factor

Blockage Factor = that proportion of a midship's section

cross sectional area of the channel, river or canal
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects
Shallow water effect
When ships make a landfall from a deep sea position they may
experience a form of interaction with the sea bed, known as ‘Shallow
Water Effect’.
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

How to recognize whether / when Squat occurs?

Change of wave pattern at the stern and the bow of the vessel

The vessel becomes dull when carrying out manoeuvres

The revolution of main engine decreases obviously, in restricted waters

more obviously than in unrestricted waters.
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

How to recognize whether / when Squat occurs?

The ship’s speed decreases, in restricted waters more obviously than in

sideways unrestricted waters.

Appreciable vibrations of the ship’s hull occur

Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

Squat – ship’s response

The behaviour of a ship in shallow water, where the forces of buoyancy are
reduced, can expect to be totally different to the behaviour of the same ship in
deeper water, where the buoyancy forces will have a much greater affect.
Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

How to prevent Squat?

Squat, shallow-water and similar effects

How to prevent Squat?

The only effective measure by the ship’s command to minimise or

eliminate commencing Squat is the immediate reduction of speed.

By reducing the speed through the water by about a half, the

Squat reduces to about a quarter.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Procedures for Anchoring
Proper procedures for anchoring
Planning for Anchoring
Master Shall Identify a suitable anchoring position before entering the
anchorage area.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Planning for Anchoring
Conduct a planned approach including speed reduction in ample time and
orienting the ships head prior anchoring to
Proper procedures for anchoring
Planning for Anchoring
Decide on which method of anchoring to be used and the number of shackles
depending on the depth of water, expected weather and holding ground.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Planning for Anchoring
A simple rule in determining length of cable to use:

Standard condition:
Length of cable = [(Depth of water in meters * 2) + 90 ] / 27.5

When good holding power can not be expected:

(e.g. Strong Wind, Strong Current, Harder Sea bottom)
Length of cable = [(Depth of water in meters * 3) + 140 ] / 27.5
Proper procedures for anchoring

Preparation for Anchoring

The Chief Officer (or another experienced officer in

lieu) must supervise letting go or weighing the
anchors and should only assign experienced crew
members to anchor work.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Preparation for Anchoring
Prior to Anchoring, the Chief Officer should be aware of:

Approximate anchoring position Depth of water

Method of approach Method of Anchoring
Which anchor to use Final amount of Cables
Proper procedures for anchoring
Preparation for Anchoring
At the Forecastle:
Check brakes are on and clear the voyage securing devices (Anchor Lashings, Bow
Compressed Bar etc.)
Start Hydraulic(Source of) Power of Windlasses
Check Anchor Shape / Light
Check Communication with the Bridge
Check Lighting on Forecastle including torch , at night time
Ensure all personnel are wearing Safety Helmets, Safety Shoes and Goggles.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Before Letting Go Anchor :

The Chief Officer shall confirm that there is no craft or any obstacle
under the bow and inform to the Bridge.

The Master shall ensure that the vessels ground speed at the time
of anchoring is near-zero or indicates a slight sternway.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Before Letting Go Anchor :

The speed should be verified by visual transits and/or Radar ranges of

Landmarks, if available or other fix conspicuous targets.

Where means of communication between Bridge and the Anchoring

party is by Portable radio, the identification of the ship should be
clear to avoid misinterpretation of instructions from other user of
such equipment in the vicinity.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Routine Anchoring Operation
There are 2 methods for Anchoring according to depth of the water:
Method 1 (Preferable for Container Ships / Depths up to 50m )
a. Walk out the anchor to Half a shackle above the sea bottom

b. Hold the cable on the brake and take the windlass out of gear

c. Stop the vessel over ground

d. Drop the anchor

e. Control the speed of cable flow by the brake , while not allowing pile-up

f. Bring anchor cable direction forward and confirmed anchor holds its position
Proper procedures for anchoring
Routine Anchoring Operation
Disadvantages (Method 1):

If the brake fails, or there is too much speed over ground, the cable will run
out to the bitter end with consequent damage.

The brake lining could also be damaged due to this Dynamic load (the Static
load on brakes to restrain movement of an anchored vessel is much less).
Proper procedures for anchoring
Routine Anchoring Operation
Method 2 (Suggested for Tankers / Depths over 50m )
a. Stop the vessel over ground

b. Walk out the anchor under power until the complete length of required cable is
paid out and anchor holds it position on the seabed.

c. Bring anchor cable direction forward and confirmedanchor holds its position.
Proper procedures for anchoring
Routine Anchoring Operation

Disadvantages (Method 2):

Vessel must be completely stopped to avoid major damage to Windlass.

Proper procedures for anchoring
Emergency Anchoring

Anchors should be ready for letting go on arrival and departure port,

when in anchoring depths.

At least, any wire lashings are to be removed and the anchors held
on brake
Proper procedures for anchoring
Anchor retrieval

The stay and direction of the cable and the residual shackles are
to be continuously reported to the bridge.

Anchor Wash to be run to clean the chain and the anchor.

Proper procedures for anchoringc
Anchor retrieval

When anchor is fully hove, the brake is to be applied and the windlass
taken out of gear.

The bow stopper is to be put when it is deemed safe to do so.

Proper procedures for anchoring
Anchor watch

An anchor watch is to be always kept when the ship is at anchor.

