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Saint Christopher

Mikey Koenig
Student Athlete, Class of 2020
A Misguided beginning
Saint Christopher was born named Reprobus around the third century
and under the reign of Decius, who was the Roman Emperor from 249-
251 A.D and led persecutions against Christians during this time.
Just over a decade before, the “Year of the 6 Emperors” occurred,
which has been a topic of discussion over the corruption in the Holy
Roman Empire
Reprobus was a loyal servant to the king, as he believed he was the
most powerful of all during this time
After turning to a man who claimed to be Satan, Reprobus realized
that the Evil One had power even over the king
After years of serving “Satan,” Reprobus found that the man avoided
only one thing- A Christian Cross
He decided that only God had power over the Devil, and it was at this
point that he decided to change his life
What did He Do Next?

Christopher asked a local hermit

the best way for him to serve
God- and his answer did not
satisfy him
Christopher was over seven feet
tall and extremely strong
Together, Reprobus and the
Hermit decided that he should
help travelers cross a nearby
river, which was a dangerous
path for the weak or elderly
The “Christ Bearer”
Although Christopher is canonized as a saint in the Catholic Church,
many stories that involve him are uncertain
One of the most popular stories involve him carrying the Baby Jesus
across the river
The two nearly drowned because the Boy carried the weight of the
worlds sin
After, the Boy baptized Reprobus and called him Christopher
This name means “Christ Bearer”
This is also the name of my little brother
Saint Christopher’s

Christopher is the Patron saint of

Travelers, toothache, Epilepsy,
and storms
He is often portrayed carrying
the infant Jesus on His shoulders
Many necklaces have been
made with an image of Saint
Christopher on them for
frequent travelers

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