Synthesizing Texts

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Combining information
What is a synthesis ?
 A combination of ideas and information
from several sources

Academic research involves synthesizing

i.e. the ability to select information from
more than one source and blend it
smoothly into a unified, coherent entity
As you read select only the most important,
relevant information

Select the most important information from

Source A
Source A
Switzerland is a great example of linguistic
diversity because there are three different
national languages. People in the central and
northern areas speak German. People in the
western area speak French. People in the
southeastern area speak Italian. Most Swiss can
speak more than one language. One interesting
fact is that the name of the country on its coins
and stamps is not any of these languages.
Instead, “Helvetia,” the Latin name for this
country, is used. Claudio Acevedo, Argentina
The main ideas from Source A
 Geographical areas of the country speak 3
different languages
German = Central and Northern region
French = West
Italian = Southeast
 Helvetia (Latin : Switzerland) used on
coins and stamps
Source B
You might think that most people in Switzerland
speak the same language because it is rather a
small country. However, you would be wrong.
Yes, the country is tiny, but there are four
national languages. German is spoken by more
people than any other language. The second
most commonly spoken language is French, and
Italian is third. A very small percentage of the
people speak Romansch.
Najmuddin bin Faisal, Malaysia
The main ideas from Source B
 Small country with 4 national languages
German = majority of population speak
French = 2nd most common language
Italian = 3rd language spoken
Romansch = spoken by very small % of
the population
Find a unifying theme i.e. an idea that
connects the two texts

What is it?

Several languages are spoken in

Using your paraphrasing skills, combine the
ideas from each source into sentences

German is the most widely-spoken language

in Northern and Central regions.
Organize the sentences into a logical
paragraph, using transitional expressions.
Make sure there is:
 An introduction
 A body
 A conclusion
 and include any original ideas you may
Example: Synthesis
Although Switzerland is a small country, it has
four national languages. German, which is used
in the Central and Northern regions, has the
highest percentage of speakers. French, used in
the west, is the second most-widely spoken
language. The third language, Italian, is spoken
in the southeast. Switzerland’s least-used
language, Romansch, is thought to have a Latin
origin. This may explain why Helvetia, the Latin
name for the country, is used on coins and
Step 1: Select from Source A
The Fire Triangle or Combustion Triangle is a
simple model from the science of firefighting, to
understand the components necessary for most
fires. The triangle illustrates the rule that in order
to ignite and burn, a fire requires 3 elements:
heat, fuel and an oxidizing agent, usually
oxygen. The fire is prevented or extinguished by
removing any one of them. A fire naturally occurs
when the elements are combined in the right
mixture e.g. more heat is needed for igniting
some fuels, unless there is concentrated
Source A – main points
 Fire Triangle is a teaching tool
 Symbol illustrates 3 elements required to
produce fire: Fuel, Heat, Oxygen or other
oxidizing agent
 Removal of one element prevents or
extinguishes fire
Select from Source B
For many years the concept of fire was symbolized by
the Triangle of Combustion and represented fuel, heat
and oxygen. Further fire research determined that a
fourth element, a chemical chain reaction, was also a
necessary component of fire. The Fire Triangle was
changed to a Tetrahedron to reflect this fourth element. A
tetrahedron can be described as a pyramid which is a
solid having four plane faces. Essentially all four
elements must be present for fire to occur: fuel, heat,
oxygen and a chemical chain reaction. Removal of any
one of these elements will result in the fire being
Source B – main points
 Fire Tetrahedron replaced Triangle.
Symbol became pyramid or solid with 4
plane faces
 Recognition of 4th component – a chemical
chain reaction
 All elements must be present for fire to
Step 2 - Identify
Find a unifying theme or an idea that
connects the 2 texts.
What is it?

Symbols illustrate the concept of fire

Step 3 - Combine
Using your paraphrasing skills, combine
the ideas from each source into sentences
The symbols reflect the number of
elements present to create a fire
Step 4 - Organize
Organize the sentences into a logical
paragraph, using transitional expressions.

Make sure the paragraph has an

introduction, body and conclusion and
include any original ideas you may have
Example Synthesis
For a number of years symbols have
illustrated the concept of fire. Previously,
the Fire Triangle conveyed the idea that
three elements: fuel, heat and oxygen,
produced fire. The Fire Tetrahedron, a
solid with four plane faces, replaced the
triangle with the recognition that a
chemical reaction is the fourth component
of a fire. The elimination of one of these
elements prevents or extinguishes a fire.
A review of a basic synthesis
 Select important ideas from each source
as you read
 Combine ideas that are linked and support
each other into sentences
 Organize these sentences into a logical
order using transition words

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