Anchor Watch Checklist is to be used

Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring Operation
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring Operation - Onboard
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring Operation - on Quay
Proper procedures for anchoring and
What is mooring?
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring as verb refers to the act of attaching a vessel to a permanent
structure to which a vessel may be secured.
Examples include:
quays piers
wharfs anchorbuoys
Proper procedures for anchoring and
What is the purpose of mooring?
Proper procedures for anchoring and
The purpose of a mooring is to safely hold a ship in a berth or in a
certain position to accomplish a specific mission
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Ship moorings are provided for:
Loading and unloading items such as stores, cargo, personnel,
ammunition, etc.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Ship moorings are provided for:
Scheduled maintenance and
simple repairs can be performed
at sea. Certain actions require
shore services, special parts,
and outside assistance that can
only be provided while moored.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Ship moorings are provided for:
Moorings are used to support special mission
requirements, such as surveillance, tracking, training,
salvage, etc.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Ship moorings are provided for:
Ship Storage
Ships in an inactive or reserve status are
stored at moorings. This reduces costs to
simple upkeep while ensuring the ship can
be made available again if needed.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring line handling and operations are some of the most common
practices aboard any ship.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring lines
Mooring Rope Mooring Wire
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring Arrangements

Depends mainly on:

type of mooring arrangement

load condition of the ship
number of lines that it will put out depends on the dock type
Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme


Keep forward part of the ship against the dock

Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme

Stern line

Prevent forwards movement

Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme

Forward Spring Line

Prevent from advancing

Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme

Aft Spring Line

Prevent from moving back

Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme

Forward Breast Line

Keep close to pier

Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme

Aft Breast Line

Keep close to pier

Proper procedures for anchoring and
A typical mooring scheme

(3) Forward Spring

Line (6)Stern line
(1) Headline (4) Aft Spring Line

(2) Forward Breast Line (5) Aft Breast Line

Proper procedures for anchoring and
Typical Mooring Scheme

Number Name Purpose

Keep forward part of the ship against
1 Head line
the dock
2 Forward Breast Line Keep close to pier
3 Forward Spring Prevent from advancing
4 Aft Spring Prevent from moving back
5 Aft Breast line Keep close to pier
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Berthing and unberthing

It is the duty of the Master and Pilot to ensure that the vessel is
handled in a safe and controlled manner, having due regard to the
safety of those on the berth, in mooring boats as well as the crew of
the vessel.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Berthing and unberthing
Care should be taken that undue strain is not put on springs or other
mooring lines and consideration should be given to the use of tugs
over and above the recommended requirement in adverse weather

Responsibility for coordinating the mooring operation lies with

whoever has the conduct of the vessel, be that the Pilot or Master.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Ship-board Preparations

Anchors should be cleared away and winches and capstans should have been
checked before arrival at the berth.
All mooring lines not on tension winches or drums should be coiled or
flaked neatly on deck ready for use.

Lines on self-tensioning winches should be checked prior to use to

ensure that they run freely and are not trapped on the drum.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Ship-board Preparations

VHF communications should be established early with all involved in the mooring
Linesmen, Boatmen, Tugmasters and the Berth Operator should all be briefed on
the mooring/unmooring plan and their role in it.

Late changes to ETAs should be avoided. Where unavoidable, any such change
should be forwarded to the Master/Pilot by the appropriate VTS Centre.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring/Unmooring Operations
Ship's crew should be instructed not to use weighted heaving lines.
No mechanical throwing devices are to be used.
Before bringing a mooring boat under the bow to collect a line, the ship’s
anchors should have been secured i.e. not in use or being prepared for use
Boats should keep well clear of a dredged anchor.
Where there is an on-shore wind or tidal set, particular care should be
taken to ensure that the mooring boats are well clear before allowing the
vessel to settle onto the berth
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring/Unmooring Operations

The running of lines should be monitored carefully. Attentive watch should be

maintained on the appropriate VHF channel.
Where the berth configuration and size of vessel permits, consideration
should be given to running springs using heaving lines from the ship
instead of using mooring boats.
When paying out mooring lines from the ship, care should be taken to
avoid excessive weight for the Linesmen by keeping the bight to a
minimum and under control.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring/Unmooring Operations

Ship’s mooring lines should not normally be used for towing operations except
in an emergency, or where a proper risk assessment has been carried out.

Crew shouldstand well clear and be alert to the possibility of the hawser
coming under sudden tension or a parted line snaking or recoiling.

Care should be taken to ensure that the vessel is moored in the correct position, and
as required by the Berth Operator, before mooring personnel are stood down.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring/Unmooring Operations
Appropriate lifesaving equipment should be supplied onboard the vessel
at the mooring stations and should be available for immediate use.
When running mooring lines ashore, they should normally be passed via the
mooring boat crew, unless otherwise instructed by the Master or Pilot.
The Master and Pilot of a vessel equipped with controllable pitch propellers or stern
thrusters should be aware of the inherent dangers which exist in relation to after
mooring lines.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Mooring/Unmooring Operations
The Pilot should not leave the bridge or break communication with the
Boatmen/Linesmen until the mooring operation is complete.
Proper procedures for anchoring and
Safety precautions during mooring / unmooring operations
Safety is taken very seriously. Injuries are not uncommon. Standing near a line, or
worse standing on a line or in a bight of line, which is being tightened or released can
lead to major injuries or death.

