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Made by

Anurag Rao
Dakshal Patel
Our effort in water conservation will be more
focused into VIT‟s local problems than global.
Other than the normally established practices
for water harvesting and water use, we will be
suggesting some minor hacks that will be more
practical and efficient. At first we will go through
the basic ways to conserve water and what can
be done in those respective fields.
 Three basic ways:-
 1) Water supply
 2) Water use
 3) Water harvesting
 They have a very long run
time and therefore have more
wastage. According to our
average estimation done with
several taps we concluded
that average run-time is 8
seconds and nearly 750 ml
water flowed through. This is
larger volume compared to
what was expected. So we
came up with this idea that
will lower that volume almost
by half. By introducing a
hollow cylinder (as
 With height nearly half the
distance push knob travels to
release water. This would
significantly reduce the run
time and total water flowing.
 There are blocks with
these types of taps in VIT
men’s hostel. In these
taps though the wastage
is mainly related to water
usage pattern or habit
but the flow rate is more.
Suggestions with respect
to supply, is the usage of
“aerators”. By
introduction of aerators,
which acts as a diffuser,
can be installed to
convert the taps into low
flow taps. These not only
cut the flow rate but also
releases water at higher
 The principle behind its working is
it breaks the water flow pattern
into smaller streams and there is
a formation of high pressure zone
just above the mesh or sieve and
a formation of low pressure zone
below it. It converts the pressure
energy of water to kinetic energy.
Since there is a formation of high
pressure zone above it there will
low flow rate of water coming
into the tap, hence the tap will be
converted to low flow. This will
significantly cut the water flow
 Water usage: The water usage is totally dependent on habit of the
consumer. The more aware one is, the more amount of water will
one save. But the awareness programs are only successful to an
extent. Our idea involves a competition among students of
different blocks to improve their water use pattern. According to
this idea:
 Water Meters should be installed at every block to calculate
consumption per hostel block and eventually LPCD-Litres Per
Capita per Day. The block with lower consumption value per
person would be given benefits. This activity can be done every
month and the winner can be awarded. For participation of the
masses the benefits should be something that is desired by
everyone for ex: - extra Wi-Fi (For the following month) etc.
 In this way one can achieve to attract masses all at once.
 The idea behind providing an incentive in
terms of an award is just for the cultivation of
a „Moral Responsibility to save water „ in
students .If this idea is implemented, then the
students graduating from VIT will be
practicing similar ideas helping INDIA to solve
its water scarcity problems
 As of the government report of 2012 it reads: - “The average rain
fall in this District is in the order of 753.4 mm and that too ha s
been scanty for the past 10 years. The frequent failure of monsoon
for the past one decade and s and mining in the River beds has
resulted in depletion of water table and reduction of the storage
capacity of the Rivers. Moreover, the discharge of Tannery
effluents and discharge of sewage let out from the Urban Towns
located on either side of the Rivers has polluted the water
alarmingly. This contamination has induced serious health
hazards like Asthma, Chromium Ulcers and Skin diseases.”
 So it can be deduced that the scope of water harvesting in this
region is less. Therefore investing into the techniques for
harvesting will not reap great benefits.

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