DB Performance

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Troubleshooting database

performance issues with

Documentum Content Server
Vipul Kapadia
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
Worldwide Technical Support
EMC – Information Intelligence Group

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Troubleshooting database performance
issues with Documentum Content Server
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• RDBMS Bottlenecks
• Oracle Best Practices
• Microsoft SQL Server Best Practices
• Microsoft SQL Server Missing Indexes
• Troubleshooting SR #1
• Troubleshooting SR #2
• Troubleshooting SR #3

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• Why RDBMS is CPU Utilization

• Are Performance issues 45

related to database? 40



25 CPU Utilization




Application Content Database
Server Server Server

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RDBMS Bottlenecks
• Common bottlenecks
– Memory for caches and
query execution
– Disk I/O
– Concurrency and locking
• MOST bottlenecks are
due to poorly executing
queries, but sometimes
you need a little more…

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– Logical I/O
– Hard parse
– Sorts or Filters

• Memory
– Cache Hit Ratio
– Physical I/O
– Recompilation and Query Plan generation (high CPU cost)
– Small Caches

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Oracle Best Practices
• Parameters
– optimizer_mode = ALL_ROWS (Oracle Default)
– optimizer_index_cost_adj = 100 (Oracle Default)
– optimizer_index_caching = 0 (Oracle Default)
– cursor_sharing = FORCE

• 10g

– sga_target = Set as large as possible, up to a max of 65% of

available physical memory or use formula
Total Physical Memory * 80% * 80%
– pga_aggregate_target = Set as large as possible, up to a max of
15% of available physical memory or use formula
Total Physical memory * 80% * 20%

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Oracle Best Practices Cont.
• 11g
Set to total amount of memory you want to allocate to Oracle, up to
80% of the available memory

• Additional Parameters for Documentum

– processes = 2 * total number of concurrent sessions in server.ini for all repositories
If you have 1 Repository with 2 Content Server each has concurrent session set to 100
Total max session can be 100+100 = 200
Processes needs to be set at 2*200 = 400

– sessions = processes * 1.1 + 5

In the above example to support 200 concurrent Documentum session we need to set
session = 400*1.1 + 5 = 445
* This assumes maximum load condition and concurrent sessions please verify active
Documentum sessions at peak load

Disclosure: These recommendations are based on internal testing, customer

environment can vary, please actively involve your DBA before implementing the

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Microsoft SQL Server Best Practices
• Recommended Server Settings for SQL Server
Server Properties -> Advanced

• Max Degree of Parallelism = 1

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Microsoft SQL Server Best Practices
• Recommended Database Settings
Database Properties -> Options

• Parameterization = Forced
• Auto Create Statistics = False

• Auto Update Statistics = True(*)

• Auto Update Statistics

Asynchronously = True(*)

(*) Set to False and manually

update statistics if excessive
recompilation is observed
on the server

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Microsoft SQL Server Best Practices
Server databases
• When using existing database when setting up repository or doing upgrade
please make sure the database value "READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT"
is set to be "ON"
• Use below SQL to validate
SELECT is_read_committed_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases WHERE
name= 'DM_<repository_name>_docbase’
Verify the value "is_read_commited_snapshot_on=1"
• If not set; shutdown Documentum repository make sure all user session are
disconnected and use below SQL to set it on
ALTER DATABASE DM_<repository_name>_docbase SET

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Microsoft SQL Server Missing
• Indexes
Please use below SQL to get the recommendation
from SQL server based on load and usage as to
which index creation might help
SELECT det.database_id, det.object_id,
DB_NAME(det.database_id) as [database_name],
OBJECT_NAME(det.object_id, database_id) AS [object_name],
grp.user_seeks, grp.user_scans,
det.equality_columns, det.inequality_columns,
det.included_columns, det.statement
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details det
INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups link ON
det.index_handle = link.index_handle
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats AS
grp ON link.index_group_handle = grp.group_handle
WHERE det.database_id >= 5
ORDER BY [database_name], [object_name]

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How to create indexes
• Indexes can be created directly in the RDBMS, or can be created from
within Documentum
• Indexes created in the RDBMS will not be “monitored” by Documentum
• Indexes created on repeating valued attributes will affect query
translation in different ways if they are created in the RDBMS vs. in
• Oracle:
create index myindex on dmr_content_r(i_parked_state,r_object_id)
tablespace DCTM_INDEX;
create index myindex on dmr_content_r(i_parked_state,r_object_id)
• Documentum API:
• Documentum DQL:
EXECUTE make_index WITH type_name= 'dmr_content', attribute=

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How to create indexes cont.
• DQL Query
select r_object_id, object_name from dm_document
where any keywords='repeating1'

• No dmi_index on keywords:
select all dm_document.r_object_id, dm_document.object_name
from dm_document_sp dm_document where (
exists (select r_object_id from dm_sysobject_r where
dm_document.r_object_id = r_object_id and keywords='repeating1'))
and (dm_document.i_has_folder = 1 and dm_document.i_is_deleted = 0)

• With dmi_index on keywords:

select all dm_document.r_object_id, dm_document.object_name
from dm_document_sp dm_document where (dm_document.r_object_id
in (select r_object_id from dm_sysobject_r where
and (dm_document.i_has_folder = 1 and dm_document.i_is_deleted = 0)

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Troubleshooting SR #1
Description of the issue:
• Customer running into Oracle error with max processes ORA-20 -
Maximum Processes Exceeded
Steps taken:
• Worked with DBA and verified the MAX resource utilization use
following SQL as DBA
SQL>select * from v$resource_limit where resource_name in
('sessions', 'processes');