A well equipped Mooring Station often provides a safety cage around the
winch operator to provide some protection from recoiling rope ends
Safety precautions during mooring /
unmooring operations
Bights of line

When a length of rope is folded or bent, the 'bend' is called the bight
of line.
A fairlead is a fitting used to redirect a line slightly. It is designed to
minimise damage caused by friction
Imagine the following scene. It's a very real situation.
Safety precautions during mooring /
unmooring operations
Lines under strain

If too much strain is put on a berthing line, it will break.

Safety precautions during mooring /
unmooring operations
Be ready
Always have lines ready ahead of time
Safety precautions during mooring /
unmooring operations
Make sure you have two-way communication with the skipper at all times, even
when out of sight.
Handling of mooring lines
The best way to learn to handling lines is to watch an expert, and
then try yourself under the expert's guidance.
Heaving lines

A heaving line is a light line you

'heave' ashore to someone on the
wharf. The person then uses the
heaving line to pull your berthing
line cross to the wharf.
Sharing wharf bollards
Sometimes more than one vessel uses the same post (bollard) on the wharf.

What occurs, then, if the first vessel wants to leave before the second
vessel with its lines on top! Does this mean that the vessel with its lines at
the top must always leave first?

There is a simple way around this problem, referred to as dipping the eye...
Dipping the eye
If you arrive at a wharf and you find another vessel’s
lines already occupying the bollard you want to use, you
need to:

pass the eye of your berthing line through the

eye of the other vessel’s line at the bollard
then pass your line over the bollard
Mooring winches
Mooring winches secure the shipboard end of mooring lines, provide for
adjustment of the mooring line length and compensate for changes in
draft and tide.

General requirements for shipboard mooring

winches are dealt within ISO Standards 3730
and 7825.
Mooring winches

Winches can be categorised by their control type:

Automatic tensioning

Manual tensioning
Mooring winches

Automatic tension mooring winch, self-tension winch

Winches designed to heave-in automatically whenever the line tension falls
below a certain pre-set value.
Mooring winches

Manual tension mooring winch

Manual winch always requires a person to handle the controls for

heaving or rendering.
A vertical post, usually one of a pair, set on
the deck of a ship and used to secure ropes
or cables.
Securing lines to bitts

Done properly
Turning up a line is quick and easy the job will hold the line can be slacked
off or released under control

Done badly

May jam may be difficult to release may take charge at the last turn and
run out uncontrollably, if under strain
Rope stoppers
Rope stoppers are used to temporally hold the strain in a line while it is
transferred from the drum to the bitts.
Securing lines to bitts

The Mooring Line is stretched from

the Hawse Hole, between the Bitts,
and on to the winch.
Securing lines to bitts

The Rat-Tail Stopper is attached to

the Base of the Bitts using a Cow
Securing lines to bitts

Using the two ends, a Half Knot is

tied around the Mooring Line.
Securing lines to bitts

The two ends are then wrapped

around the Mooring Line
Securing lines to bitts

After several complete turns have

been made, the ends are secured
with a Square Knot.
Securing lines to bitts

The Rat-Tail Stopper takes the load

when the line is taken off the

The line is then passed around the

First Bitt.
Securing lines to bitts

Followed by several figure 8 turns

round both Bitts.

Finally a complete turn is taken

around the Second Bitt.
Tug Operations

Personnel standing by forward and aft will be advised by the bridge when
tugs are to be utilised, they will be informed when and where tugs are to
be made fast and whether a tug’s line or ship’s line is to be used
Tug Operations
Tug Operation

Send heaving line to pick up the tug’s messenger line or to run lines to
the berth

Personnel on the tug must be directed to stand clear whilst the heaving line
is being thrown to the tug’s deck.
Tug Operation

Once the towing line is made fast the tug must be informed that the
line is fast and that weight can be applied

All crew must be standing clear in a position of afety as tension may

come on the towing line suddenly with little warning.
Tug Operation

Tugs’ lines used for towing the vessel must be placed with the eye over the
post of a mooring bitt, and vessels’ lines used for towing should be laid up
on bitts

The bitts used must have a safe working load in excess of the expected
dynamic loads in the towline.
Tug Operation

Whilst engaged in towing operations, crew should keep well clear of the tow
line as it may come under tension suddenly and crewmembers must ensure
they remain in a position of safety clear of the area where the line would
snap back in the event of it parting whilst under tension.
Tug Operation

Tugs’ lines should only be let go when the order to do so is received

from the bridge.

Once the tow line eye has been removed from the bitts the tug
should be signalled that recovery of the line can commence.
Tug Operation

Towing lines and messengers should not

be let go and dropped into the water as
this can lead to problems as one of the
following case histories shows.
Fenders to protect quays
Ports, fenders and their mountings are primarily designed to resist a ship’s onshore
motion, and tend to be less able to withstand ship movements along a quay.
Mooring to a buoy
Sometimes a buoy mooring is preferable to a dock mooring or berth.
Mooring to a buoy

The biggest benefit is when tides rise and fall significantly. This allows a
much less complex system than tying to a fixed dock.
Mooring to a buoy
Buoy moorings come in two main types:

The first kind is used for lightweight craft

The second type of buoy mooring attaches the pennants at the

base of the buoy directly to the anchor chain
Mooring to a buoy
The ship is maneuvered so it will come to a stop with the bow directly
over the buoy.
The boat comes alongside the buoy and two members of the buoy
party get on the buoy.

