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The ‘Cutting Hands Off’ Scene

This sequence opens with a montage/series of shots of the
environment. This recurs throughout the film and serves to highlight
the cold of where it is set. It is also the method by which the viewer is
encouraged to be passive. This doesn’t happen often. This is the only
point where the viewer doesn’t have to focus to read the subtext of the
film (social issues, relationships etc).
The shot of the rusted rocking horse serves to highlight the raw and
primal themes throughout the film. This works in combination with the
earthy toned clothing as part of the mise-en-scene. Everything is run
down and minimalistic showing how they have nothing spare for
luxuries. This highlights the subtext of the social context which is only
noticeable through active viewership.
The icicles on the toys as well reflect the cold that is shown throughout
the film. The viewer is drawn into a sense of realism through this kind of
establishing shot without the glamour of a cityscape as seen in
mainstream films.
In this sequence the depth of the relationships in the film are
explored. Through the use of a shot reverse shot sequence of Merab,
her sister and Ree a very complex relationship is explored. We hav
previously seen Ree beaten up by them but here they have come to
help her; to take her to her father’s bones. That a very hostile
relationship can be used in a mutually beneficial way shows how raw
and hostile this environment is.
It is also implied through subtext that everyone is related which
highlights this very niche micro-society. This is only deduced using
active viewership. Things are never outright explained but must be
picked up on. Mid-shots and proxemics here are used to show the
strained relationship.
This event is arguably the most intense of the entire film. Here we
see all the previously used techniques throughout the film
converge to form a very intense climax to the film. Here handheld
camera lack of non-diegetic sound (only real sound being the water
and the chainsaw) and natural lighting are all used to create a very
real scene. Here Ree finds her father’s body and has to cut off his
hands as proof of his death. This very intense and shocking
sequence snap the viewer into active spectatorship. Intense due to
a series of close-ups creating a very claustrophobic atmosphere.
Ree is willing to do this for her family which is a key theme and that
it is her supposed enemies that help her do it shows, again, the
hostile and raw environment.
The casual conversation before this about the dead body also
highlights how hostile the society is and how trivialised violence
and addiction is in the area. Again highlighting the social context
surrounding the film.

Themes explored include:

 Family
 Innocence
 Relationships
It mainly encourages active viewing as most of the sense behind the film extends
from subtext as well as the shocking event.
 Mise-en-scene reflects the environment and the social context
 Handheld camera with diegetic sound and light

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