• Verified concurrent Documentum sessions in use in the server.ini and limit the
same to customer requirement as
Server.ini under [SERVER_STARTUP] section
# This controls the number of concurrent users that can
# be connected to the server at any given time.
concurrent_sessions = 100

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Troubleshooting SR #1 Cont.
• Calculated max concurrent session and set the limit in server.ini based
on usage
• Set the oracle initialization parameters with respect to same as :
processes = 2 * total number of concurrent_session in
sessions = processes * 1.1 + 5

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Troubleshooting SR #2
Description of the issue:
• Customer with SQL Server back end started seeing poor performance
with folder navigation and folder display over time
Steps taken:
• Captured the dfc trace from client application for poor performance see
SN : http://solutions.emc.com/emcsolutionview.asp?id=esg91393
• {Application}/WEB-INF/classes/dfc.properties file

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Troubleshooting SR #2
• Reviewed query timings and responses in the trace and located long
running DQL query

• Using DA/IDQL captured SQL for the issue DQL

Option 1: Use DA DQL Editor
– enable “Show the SQL” checkbox
– Text area has a size limitation so the query may be cut off

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Troubleshooting SR #2 Cont
Option 2: Using IAPI on content server
– Login using IAPI and use same user ID to reproduce issue ( Avoid
using install owner user to reproduce issue if issue is related to end
user performance)

– Turn on SQL trace for user session by:

API> trace,c,1,,SQL_TRACE
Please note the trace turn on flag is 1 (One) and extra comma is needed
– Execute issue query as ex:
API> ?,c, select 1,upper(object_name),r_object_id,object_name,r_object_type

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Troubleshooting SR #2 Cont
– SQL trace will be captured under the user session log which can be
found on content server under folder:
– Turn off SQL trace for user session by:
API> trace,c,0,,SQL_TRACE
Please note the trace turn off flag is 0 (Zero) and extra comma is needed

– Obtain the issue SQL and worked with DBA to analyze SQL performance
directly at database layer using SQL Studio

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Troubleshooting SR #2 Cont
– Executed SQL and noted execution time, found the issue SQL is using
multiple indexes however when looking at index properties and
fragmentation details found indexes are fragmented

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Troubleshooting SR #2 Cont
– Used SQL Management studio and selected Index Rebuild option from the
pop-up menu for each of the indexes

– Re-executed the SQL query in question and observed significant improvement

– Reviewed Documentum Job “dm_UpdateStats”

using DA and found the Job has been running
every week
– Looking at Job properties on Method tab the flag -
dbreindex was set to READ

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Troubleshooting SR #2 Cont
Solution Cont:
– Reviewed the Job report and found recommendation in the report on changing
flag to -dbreindex FIX and re-run to rebuild indexes on key tables
UpdateStats Report For DocBase <ABC> As Of 3/13/2012
-dbreindex READ. The tables listed below are fragmented.
Change to -dbreindex FIX and re-run if you want to reindex
these tables…
– Changed the Job Properties and updated Method tab to enable
-dbreindex READ to -dbreindex FIX
– Re-ran the “dm_UpdateStats” job and reviewed/validated the job report
– Validated system performance and issue was resolved.

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Troubleshooting SR #3
Description of the issue:
• Poor Taskspace performance with opening Inbox items/Tasklist when
processes have many process variables and use more than one SDTs
Steps taken:
• Captured the dfc trace from client application for poor performance see
SN : http://solutions.emc.com/emcsolutionview.asp?id=esg91393
• Reviewed trace and found query as below repeating multiple times over
and over
SELECT r_object_id, sd_element_name, sd_element_type FROM dm_process
(ALL) where any sd_element_name=‘CUSTOMER_SDT'

• This issue is due to SDT/attribute not found in cache forcing caching

framework to query over and over
• This new caching framework was introduced in 6.6

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Troubleshooting SR #3 Cont.
• Increase default configuration of the number of cache element in
memory when using many process variables/many SDT
• Locate the file bpm-cache-ext.jar on the deployed Taskspace
application on application server under {taskspace}/WEB-INF/lib/bpm-
•• Extract
ChangethetheJar file andvalue
following edit config/ehcacheExt.xml
from 100 to 1000 From : file
<cache name="BPMPVNameToPVInfoCache" maxElementsInMemory="100“
eternal="false" overflowToDisk="false" timeToIdleSeconds="3600"
timeToLiveSeconds="3600" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU">
To :
<cache name="BPMPVNameToPVInfoCache" maxElementsInMemory="1000"
eternal="false" overflowToDisk="false" timeToIdleSeconds="3600"
timeToLiveSeconds="3600" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU">

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Troubleshooting SR #3 Cont.
Solution Cont:
• Rebuild the Jar file bpm-cache-ext.jar with edited xml file

• Deploy the new jar file after taking backup of existing jar under
• Redeploy the new application and restart application server

• Try to reproduce the issue and review DFC trace, the repeating query
should not reappear.

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Resources Posted to Powerlink
• Support Solutions:
– Enabling Tracing via dfc.properties
– TaskSpace may face performance problems querying tasklists showing S.DT Data
– Performance issue with Tasklist
– SQL Server 2005 equivalent for CURSOR_SHARING in ORACLE DB
– Performance is very slow when user belong to many groups
– History tab is very slow

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Question And Answers


Vipul Kapadia
Subject Matter Expert (SME)

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