Then the crew members in the boat take from the ship the ends of the dip
rope, a messenger, and a mooring/buoy wire with a mooring shackle that is
large enough to engage the ring on the buoy.
Mooring to a buoy

The shackle pin is secured to the shackle with a lanyard to prevent its loss.

The wire is shackled to the ring, and the dip rope is passed through the ring
and tied to the messenger

Crew gets back into the boat, and the boat clears the buoy.
Letting go the mooring lines
After the bridge has been made ready for
departure and all actors have assumed their
designated positions on the bridge and on
deck the lines holding the vessel at the quay
will now be loosened, let go, and heaved
Singling up to one and one
After the on board pilot has informed the master that the vessel is cleared
for departure the master contacts the officers on deck via the walkie-talkie
to start singling up.
Singling up to one and one
The command ‘single up to one and one’ given by the master means that six
of the ten lines holding the vessel now be taken of the bollards by the teams
ashore and wheeled aboard by the officers.
Storing and securing of mooring equipment
Spare mooring ropes, wires and links should not be over stowed with paint,
chemicals or other shipboard or general cleaning items.

Such equipment should be stowed clear of the deck, preferably on a pallet and
in a dry ventilated position.

Mooring ropes and wires stowed on deck during sea passages should not be
exposed to sunlight, sea spray or funnel soot.

Canvas or heavy duty polyethylene covers would prolong rope and wire life.
A pilot is a mariner who manoeuvres ships through dangerous or congested waters,
such as harbors or river mouths, and completes the berthing / unberthing operation
of the ships by controlling the ship's manoeuvrability directly and the tugs and shore
linesmen through a radio.
Role of maritime pilots

Pilots come aboard ship to assist the crew during the most critical
and potentially hazardous phases of a voyage.

Qualified pilots possess particular local knowledge and have the necessary
ship-handling skills to assist the safe arrival and departure of vessels.
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Normally, pilots board and disembark using a
traditional rope ladder from and to a pilot boat
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Ensuring Safe Rigging for Pilots

The IMO Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 23)
sets out the principal requirements for the rigging of pilot ladders.
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Ensuring Safe Rigging for Pilots
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Pilot ladder
Pilot ladder is a special type of rope ladder used on
board ships for embarkation and disembarkation
of maritime pilots.
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Rigging of Pilot Ladder

A pilot ladder should be capable of covering the whole length from the point
of access to the water level.

The height from water level is informed to the bridge by the port control or
the pilot himself depending on the height of the pilot vessel.
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Rigging of Pilot Ladder
Points to consider while rigging the pilot ladder:
The top portion or head of the pilot ladders should be secured at the
strongest point of the vessel

Pilot ladder should be positioned and secured, so that it is clear of any

discharges from the ship, with parallel body length of the ship and as far as
practicable within the half way length (midship) of the ship
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Rigging of Pilot Ladder
Points to consider while rigging the pilot ladder:
All steps of the pilot ladder should rest firmly against the ship side.

Two man ropes not less than 28 mm and made of manila rope or other
material which gives firm grip for climbing the ladder, should be rigged
along the side of pilot ladder if requested
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Rigging of Pilot Ladder
Points to consider while rigging the pilot ladder:
During night, the whole length of the pilot ladder, point access and egress should
be well illuminated.
If the point of access from sea level is more than 9 meters, a combination
ladder should be used. A combination ladder is a conjunction of pilot
ladder and accommodation ladder .
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Actions to be Taken by Officer of the Watch before using pilot ladder:

Contact the Pilot on the VFH channel and give information such as ETA to pilot
ground, draught and freeboard of the vessel, length of vessel, type of
propeller, vessel current speed over ground and course made good etc.

Ask and receive information such as berthing prospectus, the side pilot ladder
to be rigged, height of pilot ladder from water level, speed and course to be
maintained and report all the data received to the master.
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Actions to be Taken by Officer of the Watch before using pilot ladder:

Collect the necessary information like VHF channel used by the pilot, position
of pilot ground and other services.
Maintain watch on VHF channel, which is used by the pilot.

Calculate the ETA (Estimated time of arrival) to the pilot boarding ground,
observe prevailing weather condition and sea state and the same has to be
reported to the master
Pilot Transfer Arrangements
Actions to be Taken by Officer of the Watch before using pilot ladder:

Monitor the pilot vessel, maintain proper communication between the pilot
vessel and own ship.
Pilots have the right to decline to board vessels offering defective
ladders, which can result in serious delay.
Pilots are also entitled to report defects in boarding ladders to port state
control authorities, which could lead to a full PSC inspection with the risk of
delay and financial penalties.

A pilot who has climbed a sound ladder, well rigged, and attended by an
officer and a deck party will be in the right frame of mind to give his best
attention to the safety of the vessel.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Procedures
How to Handle an Emergency on a Ship

Preparing for and practicing responses for any shipboard emergency is a part of any
ship's routine practices.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Preparedness in Case of Ship Accidents

Whenever some incident of a serious or harmful nature happens suddenly, we

classify it as an emergency.

