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Human Resource Planning

“Human Resource Planning is the process by which an

organization ensures that it has the right number and
kind of people, at the right place, at the right time,
capable of effectively and efficiently completing those
tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall

- HRP is a process
- It involves determination of needs
- It also takes into account the manpower availability at
a future period.
Importance of Human Resource Planning

• Reservoir of Talent
• Prepare People for Future
• Expand or Contract
• Cut Costs
• Succession Planning
Human Resource Planning Process

Organizational Objectives,
Plans and policies

Forecasting needs
Forecasting supply of
for human Human Resource human resources

Identification of human
resource gap
Surplus human Shortage of human
resources resources
Actions plan for bridging
Steps in HRP

1. Organizational objectives, plans and policies

2. Preparation of current manpower inventory
3. Demand forecasting
4. Supply forecasting
5. Estimation of the net manpower requirements
6. Action plan for redeployment and redundancy
7. Determination of job requirements of job to be filled
8. Employment plan
9. Training and development program
Demand forecasting
• Employment trends
• Replacement needs
• Productivity
• Growth and expansion
• Absenteeism
• Work study
Supply forecasting
• Human resource audit
• Replacement chart
Barriers to effective Human resource
1. Improper Linkage between HRP and
Corporate Strategy
2. Inadequate Appreciation of HRP
3. Rigidity in Attitudes
4. Environmental Uncertainty
5. Inappropriate HR Information System
6. Lack of coordination with other Functions
Job Analysis
Developing an Organization’s structure results in creating
jobs which have to be staffed.

Job:- A job may be defined as a “ Collection or aggregation

of tasks, duties and responsibilities which as a whole, are
regarded as a regular assignment to individual employees”

Job Analysis is the process of studying and collecting

information relating to the operations and responsibilities of
a specific job. The immediate products of the analysis are
job descriptions and job specifications”
Uses of Job analysis

• Organizational Design
• Acquisition of personnel
• Human resource Development
• Job evaluation and
• Performance Appraisal
• Safety and Health
• Employee counseling
Determination of uses of job analysis

Strategic Choices in job analysis

Information Collection

Information Processing

Job Job
Description Specification
Job Description
A job description is an organized, factual statement of duties and
responsibilities of a specific job.

It is basically descriptive in nature. It provides both organizational

information and functional information.

1. Job Identification
2. Job Summary
3. Job duties and responsibilities
4. Relation to other jobs
5. Supervision
6. Machine
7. Working Conditions
8. Hazards
Job Specification
Job Specification is a statement of the minimum
acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job

It tells what kind of person to recruit and for what

qualities that person should be tested.

1. Physical Characteristics
2. Psychological Characteristics
3. Responsibilities
4. Other features of demographic nature

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