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The extrude tool is used for extending faces out by creating new faces. I used this on my pin to achieve
the effect on the top being indented. This was done by extruding the edge down, which gave me the
effect that I wanted. This was useful because it allowed my to create the effect on the top of my pin.
Roughness Maps
A roughness is used to tell Maya what parts of a model are rough, and which parts are smooth. I used a
Roughness map on my pin to achieve the look of different materials, being a rough metal on the top and
a shiny metal on the side. This was helpful because it meant that I didn’t have to manually paint in the
rough texture on my albedo map.
Create Polygon
The logo was quite complicated to make, and would have required lots of editing of edges and
extrusions. I then learned that an easy way to make a shape like a logo was using the create polygon
tool, which allowed me to outline the logo and easily make it for my model. This was helpful because it
saved me time and ensured that I didn’t have manually edit each edge util the shape was perfect for
each of the stars.
The text tool allowed me to create 3D text that I could use on my model. I had to use the text tool to
create the text on the pin because I wouldn’t have been able to get that level of accuracy on my model.
Hypershade (Stingray PBS)
The Hypershade menu allows me to make all of my materials very easily. The Stingray PBS (Physically-
Based Shading) is able to make realistic materials such as metal and plastic. This allowed me to make
my metal and plastic materials for my cap. This was useful because I could make a material without
having to manually draw in the shadows.

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