One of the most important in dealing with an emergency situation, apart from a
sharp mind and the control of respectful fear, is the presence of a solid action plan.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Essentials

For effective usage of the limited emergency equipment available on board, all
personnel must be aware of the location of firefighting gear and lifesaving
appliances and be trained in their use.
Emergency Procedures
Types of Emergencies
The general alarm will be sounded in the event of:

Major leakage or spillage of oil cargo

Any other event which calls for emergency action

Emergency Procedures
Structure and Function of Emergency Response Teams
The basic structure of any emergency team will usually comprise four

The Command Center

The Emergency Team
The Back Up Squad
The Technical Team
Emergency Procedures
Functions of Emergency Team groups:
The Command Center

The command center will be located on bridge.

The master is to take responsibility for the overall safety and navigation of the ship.
All communications will be performed from here to the different teams as well as
A log must be maintained of all events.
Emergency Procedures
Functions of Emergency Team groups:
The Emergency Team

The Emergency Team will have the front line job of tackling the emergency.

The chief officer will lead the team for the emergency on deck while the 2nd
engineer will take charge for engine room emergencies.
Emergency Procedures
Functions of Emergency Team groups:
The Support Team

The Support Team is to provide first aid and prepare the lifeboats for lowering.
Should the above two function not be required, they should assist as directed.
Emergency Procedures
Functions of Emergency Team groups:
The Technical Team

The Technical, or Engineer's, Team will maintain the propulsion and maneuvering
capability of the ship and auxiliary services as far as is possible in the
Emergency Procedures
General Guidelines for Emergency Response

All members of the technical staff must

know all the ship emergency codes in
detail. All members of the crew should
receive appropriate training in accordance
with their role at the time of emergency.
Emergency Procedures
General Guidelines for Emergency Response

Closing of the watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, side-

scuttles, skylights, portholes, and other similar openings in the ship is
very important so that ocean water does not enter inside the ship.
Emergency Procedures
General Guidelines for Emergency Response

In case of abandoning the ship, all the passengers must be rescued first using
life jackets and life boats, or shifting them to another ship

The staff members should be the last ones to leave the ship and that even only
after ensuring that no one is left on the abandoned ship
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
Officers and crew should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the
Fire Training Manual and the training manual on Life Saving
Appliances of the ship.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
In case of a general alarm:

Rush to muster station with life jacket, immersion suit,

and act according to the vessel’s Muster Lists.

Act as per the emergency explained by the in charge officer.

Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
In case of a fire alarm:

Inform Officer On Watch.

Check if it is a false or true alarm.
Report back of findings.
In case of fire, raise the Fire/General alarm as soon as possible. Try
to stop fire and if it is not possible, muster according to the
Fire Muster List.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide

In case of Abandon Ship Signal:

Rush to the muster station

Carry as much ration, water, and warm

clothing as you can carry
Act according to the vessel’s Muster Lists.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
In case of Man Overboard Signal:

Rush to the deck and try to locate

the crew member fallen in the water

Throw lifebuoy and inform deck

Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
In case of engineers call:
All Ship Engineers Should assemble in the Engine Control Room

In case of CO2 alarm:

In case of CO2 alarm, leave the Engine Room immediately.

Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide
Engine Room Flooding
In case of engine room flooding, Chief Engineer should be called immediately
and general alarm should be raised.

Immediate action should be taken in preventing more sea water to enter the
engine room and Emergency bilging from the Engine Room should be
established in accordance with the Chief Engineer.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide

Cargo Hold Flooding

In case of cargo hold flooding, Master must be informed immediately.

All precaution must be taken to contain the flooding to that hold.

General alarm must be raised.

Emergency Procedures
Emergency Situation Guide

In case of any oil spill/pollution

Immediate action should be taken according to the vessel’s “Shipboard

Oil Pollution Prevention Plan”
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
A muster list is basically a list which is
displayed in prominent areas of the
vessel so that every crew member on
onboard can read it on a go
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
Some of the important areas where the muster list is posted are:

Engine room
Accommodation alleyways
Areas where ship’s crew spends the maximum of their time.
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
Each muster lists must at least specify:

The instructions for operating the general emergency alarm system and public
address system
The emergency signals

The actions to be taken by the persons on board when each signal is sounded
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
Each muster lists must at least specify:

How the order to abandon the vessel will be given

The officers that are assigned to make sure that lifesaving and firefighting
appliances are maintained in good condition and ready for immediate use
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
Each muster lists must at least specify:
The duties assigned to the different members of the crew. Duties to be specified
- Closing the watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, sidescuttles, skylights,
portholes, and other similar openings in the vessel's hull
- Equipping the survival craft and other lifesaving appliances
- Preparing and launching the survival craft
- Mustering the passengers and other persons on board
- Manning the emergency squad assigned to deal with fires and other emergencies
- Using firefighting equipment and installations.
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
Each muster lists must at least specify:
The duties assigned to members of the crew in relation to passengers and other persons
on board in case of an emergency. Assigned duties to be specified includes:
- Warning the passengers and other persons on board
- Seeing that passengers and other persons on board are suitably dressed and have
donned their lifejackets or immersion suits correctly
- Assembling passengers and other persons on board at muster stations
- Keeping order in the passageways and on the stairways and generally controlling the
movements of the passengers and other persons on board
- Making sure that a supply of blankets is taken to the survival craft
Emergency Procedures
Muster List
Each muster lists must at least specify:
The substitutes for key persons if they are disabled, taking into account that
different emergencies require different actions.
Emergency Procedures
Important Safety Drills and Training Procedures onboard ships

Engine Room Fire Drills

Accidents as a result of fire are the most common in the ship’s engine room.
Fire drills, which must include fire fighters from both deck and engine sides,
are to be carried out frequently to ensure that the ship’s crew to well
prepared for any such adverse condition.
Emergency Procedures
Important Safety Drills and Training Procedures in Engine Room

Engine Room Fire Drills

Emergency Procedures
Important Safety Drills and Training Procedures in Engine Room

Engine Room Flooding Drill

A delayed action during engine room flooding can lead to loss of important
machinery such as generators, main engine etc., leading to complete
blackout of the ship.
Important Safety Drills and Training Procedures in Engine Room

Engine Room Flooding Drill

Emergency Procedures
Important Safety Drills and Training Procedures in Engine Room

Scavenge Fire Drill

All engine room crew members must know engine scavenge fire fighting
procedure. The crew must know about the system that is to be employed for
scavenge fire fighting along with the precautions that are to be taken before
implementing particular method to the engine.
Emergency Procedures
Important Safety Drills and Training Procedures in Engine Room

Scavenge Fire Drill

Emergency Procedures
How to Rescue a Person from a Confined Space on a Ship?

Enclosed Space Drill

Engine room comprises of several tanks and confined spaces which are
unsafe to enter without preparation and permission. Enclosed space training
with risk assessment and dedicated checklists must be carried out for all
ship’s crew
Emergency Procedures
How to Rescue a Person from a Confined Space on a Ship?

Enclosed Space Drill

Emergency Procedures
How to Rescue a Person from a Confined Space on a Ship?

Enclosed Space Drill

Never attempt to rescue a person alone from confined spaces.

Always call for help, plan a quick rescue operation and do it with proper
equipments and team efforts.
Emergency Procedures
How to Rescue a Person from a Confined Space on a Ship?
Following precautions and procedures are to be followed for quick and effective
rescue operation supposing a victim is to be rescued from an enclosed space.
General emergency to be announced through the ship’s alarm
A responsible officer to be made in charge of the operation.
Adequate man power to be present for the operation
Two trained persons to be ready with SCBA and PPE.
All prior checks to be carried out on SCBA used in the operation.
Life line to be used by the entry person.
Emergency Procedures
How to Rescue a Person from a Confined Space on a Ship?
Following precautions and procedures are to be followed for quick and effective
rescue operation supposing a victim is to be rescued from an enclosed space.
Communication equipment (walky talky) to be given to all.
Torch lights to be taken along.
Extra ready breathing apparatus to be kept stand by.
In charge of operation to be present at entry point co-ordinating the operation.
Breathing apparatus to be carried by rescuing party along with stretcher for the victim.
If not possible to carry SCBA, EEBD to be carried instead.
A life line to be tied out in the stretcher of the victim so that it can be guided and lifted out
of the tank.
Emergency Procedures
Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Fire in the Ship’s Accommodation Area
Out of all the causes for accidents and
casualties onboard a ship, fire remains at the
top of the lists. In the past, even a simple
accident of fire has resulted into sinking or
grounding of the ship.
Emergency Procedures
Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Fire in the Ship’s Accommodation Area

A ship accommodation is an area where the

crew member’s cabin is located along with
galley, recreational room, meeting room etc.

The best way to avoid incidents of fire on ship is to take preventive

measures than to suffer later.
Emergency Procedures
Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Fire in the Ship’s Accommodation Area
Do not smoke cigarette sitting or lying on the bed and also, do not keep or
throw live smoking buds in the dust bins.
Try not to use essence stick or candles inside the cabins. If they are used, make
sure they are lit up during your own presence and while your going out of the
cabin, are blown off

Always make sure electrical circuit is never overloaded i.e. too many
connection in one socket.
Emergency Procedures
Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Fire in the Ship’s Accommodation Area
Chief cook should make sure that galley is always attended when hot plate is

Never leave oil pan unattended in galley.

Never leave iron unattended when ironing clothes in laundry room.

Emergency Procedures
Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Fire in the Ship’s Accommodation Area
If any welding or gas cutting operation is carried out inside accommodation,
all the precaution that are necessary, must be taken.
In tanker ship, accommodation ventilation suction should be away from cargo
holds as their vapour can enter inside the accommodation and create a
flammable atmosphere.
Emergency Procedures

There is no decision as critical or serious onboard ship as determining whether

or not the situation has deteriorated to the point where the crew should
Abandon Ship.

Only the Captain shall decide whether and when Abandon Ship procedures
are to be undertaken.
Emergency Procedures
Inform the crew to prepare to abandon ship.

Crew advises passengers to gather on main deck, warmly dressed, and

put on lifejackets. Keep them as sheltered as possible. Do not allow
lifejackets to be worn inside.
Crew checks that all persons on board are accounted for
Emergency Procedures
Crew readies liferaft for launching and gets medical kit, blankets, food
and EPIRB ready to be placed in the liferaft

Review with crew and passengers how the evacuation will be carried

Throw liferaft over the side and inflate it, leaving the painter attached
to the vessel
Emergency Procedures
Assist passengers into the liferaft.

Keep the liferaft attached to the vessel so long as it is safe to do so

Cast off if it appears the vessel will sink or capsize, or if staying

alongside poses other hazards
Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel

Beaching is a process wherein during an emergency situation a ship is intentionally

taken towards shallow waters and at last grounded
Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Why Beaching is done?
The three main reasons for which Beaching of ship is done are:

To prevent loss of ship due to flooding when there is major damage below the
water line of the ship
To refloat the ship when satisfactory repair has been done and water tight
integrity is restored

In order to hand it over to the scrap yard

Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Procedure to Perform Beaching of Ship

Ballast the ship to its maximum capacity

Check where the damage is more-bow side or stern side. Head with
the damage side for beaching with 90 o to the tides

Take all measure to avoid ship going parallel to the beach (throw weather
anchor first)
Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Procedure to Perform Beaching of Ship

Ballast the ship to its maximum capacity

Check where the damage is more-bow side or stern side. Head with
the damage side for beaching with 90 o to the tides

Take all measure to avoid ship going parallel to the beach (throw weather
anchor first)
Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Procedure to Perform Beaching of Ship

If approaching from astern due to stern damage, drop both the anchor at
good distance so that they can assist the vessel in heaving when going

Sounding of all tanks must be done before and after beaching

Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Points to consider (during beaching)

Select the beaching site carefully (if the time permits, consider the type of
bottom, how level is it, obstructions/obstacles present)

Check details of tide (tidal heights, direction, tide times)

Beach the vessel at 90o to the beach line (level ground)

Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel
Points to consider (during beaching)

beach approximately 1-2 hours after high water (to ensure sufficient water
to refloat).

stop engines prior to making contact (cooling water intake protection)

once vessel has grounded, lay out anchors (fore and aft depending on weather
Precautions to be taken when beaching
a vessel

attempt to refloat as soon as vessel reaches flotation draft, remove ballast if it

was added - maintain an even trim

bleed cooling systems

use anchors to kedge the vessel.

Actions to be Taken on Grounding

Ship grounding is the impact of a ship on seabed or waterway side.

It may be intentional, as in beaching to land crew or cargo, and careening, for

maintenance or repair, or unintentional, as in a marine accident.
Actions to be Taken on Grounding
Actions to be Taken on Grounding
Grounding can occur for a number of reasons:

Bad navigation
Faulty navigation instruments

Bad weather

Engine breakdown
Actions to be Taken on Grounding
In the event of the vessel grounding or stranding, the actions to be taken by ship’s
personnel will inevitably depend of the seriousness of the incident and the damage
that it may have caused to the vessel’s structure and systems.
Actions to be Taken on Grounding
Actions to be Taken on Grounding
Stop the main engine

Sound the General Alarm and muster ships personnel. Report result of
muster to bridge.

Advise the engine room of the situation

Fix the vessel’s position

Actions to be Taken on Grounding
Actions to be Taken on Grounding

Ensure all watertight doors and hatches are securely shut

Exhibit the lights/shapes for a vessel aground as required by the Collision
If applicable, advise any other ships in the vicinity of the situation on VHF Ch 16
Actions to be Taken on Grounding
In case of stranding, take at least following actions:
If the ship lies on a mountainous sandbank the risk of breaking is real and
the stress on the ship enormous, urgent action must be taken:

try to free the ship by giving full astern (or full ahead) with successively the
rudder to hard starboard and hard port (a lot depends on the type and size of
call the assistance of tug boats

consider jettison of cargo (to throw cargo overboard).

Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Sound all tanks, bilges and spaces for possible water ingress. Assess the rate of
any ingress found.
Check the cargo containment system for possible leakage to the interbarrier
spaces and ballast tanks.
Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Check for over side and internal oil leaks.

Check visually for any apparent hull damage.

Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Take a series of soundings around the vessel with the hand lead line, to
ascertain the likely location of the grounding in relation to the ship’s hull.
Check the vessel’s present draft and compare it to that prior to the stranding.
Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Attempt to ascertain the nature of the sea bed, using the hand lead and tallow.

Check the state of the tide and the likelihood of the vessel ‘floating off’ at the
next high water.
Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Check the weather forecast, and if it is likely to deteriorate prior to re-floating.

Consider putting in additional ballast to prevent pounding and further possible
Check the vessel’s sea suctions for blockage, due to ingress of sand or other
Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Check the tail shaft for oil loss.

Check the main engine lube oil cofferdam for water contamination.
Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Should oil pollution have taken place or the possibility of oil pollution be
deemed to exist, the Master is required to notify the nearest coastal authorities
of the situation
Check the integrity and operation of the ballast system, the cargo pumping
system and the level measuring system.
Damage Assessment and Control
Assessment of damage
The following checks should be carried out to assess the damage already
sustained and to limit any further possible damage to a minimum.

Check, if possible, the propeller for any damage sustained.

Actions to be Taken Following a Collision


Ship collision is the structural impact between two ships or one ship and a
floating or still object such as an iceberg.
Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Action to be taken after collision

Prepare record in time series

Exact time of the collision and the ships position

Positions of watchmen before the collision (on the bridge and at the bow).

Conditions of the navigation lights, and fog signals before the collision.
Conditions of use of steering gear and engine and the helm/speed before the
Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Action to be taken after collision

Prepare record in time series

The actions of the vessel including the course, maneuvering signals and speed,
and the movement of the other ship.

Weather ,sea conditions , visibility ,tidal currents ,at the time of collision.

Degree of damage to both vessels.

Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Action to be taken after collision

Prepare record in time series

Measures taken after the collision and means, time and results of lifesaving

Eye-witness statements from ship staff taken immediately and any

photos/videos taken by crew
Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Damage survey by the vessel hands and emergency measures

Survey collision damage, (later) prepare a rough sketch of the damage and
inspect the cargo for damage/confirm content in cargo tanks.

Sound tanks and bilges in affected areas

If any flooding, close watertight doors and openings and start discharging
Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Damage survey by the vessel hands and emergency measures

In serious flooding in E/R, use Bilge Injection system

Isolate cargo , fuel, and ballast pipeline sources to affected areas of vessel

If the breakage is on the Fore Peak Tank, adjust speed so that excessive
pressure will not be applied to the collision bulkhead
Actions to be Taken Following a Collision

Damage survey by the vessel hands and emergency measures

Consider filling opposite end tank to offset list/trim caused by flooding

Compare the flooding rate with the discharging capacity.

If flooding rate is greater, consider the possibility of loss of buoyancy.

If loss of buoyancy is likely to occur, consider where to intentionally strand

the vessel
Emergencies in Port


Method of Raising the Alarm:

Using VHF on Channel 16 to call the Harbour Office and/or Pilot Office
Sounding the vessels whistle continuously until acknowledged

Reporting the emergency

Emergencies in Port
Actions which can be Taken When Emergencies Arise in Port

Action by Master
Having raised the alarm, responsibility for fighting any fire and dealing with
other emergency situations will rest with the master or officer in charge of
the vessel concerned until the Fire Brigade arrives.

A check of all personnel on board must be taken to account for all members.
This must be reported to Harbour Master and Fire Brigade Officer.
Emergencies in Port
Actions which can be Taken When Emergencies Arise in Port

Action by Master
Loading and unloading operations will cease and other measures to
contain the emergency must be taken.
Emergencies in Port
Actions which can be Taken When Emergencies Arise in Port

Action to be taken by shore personnel:-

Setting off the fire alarm in the vicinity of the vessel or shed
Alerting the vessel by any available means
Emergencies in Port
Actions which can be Taken When Emergencies Arise in Port

Set of fire control plans is stored and readily available for the assistance
of shore-side fire-fighting personnel
Emergencies in Port
Actions which can be Taken When Emergencies Arise in Port

Adjacent ships nearby shall be aware of the situation taking into

consideration the possibility of spread of fire
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Measures for Assisting a Vessel in Distress

Section 265(1) of the Navigation Act, 1912 requires

the Master of a vessel to render all possible
assistance to any persons from or on a vessel or
aircraft that are or the Master has reason to believe
are in need of assistance.
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Limits Of Responsibility
The primary aim of a Master of a vessel rendering assistance is saving life.
Assisting a Vessel in Distress

Measures for Assisting a Vessel in Distress

As a seafarer, you may have to recover people in distress at sea

Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Calm Water Transfer
If circumstances allow you to go alongside the other vessel, ensure that all movable
gear are swung inboard so as to avoid getting tangled or damaged, and see that the
same precautions are taken aboard the other vessel

Position the heaviest fenders you can muster along the vessel's side at gunwale
height along the points of the vessels side that will come into contact with the
other vessel, judging from its shape, etc
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Calm Water Transfer
Do not fasten your vessel to the stricken vessel as the circumstances of the other
vessel may change suddenly, jeopardising the safety of the whole operation

Maintain your vessel's position utilising her engines, backing off and coming
back again as often as necessary until the operation is completed
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Calm Water Transfer and Approach
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Rough Water Transfer

Rough weather presents a totally different picture, and you will usually have to
combine ingenuity with good seamanship if the transfer is to be effected safely.

you can position yourself up-wind and beam-on to the other vessel, and
thereby create a lee of some sort between you
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Rough Water Transfer

Tow a buoyed line across the bow or stern of the other so that it can be
recovered by the other vessel with a boathook as it streams past

you can position yourself up-wind and beam-on to the other vessel, and
thereby create a lee of some sort between you
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Rough Water Transfer
Unless all survivors come across in the first haul, however it is made, it is essential
that a messenger line, secured to the rope or raft, is paid out from the distressed
vessel to haul it back for the subsequent trips.
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Taking in Tow/Salvage

This may be the best and safest method of effecting a rescue - that
is your decision - but it is in no way incumbent upon you to do so, and the safety
of your own vessel and her personnel must be your first consideration.
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Taking in Tow/Salvage
Before passing a tow you should:
be satisfied that your vessel is large and powerful enough to handle the tow
decide what sort of risk there is to the safety of your own vessel
ensure that you have sufficient fuel, with the added drag of the tow and the
slow anticipated progress, to make your destination;
Assisting a Vessel in Distress
Taking in Tow/Salvage
Before passing a tow you should:

advise your owners of your intentions (they may well veto the operation)
establish that the operation does not invalidate your insurance
establish beyond any argument with the Master or owners of the other
vessel the salvage basis on which you are carrying out the tow
STCW Code Table A- II/ 1

END. . .

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